small farmer

Chapter 232 The 'Honest' Old Man

Chapter 232 The 'Honest' Old Man (Thanks to the lively rewards from book friends)
The next day

had lunch
Zhang Feng took out the tea leaves he roasted and put them on the stone table to dry, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight, because it is best to dry them automatically in the shade, so that the tea leaves taste better and more pure.

As soon as the tea leaves are taken out, you can smell a strong fragrance. Taking a deep breath, you feel very refreshing. Zhang Feng is smiling, knowing that the tea leaves he roasted are considered a success, and the taste should be very good. I really want to taste them right away. Homemade bitter tea.

Action is worse than action, Zhang Feng immediately went back to the house to boil water, took out the purple sand pot used by his grandfather to wash it several times, and prepared to make a pot of fresh bitter tea for himself, wanting to see how the tea he roasted for the first time was.
The brewing of bitter tea is very simple:
One is to boil the water,

The second is to have good water quality, preferably high-quality water such as mineral water, spring water or purified water. The tap water used at home is actually mountain spring water, which originates from the depths of Qinglong Mountain.

The third is to choose porcelain or pottery to make tea sets, which tastes better.

The fourth is to put less amount. Kudingcha has the characteristics of less amount, strong flavor and resistance to brewing.Although the intensity of drinking tea varies from person to person, it is difficult to generalize.

Generally speaking, a Kuding tea bud with one bud and two three leaves is usually 0.3-0.4g in weight, and it is mixed with 1000ml of boiling water for drinking as it is brewed.For first-time drinkers, it doesn't seem too weak at all.Even if several people drink the same pot of tea, it is not possible to brew a large amount of Kudingcha. Instead, one or two sticks should be placed at a time until the taste fades and the tea buds are chewed for better results.

The fifth is hot drinks, especially for those with stomach-cold diseases, but for those without stomach problems, the cool Kuding tea is sweet and refreshing, refreshing and refreshing.

Zhang Feng doesn't pay much attention to making and drinking tea. He likes to drink tea without asking for a deep understanding. What he drinks is just a feeling, and he doesn't have too many requirements for the tea itself.

After boiling the water, grab a handful of bitter tea and put it in the purple clay pot, then pour boiling water to fill the tea pot. The moment the boiling water is poured, there will be a fragrance of tea leaves, and Zhang Feng will feel refreshed when he smells it lightly Refreshing.

A pot of tea, a cup of tea, a friend and a mulberry for a lifetime.

Make a pot of tea, sit leisurely in the small farmyard with the fragrance of flowers and plants, chat with friends, and reminisce about the youthful memories of those years. This is Zhang Feng's pursuit. Simple is happiness.

"Hmm! It smells so good, Xiaofeng, what kind of tea are you brewing? It's so fragrant!!" Zhang Feng was sitting at the stone table. He had just poured himself a cup of tea and was about to savor it. Yes, the old man's eyes lit up when he smelled such a fragrant tea. For him, such a strong tea fragrance is really an unbearable temptation.

"Old man, come and sit down quickly. This is the bitter tea I made myself. How does it taste after brewing?" Zhang Feng poured a new cup of tea for the old man as he spoke.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect you to be able to fry tea!!" The old man sat on the rattan chair and said impatiently, "How about letting me taste the tea you fried?"

"Mmm... Mmm, good tea, really rare good tea... I didn't expect you to have such a skill." The old man took a sip and couldn't help admiring,
Then he took another big sip and commented: "Ah, this tea is really rare and good. Although it is bitter in the mouth, it has a sweet aftertaste and lasts long. ?”

"Hey..." Zhang Feng was also very happy to be praised by the old man. He pointed to the bitter tea tree on the west side of the yard and said to the old man, "These teas are new teas that I roasted myself, and they are the tea leaves from that tea tree."

"What??? Are these tea leaves from that tea tree??" The old man couldn't believe it. Such a humble bitter tea tree could produce such fragrant tea leaves. Is it possible?
"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Did you really dig this tea tree from the mountain??" The old man still didn't quite believe it. How could you dig a wild tea tree from the mountain to become the best?
"Of course it's true. It was dug at the Temple of Qinglong Mountain, and everyone in the tea tree village there knows about it!!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly to understand the surprise of the old man.

"Tsk tsk! I don't know how to describe you kid. It's just shit luck. Such a good tea tree has been found?" The old man shook his head and sighed, and continued to take a sip of tea and asked expectantly: "Xiaofeng , do you still have this kind of tea tree there?"

"Yes, yes, but..."

"But what??" Seeing Zhang Feng's hesitation, the old man asked anxiously.

"The tea trees there are just ordinary bitter tea trees. After they were found in the village, the county invited experts to look at them."

"Ordinary bitter tea tree??" The old man looked disbelieving, and then continued to ask: "Then why does the tea from your tea tree taste so good?"

"Could it be a mutation??" Before Zhang Feng could answer, the old man said to himself.

"Yeah, I'm also quite puzzled. Hearing what you said all the time, I think it must be a mutation." Zhang Feng couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding. He was worried that he didn't know how to explain it, but the old man provided such a powerful reason.

"Hey, what a pity!" The old man originally wanted to dig a tree, but he didn't expect such a result.

The old man looked at the tea leaves drying on the side, grabbed a few tea leaves, squeezed them, sniffed them, and couldn't help sighing, "It's really good tea!"

Seeing that Zhang Feng got a cup like a cow's drink, the old man couldn't help but frowned, "You kid is really reckless, it's a waste to put such a good tea here, just give it to me! "

"Ah, don't, old man, can't you do this?" Seeing that the old man was about to take away all the tea leaves in the dustpan, Zhang Feng stood up immediately and said.

"You don't know how to taste tea, why keep it?"

"Save some for me anyway, if there are guests, it's easy to entertain, isn't it?" Zhang Feng said hastily.

"Accepting guests with such good tea? I'll give you two catties of fine tea later. It's enough for entertaining guests." As he spoke, the old man carried a dustpan of tea leaves and walked home.

"Hey, old man, my mother and sister haven't tasted the tea I made yet?"

"Okay, seeing how pitiful you are, I'll leave some for you. Go and get a matchbox, and I'll leave you a box!" the old man said with a smile.

"Matchbox???" Zhang Feng was a little confused?How much can a matchbox hold?
Then Zhang Feng knew that the old man was watching a joke at this time, so he said with a wry smile: "Grandpa, do you think I can use drawers to pack it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get a tea pot, I'll leave you one or two taels, which is enough for you to drink for a long time!" The old man really likes Zhang Feng's tea, and thinks it's a good idea to leave one or two taels for Zhang Feng It hurts me to waste it, but after all, it belongs to the juniors, and it would seem unkind to go along with it, so I left one or two taels for Zhang Feng.

 The birth of the first hall master in this book, Renmao was very pleasantly surprised. I am really grateful to the book friends for their 'lively' rewards. Thank you for your support. I am also very grateful to all book friends for their support. Thank you for your subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ,thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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