small farmer

Chapter 233 The commotion of the villagers

Chapter 233 The commotion of the villagers (thanks to the owner of the lively hall for the reward)

Zhang Feng was in great distress,
Surprisingly, less than one-third of the good tea leaves that I fried were left, and the rest was taken away by the old man. What's the matter?

Zhang Feng thought that next time the fried tea leaves must be hidden away, and the old man should not come to see them again, otherwise his own tea leaves would definitely be lost.


Just when Zhang Feng sighed

On the other side, the old man smiled happily, and carefully poured the tea leaves from Zhang Feng into his dustpan to dry.

"Old man, what are you doing? So happy?" Seeing the old man smiling, Grandma Liu came over and asked.

"Hehe, I just picked up some good tea leaves from Xiaofeng, just look at these..." The old man was very happy, pointing to the tea leaves that hadn't fully dried in front of him, he said to Grandma Liu with a smile.

"You old man is still taking advantage of the younger generation, so you're not afraid of being ashamed!" Grandma Liu smiled and gave the old man a white look, and then came over curiously to see what kind of tea it was, but the old man came back in spite of his face.

"Hehe, that kid doesn't know how to taste tea. He usually drinks tea to quench his thirst. Isn't it a waste to put such good tea in his place?" The old man felt that what he did was very wise when he saw the tea in front of him.

"Hey! What kind of tea is this? It seems to be a new tea that just came out!" Although Grandma Liu is not a master of tea ceremony, she has seen a lot of tea leaves, so she can tell at a glance that the tea leaves in the dustpan are just out of the oven. It's completely sun-dried.

"The old lady has good eyesight. This is the new tea that Xiaofeng picked from the tea tree in front of his house two days ago to stir-fry the tea. Now there is only one last step left to dry. After drying, it can be stored." The old man said with a smile.

"Xiaofeng fried it himself??" Grandma Liu asked in surprise.

"That's right, that kid shows off new skills from time to time, cooking skills, calligraphy and painting, sculpture... and now there's fried tea, I don't know what else he can do to hide it from everyone!" The old man also sighed, don't look at the picture. Feng is young but capable, and he has many good skills, which he admires very much.

"Hehe, it's good if you have the ability. From now on, our family Yiyi won't suffer by following him!" Grandma Liu said with a smile.


"Xiaofeng, why is there only so much tea left in our house?" After a while, the eldest sister came to the yard and exclaimed when she saw the tea drying on the stone table.

"Oh, Grandpa Liu came here just now, and when he left, he took most of the tea leaves!" Zhang Feng replied with a wry smile.

After Zhang Feng's explanation, the eldest sister finally understood the cause and effect. She never expected that the tea made by her younger brother was so popular that Grandpa Liu went away without embarrassment.

Is the tea made by my brother really so delicious? ?The eldest sister poured herself a cup of tea in doubt, took a sip lightly, eh!The tea was a bit bitter at the beginning, but after a while a strong sweetness rose from the throat, which made people feel endless aftertaste. It is really bitter and sweet, so delicious, no wonder the old man took most of it away.

"Well, brother, the tea you made is really delicious, much better than the usual bitter tea!" Although the elder sister didn't drink much tea, she could still tell the difference between good and bad tea.

"Sister, the bitter tea we usually drink is only more than ten yuan a catty, okay? Of course it's not as good as this new tea." Zhang Feng knew that the tea tree in the yard must have mutated because it was often watered with auxin. Only then did it change from ordinary bitter tea to what it is now.

Zhang Feng also had to feel that the auxin in the system is magical, no matter what plants are watered, the quality of the watered things can be greatly improved.

time flies

In the blink of an eye it's evening
Moon Lake in the evening is quiet and beautiful

The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky.The birds that went out to look for food returned to their nests one after another, squatting in the nest and chirping, not knowing whether they were calling their companions or sharing today's happiness with their neighbors.

Just after dinner, the villagers are resting at the entrance of the village. The aunts in the village are dancing in the square, and the elders are sitting next to them talking about the mountains. The children are chasing each other under the big banyan tree.

Suddenly the broadcast at the entrance of the village broke the tranquility of Moon Lake.

"Notification, notification... The Guoguoxiang potion is on the market, please register with the village committee if you want to buy it..."

"Notification, notification... The Guoguoxiang potion is on the market, please register with the village committee if you want to buy it..."


"What is the Guoguoxiang potion?" Master Pao Shan asked the second uncle suspiciously.

"No way, you don't even know the fruity fragrance potion? It's the kind of potion that Xiaofeng's family makes for fruit trees!" The second uncle rolled his eyes at Master Shan, thinking that you don't even know this, isn't it too mysterious? special.

"Ah, so it's the kind of potion that Xiaofeng uses! Let's go! Let's go to the village committee to register..." The two quickly got up and walked to the village committee impatiently.

Like the two old people, other villagers set off one after another, rushing to the village committee in a mighty way, which looked very spectacular and lively.

A few minutes later, the gate of the village committee was crowded with villagers. There were only seventy or eighty households with more than 300 people in the whole village. At this time, there were only a hundred people gathered here. Except for those who went out to work, almost half of them rushed here.

"Ahem, please be quiet, everyone, be quiet..." the uncle shouted at the villagers with a loudspeaker.

After everyone calmed down, he continued, "Xiaofeng's Guoguoxiang potion will be on the market in two or three days, but..."

Then the village head explained the price and effect of the medicine in detail three times, "Okay, I've said everything I need to say. If you want to buy it, you can register with me. Of course, you can also go to the county to buy it yourself. There are probably two more years left." You can buy it in three days."

"Village Chief, bring me two bottles..."

"I want two bottles too..."

"Don't, everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze..."

Seeing the turbulent crowd, the uncle wiped off his sweat, quickly grabbed a few young men who could read and write, and helped them register together. This way the registration was much faster, but all registrations were completed in more than ten minutes. At the last count, the whole village had a total More than 50 households have placed orders, and the rest want to buy but have no fruit trees at home, so they can only watch the fun from the sidelines.


"Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng??" As soon as the statistics were completed, the uncle rushed to Zhang Feng's house.

"Hey, uncle, come in and sit down!" Zhang Feng's family was watching TV, and when they saw the village chief coming, they quickly stood up and said.

"Xiaofeng, I've already counted the quantity of the Guoguoxiang potion. You all need to buy 85 bottles. Xiaofeng, when do you think it will be delivered?" The uncle asked Zhang Feng after he sat down.

"Uncle, you are so fast, I will send them over tomorrow morning."

"That's really great!" The village chief slapped his thigh and exclaimed very happily.The fruity fragrance potion is really important, it is the key to everyone's fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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