small farmer

Chapter 25 The Great Lunch

Chapter 25 The Great Lunch

Chapter 25 A Hearty Lunch
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Everyone found the photo of the phoenix spreading its wings

It's amazing, the uncanny workmanship of nature has created this beautiful picture scroll, everyone was shocked and exclaimed the magic of the world;
Such a beautiful phoenix can no longer be described in words. Only by seeing it can one understand its beauty and its supreme grace.

"Ah, why do I feel like I'm back in kindergarten, but I can't describe its beauty in words? Could it be that my Chinese language and literature diploma is fake..." A university alumnus complained to himself in the group.

"Oh, me too, I suddenly found out that my knowledge is so poor, what should I do? Do I want to go to a postdoctorate again?" A buddy who is studying for a Ph.D. also said helplessly.

"Haha!! Are you still watching the wonders of Phoenix? Why do I think the flowers in the courtyard of the lunatic's house seem to be pretty good too?"

"Yeah, the garden of the lunatic's house is so beautiful. My favorite is the golden chrysanthemum..."

"I'll go, the buddy upstairs actually has such a strong taste. My buddy is a modest gentleman, and the one I like the most is the noble orchid..."

"The one upstairs is too dirty, I think the most beautiful one is Wild Lily..."

"Go, go, go!!! How can I be dirty, people who like Lily have the nerve to say I'm dirty? Hehe, you're right, buddy, I'm the legendary king of dirty demons."

"I'll go, why is the one upstairs crooked? Is the picture of the madman we're talking about okay?"

"Madman, is the place in the photo your home? It's so beautiful, so beautiful."

"Yeah, living in such a beautiful country courtyard is really enviable..."

"The blue bricks and black tiles, the fragrance of wild flowers, the green trees and the beautiful mountains and clear waters are so beautiful..."

The lights and feasts of the city are good, but they also have to bear huge pressure of life, so everyone sees Zhang Feng's leisurely life in the country, which is really yearning and enviable.

"Madman, how about we go to your house this weekend?" Our high school buddies Houzi and Xiaopang couldn't help but send a private message to Zhang Feng.
They are also yearning for such a beautiful place. If it is not for going to work now, they all want to set off immediately and take a trip that just goes away.

"No problem, you should make the statistics first. If there are a few people coming, let me know when the time comes, so that I can prepare a place for everyone to eat and live." Zhang Feng was also very happy that everyone came to his house as guests.

"Haha, that's really great. I'll let you know when the statistics are finished. See you at the weekend."

"See Weekend!"

At the same time, Zhang Feng also posted the food photos taken these days on the Internet. Seeing the delicious fried eel, braised carp, pheasant stewed mushrooms, and the delicious red mushroom soup, everyone’s mouth watered. , attracting countless foodies.

"Crazy, can we still have fun?"

"Yeah, lunatic, you posted beautiful scenery and delicious food, you are tempting us to commit crimes, you know?"

"That's right, damn madman, what should I do if I don't want to go to work?"

"Why don't we go to his house on weekends to eat and drink, to feed him poorly, and to see how he's still pissed off."

"The suggestion upstairs is very good. If you want to go, hurry up and sign up here. You Are the One, count the number of people and get ready to receive everyone."

"Brother Monkey, I want to sign up..."

"Brother, add me, I have time this weekend."

"Hey, buddy, can I get reimbursed for the air ticket in S Hai?"

"Crazy, can I reimburse the air ticket in New York?"

"Crazy, can I reimburse the air ticket in London?"

"I'll go, the upstairs is too close, I'm on Mars, can I get reimbursed for the spaceship ticket?"

"I have prepared a 'Super Teleportation Talisman' for everyone, and anyone who wants to come can teleport it by themselves." Seeing these funny guys, Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

The high school class group gradually became lively. Although everyone wanted to go, many of them were working in other provinces, so weekends were not realistic at all. In the end, only five or six students who worked nearby confirmed their itinerary and planned to go to Zhangjiawan Eat big.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Zhang Feng got off the Internet and prepared to make lunch.

Since his sister had just come back, and his two younger sisters were also at home, Zhang Feng was going to kill the pheasant and cook a stewed pheasant with mushrooms for everyone at noon.

"Is brother at home?"

"Are you here? What's the matter? You didn't do business today?" Zhang Feng asked turning around while he was killing a chicken.

"It's the off-season recently, so I didn't go because there was no business." Zhang Yi shook his head and said.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Zhang Feng asked curiously when he saw this guy holding a basin.

"Oh, this is the snail I caught two days ago. Isn't this the elder sister's return? I'll bring it here for the elder sister to taste." Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"Have you processed all the snails?" Zhang Feng asked after taking half a pot of snails.

"It's been processed. I soaked it in salt and vegetable oil for two days."

Escargots are common molluscs in rural areas. They usually live near ditches or reservoirs. Summer and autumn are really good seasons to catch them. Escargots are at their most delicious at this time.

"What did Xiaoyi bring here?" At this moment, Zhang's mother came out.

"It's nothing but some snails."

"Xiaoyi has grown up so much, come in and let my sister have a look." The eldest sister saw her cousin Zhang Yi waving in surprise.

"Hey! Sister." Zhang Yi responded with a smile all over his face.

"I haven't even visited my second uncle and aunt when I came back. Are they all in good health?"

"It's alright, you're in great shape! It's delicious!" Zhang Yi replied playfully.

"You monkey! Go back and tell your mother not to cook, come over to eat later, you know?" Wang Guilan smiled and ordered.

"Understood, ma'am."

About a quarter of an hour later, the second uncle, second aunt, and Zhang Yi came over. The two families were already close to each other, and the distance between them was only five or sixty meters, which was very convenient.

The second uncle and the second aunt were also very happy to see the eldest niece whom they hadn’t seen for three years. The elder sister Zhang Qin also gave them the presents she brought herself. The gift to the second uncle was a sweater, and the gift to the second aunt was a down jacket. , and Zhang Yi also has one.

The second uncle and the second aunt were also very happy to receive the gift from the eldest niece. The family chatted lively about various interesting things. As a chef, Zhang Feng could only get into the kitchen and prepare to cook.

The main course at noon is chicken stewed with mushrooms, spicy beef, dry-stir-fried eel, stir-fried escargot, and a green pepper ham. Finally, Zhang Feng made a few side dishes, stir-fried Chinese cabbage, vinegared eggplant, and sliced ​​cucumber , and finally there is a delicious red mushroom soup.

Among them, the beef and ham were just brought over by the second uncle and the second aunt. Zhang Feng couldn't help swallowing when he thought of how delicious the lunch was, and his enthusiasm for cooking was high.

Hearing the sound of cooking in the kitchen and smelling the tempting aroma, Zhang Yue and Zhang Yi rushed into the kitchen impatiently.

"It's just in time for the two of you to come in. Xiaoyi will light the fire for me, and Xiaoyue will help me chop the ginger and shallots." As soon as the two came in, Zhang Feng arrested the young man.

"Oh brother, we will become your helpers as soon as we come in?"

"Look at what you said, I'm not cooking for you to eat."

"It seems to be the same!" The little girl thought for a while and began to chop vegetables depressed.

"You girl chop vegetables so slowly, get out of the way, and watch me." Seeing the little girl's nonchalant look, Zhang Feng pushed her away, and suddenly the knife was like flying, crackling, and the chopping was done in two or three strokes condiments.

Seeing Zhang Feng's miraculous knife skills, Zhang Yue and Zhang Yi were completely stunned, and couldn't be more shocked. They have never seen such experienced knife skills, and it is estimated that professional chefs have experienced the same.

Afterwards, the two were completely stunned by Zhang Feng's cooking skills. Seeing Zhang Feng's cooking skills with such lightness, the two really admired Zhang Feng's cooking skills.

"Brother, from now on I won't help anyone, but I will obey you."

"Hehe, you girl..."

The three of them were playing and cooking in the kitchen, and the fun time passed quickly. About an hour and a half later, Zhang Feng finally cooked all the dishes, and Zhang Yi and Zhang Yue brought the dishes to the On the table outside, looking at a table of rich and delicious food, the two greedy cats did not know how much they ate.

(End of this chapter)

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