small farmer

Chapter 241

Chapter 241
Chapter 230 Fishing in Rice Fields

"Xiaofeng, the water in your paddy field hasn't been drained yet?" Brother Sheng asked Zhang Feng after getting out of the car to smoke a cigarette after harvesting the family.

"Yes, Brother Sheng..." Zhang Feng asked incomprehensibly.

"Then why don't you hurry up and release the water, because there is a water harvester inside and you can't get in!" Zhang Sheng knew Zhang Feng hadn't thought of this, so he reminded with a smile.

"Ah! I really forgot! I'm going to release the water right away." Zhang Feng suddenly realized that there is not only water in his paddy field, but also fish. There are many carp in the paddy field, so he hurried home Go, get ready to get some tools.

When he got home, Zhang Feng put two big fish and a hoe on the car, and drove three wheels towards the field.

When he came to his own field, Zhang Feng hurriedly opened the ridge of the field, and the field water rushed to the ditch, and many fish also flowed to the exit. He had planned to put a small net there, and all the fish that wanted to escape Children are blocked there.

Zhang Feng reached out and grabbed one, and then put all the carp into the fish basket. About a quarter of an hour later, the water in the entire paddy field was finally drained. Zhang Feng took off his shoes and walked to the paddy field, starting to search for the carp that was stranded in the field. carp.

One, two, three...

About half an hour later, Zhang Feng finally searched the two acres of paddy fields. It can be said that the harvest was quite fruitful. The carp he picked up was almost full of two big fish. Zhang Feng estimated that it should be about [-] catties.

"Brother caught so many?" Seeing Zhang Feng carrying two fish baskets full of fish, Zhang Yi walked over and was very surprised.

"Hehe, it's not much. It's only about a hundred catties for two acres of land." Zhang Feng smiled. These fish were raised by his mother in the rice field almost every year, and some of them went to Zhang Feng and his brothers and sisters. to give them nutrition, and the remaining mothers will sell some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar to subsidize the family.

This year, it is not too much to catch a hundred catties. In previous years, the mother took care of it carefully, so the harvest was almost two or three times that of this year.

After moving the two baskets of carp to the car, Zhang Feng drove the carp back home.

"Mom, let's sell these carp here at the door." Zhang Feng suggested with a smile after getting out of the car.

"Oh, the harvest is okay. I thought there were not many carps this year without anyone taking care of them." The mother came over and was pleasantly surprised when she saw two baskets full of carp, and then told her son: "Xiaofeng, go and put the two big pots at home. Take it out and pour all the fish in it."

"Got it, mom!" Zhang Feng responded, walked into the house and took out two large pots, put them beside his mother's stall, and poured all the carp in them in a hurry. Plopping, but it's useless to struggle without water.

Finally, Zhang Feng poured a few buckets of water into it, and the carps gradually regained their vitality. They kept wandering around in the big basin. When they saw so many carps, tourists came to watch the fun from time to time on the road. When they knew that they were stocked in rice fields After buying carp, many tourists immediately paid for it.

This kind of natural rice field carp is not common, and Zhang's mother sells it not expensive, ten yuan a catty, so there are many tourists who buy it. After about half an hour, half of the carp of a hundred catties has been sold. Although the business is not very hot , but it's not bad, I believe it should be sold out before noon.

After bringing the carp home
Zhang Feng drove the car back to the field.

"Xiaofeng finished draining the water?" Zhang Sheng took the time to ask Zhang Feng.

"It's over, I don't know how long it will take to harvest!" Zhang Feng knows that even if the water is gone, the paddy field is still muddy, and it may take a day or two to wait.

"The weather is good recently, and it will dry in the sun in two or three days." Zhang Sheng smiled. There are many people in the village like this, and fish are raised in the rice fields. Even if you sign up early, you have to wait until the end to harvest.

The two chatted for a few words, and Zhang Sheng continued to work.

"Xiaofeng, come and help!" Second Uncle shouted to Zhang Feng in the field.

"Hey! I'll come!" Zhang Feng immediately ran to the second uncle as soon as he agreed.

"Xiaofeng, come and load the rice with Xiaoyi, and I'll pick up the scattered rice ears on the ground." After all, the harvester is not a human being, and there will still be many omissions, and Brother Sheng is not very skilled, so the field There are also a lot of scattered rice. As a farmer, food is the most cherished thing.

Unexpectedly, every piece of Chinese food on the plate is painstaking, and Zhang Feng feels that farmers can best appreciate the hardships involved.

"Okay second uncle." Then Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi were in charge of putting all the threshed rice into snakeskin bags, and also moved the bags of rice to the car on the side of the road. Immediately transport them home and dry them in the yard. If the yard is full, they can only be dried on the road.

Brothers are united, and their profits break gold.

"Xiaoyi, you come to pack and leave the handling to me!"

"Okay, big brother!" Zhang Yi knew how 'cruel' his big brother was, his strength seemed to be on the hook, and he was carrying two sacks of rice slowly, as if he was carrying two big white teas, looking extremely relaxed.

"Tsk tsk! What the hell did you eat? How did you become so strong?" Seeing Zhang Feng holding a bag of rice in one hand, he was walking like flying, without any effort, just like taking a walk after a meal. Everyone who watched was stunned and amazed.

"Hehe, I didn't eat anything, I just took a few Dali pills!" Zhang Feng joked with a smile.

"You kid is talking nonsense, why don't you say you took the elixir?" Uncle Dashan shook his head and said with a smile.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled, and put the rice in the car of the second uncle's house. After going back and forth five or six times like this, the whole car was finally filled.

"Zhang Yi, the cart is full, you hurry up and send the rice back." Zhang Feng sat on the edge of the field and prepared to rest for a while, and then said to his cousin.

"Okay brother!" At this time, Zhang Yi was fine, and drove the rice back home. The second aunt was at home at this time, and was responsible for drying the rice.

The speed of the harvester was so fast that Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi almost couldn't keep up with all their efforts. It took only half an hour for five or six acres of rice.

"Brother Sheng, you iron cow is fast. If my family harvests it by itself, it may not be finished in two or three days." Looking at the bare paddy fields, Zhang Yi was very happy, and smiled and handed Zhang Sheng a cigarette.

"Hehe, of course, I won't buy it if I'm not happy." Zhang Sheng was also very happy. He harvested more than ten acres of land in just over an hour. If he worked eight hours a day, he could harvest about one hundred acres. , This is the income of 1 yuan, so Zhang Sheng was very happy in his heart, thinking that his father made him buy this harvester really right.

(End of this chapter)

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