small farmer

Chapter 272 The Great Harvest

Chapter 272 The Great Harvest

The second uncle's family earned [-] to [-] during the National Day holiday

This is much more than what he earned from farming in previous years, so the second uncle and the second aunt are all smiling recently, and they are more confident about the future.

It can be said that this National Day holiday gave all the villagers of Moon Lake a huge surprise. Everyone could have imagined that the tourism in the village would become so popular. At that time, it was estimated that there were more than 6000.

So many tourists come to the village for leisure travel, even if each person only spends 50 yuan per day, the village can still earn 20 million yuan a day, and more than 100 million yuan in seven days. There are only [-] or [-] households in the village. The family can earn [-] to [-] yuan, which is not a small amount for the villagers.

Even if the cost is removed, at least there is still five or six thousand net income. After the holidays, the villagers are very regretful. They wish that every day is National Day and every day has a holiday. Unfortunately, this is just everyone's delusion and it is not realistic at all.


"Quick! Quick! Quick! The fish is hooked..." Suddenly there was a shock in the water, and Zhang Feng hurriedly reminded Uncle Er Niu that at this time Uncle Er Niu was wandering in the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"Uncle Er Niu, what are you thinking?" Seeing that the fishing rod in Uncle Er Niu's hand was about to be dragged away by the big fish in the water, Zhang Fengyan quickly grabbed the fishing rod with his eyesight, pushed Uncle Er Niu and asked.

"Oh, did you catch the fish?" After being shaken by Zhang Feng, Uncle Er Niu finally recovered from his contemplation, and said embarrassedly.

"Why is Uncle Er Niu missing your first love? How devoted is he?" Zhang Feng teased with a smile.

"Fuck off, you talk nonsense all day long!" Uncle Er Niu looked around nervously and found no one around, so he said to Zhang Feng angrily.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Aunt Er Niu is not here, and it makes sense to miss my first love! Don't worry, I won't tell Aunt Er Niu!" Zhang Feng smirked and continued to tease Uncle Er Niu.

"You guys are talking nonsense, and what you say seems to be true!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head and gave Zhang Feng a blank look, ignored him, and began to concentrate on walking the big fish in the water.

After walking for about four or five minutes, Uncle Er Niu finally pulled up a big grass carp about one foot long. After catching such a big fish, Uncle Er Niu burst into smiles, and then he did not forget to sarcastically say to Zhang Feng: "Why? Are you a master fisherman withered today?"

"The villain is successful, if it weren't for me, you can catch this fish? I guess the fishing rod has been pulled away!" Zhang Feng said with a contemptuous look at Er Niu Shu.

"Hey, people make mistakes and horses make mistakes!" Although Uncle Er Niu spoke modestly, his face was extremely proud.

"The horse stumbled? Aren't you a cow?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Fuck you! You can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth!" Uncle Er Niu said angrily, thinking why his parents gave him such a name in the first place, but unfortunately he didn't know the name of the little duck. Bitter, actually gave his son such a humble name.

"Ouch, mine got caught too!" Suddenly Zhang Feng felt the fishing rod sink, and his face was overjoyed, thinking that his fish had also been hooked.

Zhang Feng held on to the fishing rod tightly, and found that what was struggling and rolling under the water was a small fish about [-] centimeters long, about one catty in weight.

So Zhang Feng stopped walking the fish, and pulled up the hooked carp as soon as he picked up the fishing rod. Zhang Feng quickly caught it, unhooked the hook and put the carp in the cabin.

Afterwards, the luck of the two seemed to improve. One after another, the fish were hooked one after another. On average, one fish could be caught within one to two minutes, which was really terrifying.

"Hahaha, lunatic, do you think we met the goddess of luck today? We caught more than ten fish in just half an hour." Uncle Er Niu was very excited. He had never discovered that the fish in Moon Lake were so easy to catch before.

"Mao Xian, Lady Luck is the God of the West, okay? How can I meet you here?" Seeing Uncle Er Niu's excitement, Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"How is it impossible? If the goddess of luck thinks that the scenery of Moon Lake is good, she will come here for a special visit!" Uncle Er Niu said with an open mind.

"Hehe..." Regarding Uncle Er Niu's miraculous idea, Zhang Feng was speechless and could only hehe.


"Tsk tsk! Xiaofeng, you two didn't catch all the fish in the lake!" After a while, Xiao Qishu drove his own cruise ship over, and saw that the cabin of the two wooden boats was full of big fish and small fish. Shocked dumbfounded.

"Hey, that's impossible, but today's luck is really good!" Zhang Feng smiled happily, knowing that this is the effect of his own earthworms, even if it is only contaminated with a trace of auxin, it is so terrifying, and it is attractive to fish. Power is still unparalleled.

"I have to say that your luck is really good!" Xiao Qishu looked at the two people's harvest, and was also very envious.

"Uncle Seven, why don't you pick two and go home?" Zhang Feng was also very happy, and made these fish into dried fish, which is probably enough for his mother to sell for half a month.

"Thank you. I'm on Moon Lake every day. Isn't it easy to eat fish?" Uncle Qi quickly waved his hand and rejected Zhang Feng's fish. With two nets, there is always something to gain, so I am not so keen on fish.

Everyone chatted for a few more words, and then they left. Zhang Feng and the two of them also rowed back to the shore. When the wooden boat docked properly and saw the fish in the warehouse, the two of them stared wide-eyed.

"Uncle Erniu, how do you get your fish back? Why don't you pick them up in two baskets at my house." Then Zhang Feng suggested.

"Okay, I'll bring it back for you later." Uncle Er Niu didn't expect to have such a harvest, thinking that these fish can be eaten as dried fish until the New Year, so he was very happy in his heart, and couldn't bear it on his face. Live smiled.

Soon the two of them moved the fish back home,
"Xiaofeng's fish probably weigh over a hundred catties!"

When the eldest sister and mother saw the two large frames of fish, they were immediately surprised. They didn't expect so much to be gained from fishing, which was incredible.

"Approximately, it should be one hundred twenty or thirty catties!" Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

"What do we do with so many fish? Dry them?" My mother squatted down and picked up a fish and asked.

"Yes, keep a few fish for yourself, and make the rest into dried fish and sell them!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, let's help you!" Mother rolled up her sleeves and helped clean up together.

Then Zhang Feng picked a few and put them into the large pool, and killed all the rest, removed the internal organs and cleaned them, and prepared to make them into dried fish.

The method of making dried fish is very simple. Just wash the fish quickly, then put an appropriate amount of salt and marinate them for two or three days. After the taste, you can take them out and hang them in the yard to dry. As long as the weather is good for three to five days, they will be completely dried. Dehydration, then as long as the dried fish is stored, it can be taken out when you want to eat, or fried or boiled to make delicious dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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