small farmer

Chapter 27 Tour Moon Lake

Chapter 27 Tour Moon Lake
The new book list has been blown up time and time again, and we urgently need your support. Where are your favorites and recommendations?
Zhangjiawan is surrounded by Moon Lake

As Moon Lake became a tourist attraction, another name of Zhangjiawan——Moon Lake Village became more widely known, and the original name was gradually forgotten.

After drinking and eating, the young people took pleasure in visiting Moon Lake, walking under the viewing trees by the lake, enjoying the gentle breeze, the willows, the shimmering waves, and a beautiful view of the lake and mountains.

I remember that an ancient poet wrote such a poem:

The water is shimmering and the sun is good, and the mountains are empty and rainy.If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.

There is no doubt about the beauty of West Lake, but in Zhang Feng's eyes, the Moon Lake in front of him is not inferior.

If West Lake is a big star with unlimited scenery, then Moon Lake is the little family jade in the boudoir, each with its own style and charm.

"ah!beautiful moon lake

Beautiful mountains, beautiful water.

Beautiful wind, beautiful rain.

I really love you and your natural freshness.

"Haha, how about my wife? Seeing such a beautiful scenery, your husband and I suddenly became very interested in poetry. Let's write a poem. Let's taste it." Fatty Niu drank a lot of wine, and said in a daze.

"You're going to die, you're so embarrassing." Li Qingqing glared at Niu Zhong, and then looked at everyone embarrassedly, thinking that having such a husband is really embarrassing to death.

"Hee hee hee!! Brother Niu's poems are really fun!" The little girl couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Brother Niu to have such a talent. I think it's much better than the modern poems written by the head and chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles in Hunan Province." Zhang Feng also said jokingly.

"Hey, you still have taste." Fatty Niu winked and said.

Fatty Niu's words made everyone burst into laughter.

Zhang Feng remembered that the chairman and chairperson of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles who once became popular on the Internet had made many masterpieces that shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods.

One of them reads:
"International Health Care Consumer Guide Like"

There is a guide for international consumption, which is a small publication.

Health care consumption is very obvious, and I praise it in my poems.

All technicians serve well, and all customers are happy.

Today I am happy to wash my feet, and tomorrow I will walk to climb the mountain.

Zhang Feng felt that it was a waste of his time to comment on such a poem, and somehow some people had the nerve to publish it on the Internet. In the end, it really became popular on the Internet and became popular all over the country as the poet expected.

Sure enough, when everyone heard the modern poems of this "great" poet, they were immediately shocked as "heaven and man". It is really a bright "wonderful flower" in the poetry world. The swan song, the Li Sao without rhyme.

Everyone complained one after another. They never expected that there would be such an absurd poet. The absurd poems could be written better by seven or eight year olds.

After listening to the great poet's poems, Fatty Niu laughed out loud, and finally found his psychological balance. Unexpectedly, there was someone worse than him, and the poems he wrote couldn't even be regarded as doggerel.

Talking and laughing, everyone is strolling on the sightseeing path, admiring the lakes and mountains in front of us. In fact, there are many beautiful scenery around us, but we are in a hurry every day, rushing for life, and we can't stop. Careful taste is like As the great philosopher said, life does not lack beauty, but it lacks eyes that are good at discovering beauty.

So when you are busy, don't forget to stop and appreciate the beauty in life. This will not only reduce the pressure of life, but also make our life more fun.

Strolling by the Moon Lake, the breeze is blowing, and it is extremely refreshing. The beautiful scenery here attracts many tourists every day. Because it is only four or five kilometers away from the county seat, the uncles and aunts in the county often take the bus to relax here.

So there are uncles and aunts sitting on the ground or fishing on the horses everywhere by the lake. Of course, there are also young men and women talking about love here.

"Ah! I caught a big fish, someone caught a big fish!" Walking and walking, the little girl who was looking around suddenly exclaimed.

Looking along the little girl's fingers, everyone saw an old man in his sixties or seventies, holding on to the fishing rod tightly. There were big fish in the water struggling constantly, and the fishing rod was about to be bent to 70 degrees.

"I'm going to suffer..." Seeing that the fish in the water was so big, almost one meter, Zhang Feng had a premonition that the old man might not be able to hold it, so Zhang Feng hurried over to help.

Sure enough, the big fish suddenly plunged, and the old man staggered, and was about to be dragged into the water. At this critical moment, Zhang Feng caught the old man with quick eyesight, and in the blink of an eye, the fishing rod in the old man's hand was taken by the big fish. It was really dangerous to be dragged into the water. If it weren't for Zhang Feng's sharp eyesight and quick hands, the consequences would be really unpredictable.

"Ah, my fishing rod and my fish..." Regardless of Zhang Feng's tugging, the old man actually wanted to pounce on and grab the fishing rod. Zhang Feng was shocked. He really didn't expect such a desperate person to fish.

"Oh! The fish are gone..."

"It's true, old man, fishing is life-threatening, really..." The little girl snorted coldly, frowning and said to the old man.

Hearing what the little girl said, the old man calmed down quickly, and kept apologizing to Zhang Feng and said to everyone: "Ah, I'm really sorry, thank you little brother, I made everyone laugh, because it's the first time I caught such a big fish. fish, so I was a little excited, I am very sorry for causing trouble to everyone..."

"It's okay, old man, you must pay attention to safety when fishing. Next time you encounter such a big fish, you must quickly call for help. If it doesn't work, just cut off the fishing line." Seeing the old man's attitude, Zhang Feng smiled slightly Speaking of.

"Yes, sir, safety is the first priority, if the fish is gone, you can catch again..."

"Yes, sir, you should pay more attention next time..."

The situation just now shocked everyone. The crowd of onlookers warned the old man one after another, hoping that the old man should pay attention to safety. It is not worthwhile to lose his life for fishing.
So when you catch a big fish, don't be excited, you must be calm, otherwise you may not be the one who catches the big fish, but you may be caught by the big fish.

"Oh! You really don't want to die, you old man. You want to catch a fish and go to the lake. If you want to die, you can just jump down..." At some point, the old man's wife ran over anxiously, Pulling the old man to cover his head and face is a lesson.

Knowing that the old man had learned his lesson and realized the seriousness of the problem, Zhang Feng and the others got out of the crowd and continued walking forward.

"Husband, how about we take a boat ride?" After walking, everyone came to the small pier. Seeing a few small pleasure boats tied to the pier, Li Qingqing eagerly proposed.

"Okay, let's take a boat ride, master, how much is it for a boat ride?" Niu Zhong suddenly became interested.

"Is Uncle Seven's business going well?"

"Little Seventh Uncle..."

The boatman is from the village, and he is the cousin of Zhang Feng and others. Zhang Feng and his brothers and sisters rushed to say hello.

"Hey, Xiaoqin and Xiaofeng, you guys want to take the boat, do you still need to spend money? Come on." Xiao Qishu's boat is not big, and it can only take seven or eight guests at a time. Zhang Feng and the others are not polite, so they leave quickly Go up, and then consciously put on a life jacket. If you don't wear this thing, you will be fined if you are caught.

After untying the anchor, Xiao Qishu started the boat, and the boat sailed slowly towards the lake.

The breeze is coming slowly, and the water waves are calm. Every time you go boating on Moon Lake, you will have a different feeling. Sitting on the bow of the boat, the breeze is blowing on your face, and your clothes are fluttering, which makes you feel refreshed.

This made Zhang Feng resonate with Su Dongpo's famous sentence through the ages: Hao Hao is like Feng Xu riding the wind, but he doesn't know where it ends;

Zhang Feng's cheeky exclamation, it is true that the hero sees the same thing, did not expect that the famous poet through the ages would have the same feeling as himself.

(End of this chapter)

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