small farmer

Chapter 242 Catching Grasshoppers Together

Chapter 242 Catching Grasshoppers Together (22)

"Xiaofeng, let's go back first." After loading the last cart of rice, the second uncle and Zhang Yi climbed into the cart and said to Zhang Feng.

"Second Uncle, go slowly, I'll be back later." Zhang Feng waved his hand and smiled.

After the second uncle and Zhang Yi left, Zhang Feng went to find the two puppies. At this time, the two little things and the little duck were catching grasshoppers in the field, playing in the dark. One person and two dogs were in the rice field after harvesting. It's so lively chasing the grasshopper.

"Ah, grasshopper, Xiao Hei, catch it!" Suddenly, the duckling saw a grasshopper and cried out in surprise.
Hearing the sound of the duckling being born, Xiao Hei also found the grasshopper beside him, and quickly stretched out his claws to grab the grasshopper. A plum blossom palm instantly pressed the grasshopper under the five-claw mountain.

"Ang Ang..." Caught the grasshopper, Xiao Hei screamed excitedly.

"Xiao Hei, don't be too busy, let me do it!" The little duck was also very happy. Obviously, one person and one dog have cooperated many times and formed a tacit understanding.

Then Xiao Hei carefully removed the claws, the duckling grabbed the grasshopper, and then put it into the mineral water bottle, and caught the grasshopper very smoothly. The little guy's face was full of smiles, and Xiao Hei was also very excited wandering around the duckling.

"Haha...Xiao Hei, did you catch the grasshopper??" Zhang Feng was also very surprised to see Xiao Hei's realization. Let the dog have such agility.

"Woof..." The little guy saw Zhang Feng coming, and rushed towards him excitedly. Zhang Feng quickly moved away, otherwise his pants might have plum blossoms on them again.

Dahei also found Zhang Feng, and immediately ran towards the owner, and the two puppies kept barking around him, looking extremely enthusiastic.

"Okay! Alright! Stop making trouble!" Zhang Feng quickly hugged the two puppies to calm them down.

"Crazy brother, you are here, look at me and Dahei Xiaohei caught so many grasshoppers together!" The little duck also hurried up, and put the grasshoppers in the plastic bottle in front of Zhang Feng like a treasure.

"Yo! Caught so many? You are awesome!" Seeing half a bottle of grasshoppers, Zhang Feng pretended to be surprised and praised, and sure enough, the little guy was full of smiles when he received Zhang Feng's praise, and he looked very happy.

"Hee hee, Brother Crazy, are you also here to catch grasshoppers?" The little guy asked with a smile.

"Yes, let's catch them together!" Zhang Feng felt as if he had returned to his childhood. Every year during the autumn harvest, there were always friends in the fields. Everyone was excitedly chasing grasshoppers in the fields just after harvesting. You chased after each other. yelling.

"Ducklings, here we come..." At this moment, the children's group from the village finally arrived, Da Mao, Xiao Shitou, Tie Dan, Mao Ya... A group of little kids ran towards the field, jumping and jumping excitedly.

With the addition of this group of leather monkeys, the whole field suddenly became lively. The grasshoppers that were hidden in the straw were chased by everyone, and they were finally caught by the little kids.

Even Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou, who are three or four years old, have gained a lot. Although they are young, they have been living in the countryside since they were young, and their skills and responses are very good.


"Da Mao, don't you have two bottles? How about giving me one?" Zhang Feng didn't bring any equipment when he came, but seeing Da Mao brought two, he smiled and asked Da Mao for it.

"Okay, crazy brother!" Da Mao handed a bottle to Zhang Feng very readily.

With the bottle, Zhang Feng put all the grasshoppers on the weeds in it. Now he can finally give it a go. Zhang Feng is going to show his skills and fill the bottle. In this way, he can cook a good dish when he goes back. Thinking of the delicious taste of fried golden grasshoppers, Zhang Feng couldn't help swallowing.

"Oh, here's a..." Once they found a grasshopper, the monkeys would swarm up and surround that grasshopper one after another. Although only seven or eight people caught a grasshopper, they were still very happy. smiling.

Zhang Feng smiled, he stayed away from this group of leather monkeys, even if he found grasshoppers with them, he might not be able to snatch them, so Zhang Feng ran far away by himself, bringing two good helpers, big black and small black , and look for grasshoppers on the other side.

"Dahei, there is a..."

"Xiao Hei, you also have one over there..."

Zhang Feng also had a great time playing on the other side, directing the two dogs to run non-stop on the ground, very cute like a kitten catching a butterfly.

"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

"Hahaha... Dahei, you are so stupid to let the grasshopper escape..."


"Brother, your two dogs are really smart!" Suddenly a few young people came to the field, probably still high school students, and they couldn't help admiring when they saw Da Hei and Xiao Hei catching grasshoppers in the rice field.

"Thank you, they are really good, are you here to play?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"That's right, we are students in No. [-] Middle School. We went to Moon Lake together on weekends. I saw how interesting it was for you to catch grasshoppers here, so I came over to have a look!" The leading boy explained with a smile.

"Oh, it's good to combine work and rest. It's also good to go for a walk after studying." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Brother, does this belong to your family? Can we also catch grasshoppers here?" At this time, a petite girl asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Hahaha, although this place is not my home, it's okay to catch grasshoppers, as long as you don't deliberately damage the field!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah, thank you, big brother..." Several people were very excited, rolled up their sleeves and immediately joined the army of catching grasshoppers.

"It's okay..." Zhang Feng smiled, and thought of his wonderful life in junior high school,

On weekends, with three or five classmates, we made an appointment to climb mountains together, go outing together, watch the sunrise together, study together and live together. Thinking about the beautiful days at that time, it is a pity that all the good times have become memories of the past.

Zhang Feng shook his head, no wonder some people have always been unwilling to grow up, because when they grow up, they will have all kinds of troubles, not only to worry about buying a house, buying a car and marrying a wife, but also worrying about daily necessities after getting married,
You have to experience all the ups and downs in life, and it is estimated that this is the true meaning of life.

Seeing the little kids in the field and the energetic classmates, Zhang Feng seemed to have returned to ten or twenty years ago, playing with everyone in the field to his heart's content.

Seeing the people in the fields having so much fun, the tourists on the side of the road were also moved, and they joined the ranks of catching grasshoppers. In the army of catching grasshoppers, there were not only old and young, but also many people with children. Friends, we are chasing grasshoppers in the field and having a great time.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and recorded such a beautiful scene with a click.

Fun time flies so fast, it's almost noon in a blink of an eye
"Dahei Xiaohei, let's go home..." Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Feng took a bottle full of grasshoppers, called two dogs, and walked home.

(End of this chapter)

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