small farmer

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Guests come
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"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

At noon, everyone was preparing to eat when they heard a knock on the door.

"Is brother at home?" Zhang Feng hurried out when he heard a voice that sounded like Fatty Niu.

"Ah, Brother Niu is here," Zhang Feng came out and saw that there was a 27-year-old beauty beside Fatty Niu, and the two of them were holding hands. "Brother Niu, is this sister-in-law?"

"Hehe, brother, this is your sister-in-law——Li Qingqing." Fatty Niu immediately introduced her.

"Hi sister-in-law, welcome to our house as a guest."

"You are Xiaofeng, I'm sorry to bother you. I saw the wonders of the Phoenix on the Internet today, so I couldn't help but come over to have a look." Li Qingqing said with a slight smile.

"Don't bother, don't bother, if you can come, it's because of the brilliance. Brother Niu and sister-in-law, let's go into the house quickly." Then Zhang Feng led the two into the yard.

"Hey! Brother Niu (Xiaoniu) is here, hurry up and sit down." The family members also came out and greeted Niu Zhong one after another.

"Hello auntie, hello second uncle and second aunt, this is my lover Li Qingqing..."


After everyone introduced each other, Fatty Niu was invited to the house to have dinner together.

Knowing that Fatty Niu likes to drink, Zhang Feng called Uncle Er Niu to accompany him, "Uncle Er Niu is here to drink, by the way! Remember to bring two catties of glutinous rice wine."

Uncle Er Niu suddenly laughed and scolded: "You bastard, you invite people to drink and let others bring their own drinks?"

"Hey, isn't this your glutinous rice wine delicious?" Zhang Feng said with a rogue with a smile.

Soon, Uncle Er Niu brought two jars of glutinous rice wine to Zhang Feng's house.

"Uncle Er Niu is here, fill up quickly, Brother Niu is here as a guest today, let's have a good drink..."

Soon, the men seemed to be drinking, and the women were eating while talking about the amazing beauty of this morning, the magical Phoenix sunrise, it is really amazing, it is a pity that I couldn't see it.

Li Qingqing, in particular, was originally attracted by the wonders of Phoenix today. When she learned that Zhang Yue and Zhang Lin had taken photos at that time, she was even more envious. If she was not eating, she would have asked Zhang Yue to show it to her immediately. have a look.

Li Qingqing loves traveling the most, and she likes beautiful scenery very much, especially the rare phoenix spectacle that appeared here, which fascinated her even more.

The phoenix often appears in traditional Chinese culture. It is a beautiful mythical beast. Whether it is the beauty of phoenix Yufei's poems in "The Book of Songs" or the strong pursuit of love in "Feng Qiu Huang", the phoenix always gives people a kind of A beautiful image, a kind of beauty, a sense of unattainable mystery.

That's why the appearance of the phoenix spectacle this time aroused everyone's heated discussions, detonated the entire Internet, and even attracted many tourists to Moon Lake for tourism.


"Well, my brother's craftsmanship seems to have improved again, and these dishes are more delicious than last time." Fatty Niu praised while eating.

"Hehe, as long as Brother Niu likes it." Zhang Feng was also very happy to see that others liked his cooking, and said with a slight smile.

"However, brother, the ingredients in your house should not be simple, right?" Fatty Niu has traveled all over the world and eaten countless delicacies. It can be said that almost all the ingredients he has eaten can be compiled into a "Encyclopedia of Chinese Ingredients".

"Hey, Brother Niu can eat this too?" Zhang Feng was very surprised. He knew exactly what happened to his own vegetables. These vegetables were all watered with the dilution of Rihua auxin, so the taste and quality must be better.

"Hey, brother, I'm a special foodie, okay?" Fatty Niu said with a wink.

"Look at this cucumber. It looks crystal clear, like a piece of green emerald. It tastes crispy and delicious without a trace of bitterness. This is the best cucumber I've ever eaten." Fatty Niu continued to explain that anyone who is familiar with cucumbers knows I know that although cucumbers are delicious, most of them are a little bitter, especially the roots of cucumbers, which are so bitter that they cannot be swallowed.

"And this cabbage, which is crystal clear, is really like a work of art. It tastes sweet and delicious, unlike ordinary cabbage, which is bland and needs to be seasoned to be delicious."

"Huh! That's really the case, Niu Dao is really knowledgeable..." Second Uncle Niu tasted it, and found that it was really different from his own cucumber and cabbage, so he immediately liked Niu Fatty's explanation.

"Hehe, it's okay, brother, I'm in the catering business..." Fatty Niu said modestly, but his mouth was crooked with joy.

"Come on, second uncle, brother Erniu, Xiaofeng, let's have a drink." Niu Zhong, who had eaten happily, raised his glass and said.



The female relatives on the other side had already had their fill of food, the mother and second aunt were chatting under the eaves, and Li Qingqing and the three sisters of the Zhang family were chatting about the photos taken today.

Every picture of the beautiful scenery of Phoenix can arouse everyone's exclamation, which is really a magical workmanship of nature, which is extremely miraculous.

Everyone is wondering whether this is the phoenix robe specially made by the Emperor of Heaven for the Queen Mother of the West Heaven. Perhaps only the master craftsmen in the sky can have such ingenious skills, and can have such a skill, using the wind as the cut and the cloud as the thread. The cutting art of cutting out this earth-shattering fairy phoenix robe.

"Ah! Why do you feel so tired..." About half an hour later, the little girl sat down on the recliner, and then lay on all fours and muttered.

"Yeah, take a break, maybe everyone was too excited just now..." Afterwards, several people sat down and stretched, or took a deep breath.

"Huh!" Resting for a while, Li Qingqing saw the wild flowers in the yard, her eyes lit up, "Oh, I didn't realize that there are so many wild flowers in the yard just now, so beautiful." She took a deep breath, smelling the faint fragrance in the air. The aroma is very enjoyable.

"Is that a wild chrysanthemum?"

"This one, is it a cockscomb?"

"Ah! The wild lily over there is so noble and beautiful."

"Who planted these flowers? They are so beautiful." Li Qingqing was envious, and wished that she had such a beautiful farmyard.

"Hee hee, isn't it beautiful? My brother picked these flowers from Fengshan Mountain!" Zhang Yue proudly introduced.

Li Qingqing fell in love with Zhang's wild flowers and such a beautiful farmyard.

On the other side, Fatty Niu also fell in love with the same thing from Zhang Feng's family, that is, vegetables from Zhang Feng's family. As a restaurant owner, Fatty Niu is more sensitive to high-end ingredients than everyone else. When encountering such good ingredients, Of course he won't let it go.

"Xiaofeng, how about selling your vegetables to me?" Fatty Niu looked at Zhang Feng expectantly and said.

"What are you selling? Brother Niu, if you like it, just pick it." Zhang Feng thought what Fatty Niu was going to do, but when he heard that it was vegetables, he couldn't eat that much anyway, so he said it nonchalantly.

"Xiaofeng, you misunderstood. I mean to supply vegetables to my restaurant." Fatty Niu explained with a light smile.

"For the restaurant?" After thinking for a while, Zhang Feng said, "My family probably doesn't have enough vegetables." Zhang Feng also went to Fatty Niu's restaurant. The business is so good and so popular, how can it be possible to count on the vegetables in his backyard?

"That's right. I'm going to develop a few high-end private rooms, specializing in private dishes. With your vegetables, my brother, they will definitely become popular." Fatty Niu is very sensitive to business opportunities. When he encounters such good vegetables, he immediately thinks of new money. road.

"That's it, is that okay?" Hearing Fatty Niu's words, Zhang Feng tentatively agreed.

Then the two reached a verbal agreement. From now on, Zhang Feng's family will provide Niu Zhong's restaurant with 15 to 30 catties of vegetables every day. Cabbage costs [-] yuan per catty, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, etc. [-] yuan, and onions, garlic, ginger, coriander, etc. The seasoning is [-] yuan a catty.

For such a good price for his own vegetables, Zhang Feng was very happy, and Fatty Niu was even happier. He didn't know how many high-end diners these vegetables would bring him, how much wealth they would bring, and most importantly, invisible connections.

(End of this chapter)

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