small farmer

Chapter 24 Phoenix Wonders

Chapter 24 Phoenix Wonders
Chapter 24 Phoenix Wonders

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Zhangjiawan misty and rainy in the morning
Thick mist enveloped the whole world, and the Moon Lake was a vast expanse of whiteness.
The wisps of water vapor on the lake are like graceful fairies in white, dancing with the wind, and their light dancing posture is breathtaking.

Zhang Cheng opened the window and looked at the fairy-tale world outside the window. The fog was lingering, and it was like being in a fairyland.

Such beautiful scenery is really like a dream, as if it is just a dream, an illusory movie, but it is so real and so intoxicating.

The eastern sky is also getting brighter, and the thick fog can't resist the sun's rays. A round of red sun slowly emerges from the top of the mountain, giving people a feeling of holding a pipa and half covering their faces. It seems that the sun is like a pipa woman. So shy and beautiful.

The red sun is rising in the east, and its light is bright. No matter how thick the fog is, it cannot resist the power of nature. A gust of wind blows, and the fog covering the entire mountain and river gradually dissipates. However, after a cup of tea, it dissipates with the wind and disappears in the In this world, it seems to have returned to the sky.

The fiery red sun began to shine unscrupulously on the earth, and the calm Moon Lake was instantly dyed red, like a piece of dazzling ruby, inlaid on the earth, emitting a dazzling light, turning the reeds on the shore of the lake All dyed golden.

"Ah! It's so beautiful." When she opened the door and saw the beautiful red clouds in the east, her usually calm sister Zhang Lin couldn't help exclaiming. The beauty of nature is really amazing.

"Brother, look at the morning glow in the sky is really beautiful." The younger sister pointed to the red glow in the sky. Lifelike, as if real, this is a miracle of nature,
This may be the painting of God. He used the breeze as the brush and the sunlight to color it, creating a beautiful and earth-shattering picture scroll.

"Kach... Kacha..." Seeing such a beautiful phoenix, Zhang Feng couldn't sit still, holding his mobile phone and taking pictures non-stop, as if he wanted to put the beautiful phoenix in his photo album.

"Ah, I want to take pictures too..." She was too busy looking at the beautiful scenery in the sky, and forgot to keep this amazing scenery. Zhang Lin who reacted quickly ran back to the house, ran out with her mobile phone, and kept staring at the sky. patting.

Unbeknownst to Zhang Feng, such a beautiful celestial phenomenon has already shocked the entire mountain village. Many people who came from the city for morning exercises also raised their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures of this beautiful picture scroll, and even a few professional photographers were lucky enough to Take a picture of the phoenix in the sky.

Afterwards, everyone eagerly sent the photos of the phoenix morning glow to their circle of friends and their scarves. Such a beautiful scenery instantly made the circle of friends and fans of the scarf explode. It spread all over the Internet in no time, and even several major portal websites reprinted it one after another. It was extremely popular,
It's a pity that the beautiful scenery is fleeting, but within a minute or two, the dazzling fire phoenix disappeared with the wind, as if it had spread its wings and left the sky.

"Oh, what a pity." Zhang Lin sighed with regret.

"Second Sister, what are you doing?" The little girl woke up with sleepy eyes, saw her eldest brother and second sister holding a mobile phone, and asked for no reason.

"Hehe, the red clouds in the sky just now were so beautiful, look at the photos I just took..."

"Ah, let me see..." "Wow! It's so beautiful, is this really a phoenix?" The little girl was no longer completely overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery, and she couldn't tell the truth of the phoenix from the fake, just because the phoenix was so lifelike , just like the real thing.

"Could it be the special effects of some TV series?" Zhang Yue exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng and Zhang Lin also laughed.

"Ahhh!! Second sister, why didn't you call me just now, making me miss such a beautiful scenery, hum! hum! I want to repost, I want to post on Moments, just treat it as my own photo..." The little girl first said Complaining, then ran towards the computer holding Zhang Lin's cell phone.

"Hey, wait for me..." Zhang Lin followed immediately.

"Hehe, this little girl." Zhang Feng also found it very interesting to have such an ancient and spirited younger sister.

Watching the two younger sisters leave, Zhang Feng began to wash up. After washing up, he began to exercise every day. Cosmic gymnastics is indeed an alien technology. After practicing for ten days, Zhang Feng has already clearly felt the physical strength of his body. The change, not only the strength and speed have been strengthened, but also the potential of life has been improved. It is really a set of miraculous exercises.

After practicing gymnastics, Zhang Feng began to water the flowerbeds in the yard. Under the nourishment of the Japanese auxin, all kinds of small flowers in the mountains have changed from ugly ducklings to white swans, reborn, delicate and beautiful, and each one is full of vitality. Exuding a strong fragrance, the breeze blows gently, and the whole small courtyard is immersed in the fragrance of flowers.

"You planted these flowers, Xiaofeng?" At some point, the elder sister got up and walked behind Zhang Feng.

"Yes, they are all wild flowers I picked from Fengshan Mountain." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and every time he looked at the garden full of flowers, he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"It's so beautiful..." Zhang Qin, the eldest sister, took a deep breath and asked about the faint fragrance of flowers, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

After watering the wildflowers, Zhang Feng enthusiastically took pictures in the garden again. Blooming Rudbeckias, noble wild lilies, flaming cockscombs, and even the humble clover were included in Zhang Feng's photo album.

After taking the photos, Zhang Feng immediately sent all the photos he just took to Moments and the penguin group. Soon, the photos posted by Zhang Feng blew up many diving parties. Everyone was amazed at the beautiful scenery;

"Damn it! Is it really a phoenix? It's so beautiful!"

"I'll go, the phoenix above is not real, is it?"

"Tch, this looks fake, probably from P."

"On the top floor, I also think it's fake. It's probably a special effect from a TV show."

"Damn it! You are blind, you didn't see the shooting date on it, it looks like it was shot today, okay?"

"That's right, this photo is so natural, there is no trace of photo manipulation at all."

"If it's real, buddy, I'll broadcast live!"

"Yes! If it's true, I'll cut off the ****!"

"Hehe, why are you arguing? Let the lunatic come out and explain soon."

"That's right, the lunatic come out and explain, is this Phoenix real?"

"Madman, the party is calling for you..."

"Madman, the organization needs you..."

"Madman, the motherland needs you..."

Everyone at Zhang Feng

"Cough cough cough!!! I didn't expect buddy that I would be called by the party, the organization, and the motherland." Zhang Feng finally came out after the long-awaited call.

"I swear to God, the picture above must be real. It is the photo taken just now. Many people took pictures at that time. If you search the Internet, you may find it soon."

"Really? Then quickly search the Internet..."

Soon the people in the group disappeared in an instant, and they all searched the Internet. Soon everyone found similar pictures, and everyone was shocked. They didn't expect such a fantastic scene. Everyone can only sigh Zhang Feng's shit luck , Such a beautiful spectacle can be encountered, it is really rare in ten thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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