small farmer

Chapter 234 Dahei Catches the Hare

Chapter 234 Dahei Catches the Hare
"Uncle, come have a cup of tea." At this time, the eldest sister brought a cup of tea and came over and said.

"Thank you, Xiaoqin!" The uncle took a sip and couldn't help admiring: "Well, this tea is not bad, the aftertaste is sweet, it's really good tea!"

"By the way, Xiaofeng, what happened to the vegetable planting you mentioned last time?" the uncle asked expectantly.

A few days ago, Zhang Feng also briefly communicated with his uncle, but the scale of vegetable planting has not yet been fully determined, and some other details have not yet been determined, so it has not been made public for the time being.

"I discussed this matter with Yiyi, and finally decided to expand another [-] acres. I will provide seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. The villagers will be responsible for planting, and Yiyi will be responsible for sales." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"Then at what price do you plan to purchase the vegetables that everyone grows?" This is the most concerned question of the villagers, so the uncle asked Zhang Feng.

"The purchase price must be lower than what I grow now, because the quality of the vegetables is different, so the vegetables you plant are four yuan per catty, other vegetables are five yuan per catty, and shallots, garlic, coriander, etc. are all expensive per catty. 25 yuan, what do you think, uncle?" After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he waited quietly for his uncle's response.

"The purchase price is good, but how about the yield of the vegetable seeds you provided? And is the planting technology demanding?" Although Zhang Feng's purchase price was five or six times the market price, the uncle cared most about the villagers income issues,
If the vegetables you grow are not up to standard, or the yield of vegetables is very low, then what if the purchase price is high?It's just a castle in the air, you can see it but you can't touch it.

"Uncle, don't worry, the planting requirements of these vegetables are very low, just like ordinary vegetables, and my seeds are all high-yielding varieties. Take Chinese cabbage as an example, it can easily produce seven to eight thousand catties per mu. As for other vegetables It is less, but at least there are five or six thousand catties of output." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh! Can it really be so high??" The uncle asked in surprise. If it is true that each mu can produce seven to eight thousand catties of cabbage, then based on the purchase price of four yuan per catty, it can produce about 150 catties per mu. The income of [-] mu is [-] million!
"Of course, as long as everyone is not lazy, it is possible to produce tens of thousands of catties per mu." Zhang Feng smiled. According to the introduction of the system, the minimum yield of these vegetable seeds can reach seven to eight thousand catties. It is possible to produce more than 1 catties per mu, but the villagers certainly cannot take care of the planting so well, so the output has to be discounted, but no matter how you say it, the yield per mu can reach seven to eight thousand catties.

"That's good, that's good!" The uncle rubbed his hands excitedly. He didn't expect the prospect of vegetable planting to be so good. Even he himself wanted to plant ten acres or eight acres. There will definitely be a lot of people, and it would be good if each family can get a share of two or three mu.

"Uncle, if you have time in the next few days, please inform everyone so that interested villagers can sign up quickly. We will start planting the first batch of vegetables after the autumn harvest." Seeing how excited his uncle was, Zhang Feng smiled and continued.

"Okay, no problem, leave it to me. By the way, let's set a deadline. Otherwise, what if some people procrastinate?"

"Yes, it's better before the National Day, because after the National Day, we will start to be busy." Zhang Feng nodded.

After confirming the details of vegetable planting, the uncle went back happily. Zhang Feng sent the uncle to the door, and then returned home to watch TV with his mother and eldest sister.


In a blink of an eye
It's September 23rd

This day is the day of the autumnal equinox. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons of the year. The third season, autumn, finally comes, and the crops in the field are also harvesting.

The blooming of flowers is the spring planting, and the falling of the flowers is the autumn harvest;
Although the autumn wind has not yet arrived, the corn in Zhang Feng's family has matured;
Early in the morning on September 23, the Zhang family dispatched the whole family to the back mountain to break corn;

The back mountain of Zhang Feng’s family is not high, but it’s actually a small hill with a radius of about [-] meters. Everyone calls it Yangjiashan. It is said that the Yang family used to be a big landlord in Qingshan County, and the entire field around Moon Lake belonged to their family;
There are only about ten acres of mountain land on Yangjiashan, and the steep areas have been converted to forests. Not only have peaches and plums been planted, but also some honeysuckle has been planted;

The remaining one or two acres of flat land is planted with corn, and more than 1000 catties of corn can be harvested every year, so the income is not large, only more than 1000 yuan;

"Mom, you and eldest sister can just break the corn, and I will pick the corn." In just one hour, a family of three broke off a quarter of the corn. Seeing that his mother was about to pick the corn with a pole, Zhang Feng hurried Take the pole from the mother's shoulders;

Two bags of corn cobs weigh at least 120 catties. How could Zhang Feng let his mother do such a heavy job? Since taking the primary genetic fluid, Zhang Feng's body strength has greatly increased, let alone a hundred catties, it is three to five hundred catties Zhang Feng will not feel any pressure;

"Well, be careful when you walk while picking up things..." The mother, who couldn't help it, smiled gratifiedly and told Zhang Feng,

Although there is a road in the back mountain, it is impossible for the corn fields to be on the side of the road, so it is still necessary to transport the corn to the side of the road before transporting it home by car.

"Mom, don't worry, you're fine!" Soon Zhang Feng picked up two bags of corn, feeling light, like carrying a light pole, and walked towards the side of the road like flying;
"Walk carefully..." Seeing her son walking so fast, Zhang's mother Wang Guilan urged again;
"Hey, I got it." Zhang Feng responded and quickly disappeared into the corn grove;
There is not much corn in two acres of land
It took only two or three hours, and the harvest was about to be finished, when a fat hare suddenly jumped out. I don't know whether it was because of panic or bad eyesight. black front.

Of course the two wolfdogs would not let go of the prey that was delivered to the door, and immediately rushed towards the hare. When the hare found two ferocious wolfdogs in front of him, it was too late to brake and hit the corn stalk in front. Barely stopped, then turned around and wanted to run.

The hare desperately accelerated to escape from the dog's mouth, but it was a pity that he was chased by Dahei before he could run a few steps away. Dahei opened his mouth and bit the hare's neck tightly, and did not let go. I can struggle desperately, but it's a pity that the rabbit's strength can't compare with Dahei's. Gradually, the hare's struggle becomes weaker and weaker, and finally dies completely.

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

Hearing Dahei Xiaohei's urgent cry, Zhang Feng hurried over and shouted as he ran, "Dahei Xiaohei, what's wrong with you?"

"Wow... woof..." Hearing Zhang Feng's shout, Xiao Hei ran over immediately, and Da Hei followed behind with the prey in his mouth, happily running towards his master

 There will be another chapter later, estimated at around 22:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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