small farmer

Chapter 231 Expanding the Scale

Chapter 231 Expanding the Scale (22)

"That's really bothering you, Xiaofeng!"

The uncle was very happy to get Zhang Feng's promise, and thanked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Uncle, let's make it clear first. My potion is relatively expensive. It costs 50 yuan a bottle. A bottle can only hit one acre of fruit trees, and the taste of these fruits is definitely not comparable to that of my family. So can the fruits be sold in the end? I can't guarantee a high price!" Zhang Feng said seriously.

"What? Could it be that the one you use is different from the one produced in the factory??" the uncle asked in surprise.

"The ones I use are carefully made in the laboratory. The effect of large-scale production in the factory will definitely be worse. Moreover, the fruity fragrance I use is 500 yuan a bottle, which is too expensive, so the factory has to reduce the dosage of the medicine in order to reduce the price. It is effective, but the effect is not bad, you must make this matter clear to everyone, and don't come to trouble me and say that I deceive everyone." Zhang Feng explained seriously.

"So, what is the effect of the medicine??" The uncle asked again.

"The efficacy of the medicine is estimated to be half of what I use, but even if it is only half, it is ten times better than similar products on the market, and the fruit that has been treated with this medicine must be better than ordinary fruit. How much better is it? There is no guarantee." Zhang Feng continued to explain.

"Hehe, that's the way it is. I think it's pretty good. The price is ten times cheaper. It doesn't matter if the medicine is a little less effective. And it's only 50 yuan a bottle. I think everyone will be willing to buy it." The uncle breathed a sigh of relief and thought the medicine The effect is quite different. In fact, as long as the fruit tastes better than ordinary ones, it can be sold at a high price, and everyone will definitely be willing to buy it.

"If you don't want to buy it, forget it. Uncle, please let me know." Zhang Feng smiled. Anyway, good things have been produced, and whether they are used or not is up to everyone.

"Don't worry, I will make it clear to everyone, Xiaofeng, I will go back first!"

"Uncle, go slowly..."


Looking at the back of my uncle leaving

Zhang Feng wondered whether expanding the scale of vegetable planting could be put on the agenda
According to my plan with Yiyi, the expanded part will be handed over to the villagers. I only need to provide resources and technologies such as seeds, fertilizers, and non-toxic pesticides, and the sales will be completely handed over to Liu Yiyi.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, at this moment Liu Yiyi happily walked in.

"Crazy what are you doing?"

"Yiyi, come and sit down. After the autumn harvest, the fields will be free. I'm just thinking about our vegetable planting." Zhang Feng got up quickly and said with a smile.

"Yes, it is time to expand the scale, but the purchase price in the future should not be too high, otherwise my fruit thinning shop will not make any money at all. What's the point of being so busy?" Liu Yiyi raised her mouth and asked Zhang Feng. Protested, because the vegetables sold for Zhang Feng cost almost no money.

"Hehe, don't worry, it won't be like before..." Then Zhang Feng revealed his plan.

"Oh... I understand, what you mean is that you will grow the top vegetables and supply them exclusively to high-end hotels, and the remaining vegetables that are slightly inferior will be handed over to everyone. Such vegetables are slightly cheaper and are more likely to be sold by the market. Accept??" Liu Yiyi asked after carefully listening to Zhang Feng's explanation.

"Yes, that's it. We provide seeds and technology, and the villagers are responsible for planting. As long as the standards are met, we will buy them at a price of five or six yuan per catty, and then sell them at a price of 20 yuan per catty. We can all make money, so we can achieve a win-win situation!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Don't think that the purchase price of five or six yuan a catty is very low. In fact, it is already very high. The large-scale purchase price of ordinary vegetables is only five or six cents a catty. To be able to grow three or four thousand catties of vegetables is an income of more than 1 yuan, and the net income of more than [-] yuan is also paid out for various costs.

The most important thing is that this is an acre of land, and the income of one crop of vegetables for two months is calculated by planting two acres of vegetables per household. One crop matures in two months, except for the coldest two months in winter. You can also grow five crops of vegetables. You can earn at least 10 yuan per mu, 10,000 yuan for two acres of land, and [-] yuan if you plant five crops a year. And this is the most conservative estimate. Zhang Feng thinks that as long as there is no problem with sales, It is no problem for everyone to plant, so it is very easy for everyone to earn [-]+ a year.

"Then how much should we expand the planting area?" Liu Yiyi asked a key question.

"It depends on how your sales channels are?" Zhang Feng asked back.

"Then let's be more conservative. Let's try to get [-] to [-] acres first, so that even if the fruit thinning shop can't sell it all, it can be provided to other hotels. Anyway, our vegetables are of good quality and we are not afraid that we will not be able to sell them. It's just that In this way, our profit will be less." Liu Yiyi thought for a while and said.

"Hehe, I think forty or fifty mu is about the same. Although everyone wants to make a fortune, there are definitely not many people who really dare to try. Everyone must want others to try the water first. Only when they see others make money , they will join in.” Zhang Feng is very clear about the thoughts of the villagers, most of them have no vision, no self-motivation, just want to wait for the success, and join when there is no risk.

But who makes everyone a fellow countryman, and everyone who has such an idea is probably afraid of poverty. As the saying goes, Qian Zhuang is cowardly, as long as you have money, everyone will have the spirit of adventure and self-motivation.
As the saying goes, people are poor with short ambitions and horses are thin with long hair. Zhang Feng has been poor for so many years, so he understands everyone's mentality and understands everyone's thoughts.
The poor can benefit the whole world if they are good at themselves. Now that they have the conditions, helping others to get rich is just a little effort, and this kind of life is meaningful.

In the end, the two finally reached an agreement, Zhang Feng provided the planting technology, while Liu Yiyi was in charge of sales, and the final profit was shared equally between the two. Both of them were very satisfied with such conditions.

After that, I just need to communicate with everyone to see how many people in the village are willing to sign up, and finally divide the share according to the number of people. However, Zhang Feng estimates that it would be good if more than ten families sign up. After all, most of the young and middle-aged people in the village have gone out to work. The rest are old, weak, sick and disabled, and many people still have various concerns, so there will definitely not be too many people who sign up.

"Yiyi has eaten!" Grandma Liu's voice came from the door.

"Got it, grandma, I'll come right away..." Liu Yiyi responded loudly.

"Crazy, I'll go back first!" Liu Yiyi turned her head and said softly to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, you go back to eat first, let's see you later."

"see you later!"

After Liu Yiyi left, Sister Zhang Feng was busy communicating with customers, so she went back to the house and started cooking.

 I will update here today, continue to ask for subscriptions and tickets, I hope you can support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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