small farmer

Chapter 273 Little 8 wants to ask for a wife

Chapter 273 Xiaoba wants to ask for a wife
The family has been busy for a noon

Finally, all the fish meat is marinated and placed in the jar. It is estimated that it will be taken out to dry in two or three days. As long as the weather is good for five or six days, the fish meat can be dried into fish.

"Xiaofeng, go upstairs and take all the money Xiaoba earned, let's see how much it has earned?" Mother asked Zhang Feng curiously after washing her hands after marinating the fish.

"Got it, Mom!" Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that Xiao Ba's private money would definitely be lost. If it was only 200 yuan, maybe his mother would not care about it. Unfortunately, Xiao Ba's money is more than that, at least three times. 5000 yuan,

Zhang Feng knew that Xiaoba was about to suffer a tragedy, and his mother would definitely confiscate the money from his private house for helping to keep it, because Zhang Feng's new year's money was given by his mother in this way since he was a child.

After climbing up the stairs in two or three steps, Zhang Feng walked to Xiao Ba's lair. In fact, Xiao Ba's lair was just a broken basket, but after Xiao Ba took a fancy to this basket, he put some weeds in it. Like a huge bird's nest, it is dry, soft and very comfortable.

When Zhang Feng came here, he saw that the inside was covered with banknotes, and he couldn't help exclaiming in his heart, this guy is really a local tyrant, actually using money to make a bird's nest, this is the highest state of showing off his wealth.

So Zhang Feng quickly took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos, and casually sent them to Moments, which caused a sensation in no time.

"I'll go! The local tyrants are different. To raise a bird, you need to make a nest in hundred yuan bills..." Leizi couldn't help exclaiming.

"Crazy! Are you so naked to show off your wealth!!" Hua Zi replied with tears streaming down his face.

"Ba Ye, you are really good, I ask you weakly: Can I ask for support?" Monkey has seen Xiao Ba's "getting rich" process with his own eyes, so he knows that the money is earned by Xiao Ba during the National Day holiday Yes, but seeing such a basket full of banknotes, I still feel very shocked.

"What's the matter with the monkey? Isn't this money used by lunatics to show off their wealth?? What does it have to do with Xiaoba??" Leizi asked curiously.

"Stone, you haven't paid attention to Xiaoba for a long time, right? You must not know that Xiaoba has become a star in Moon Lake. Its current appearance fee is at least three to five hundred, and you can earn money by singing a song. There are hundreds of rewards..." Then Houzi told everyone about Xiao Ba in this holiday in detail.

Seeing the monkey's explanation, everyone wondered if this was a fairy tale, because it was too outrageous, why did Xiao Ba become so awesome after going out for a few days, and became a small star, and his net worth soared Now that they have become local tyrants, they actually used hundred yuan bills to make bird's nests, which really blinded everyone's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.


Xiaoba has a lot of banknotes in his basket. Although most of them are one yuan or five yuan change, there are also many red Mao grandpas. Zhang Feng preliminarily estimates that there are at least 8000 yuan.
With so much money, the plastic bag Zhang Feng brought couldn't hold it at all, and finally took an empty basket directly from upstairs to fill Xiao Ba's private money.

After installing it, Zhang Feng took a few photos again with great interest, to show everyone that Xiaoba is a local tyrant, and he used baskets to store money!

"Xiao Feng, did Xiao Ba earn all of this?" Seeing Zhang Feng coming down with a big basket of coins, the mother and elder sister were stunned. 3000 yuan is not bad, how could there be so much?

"Hehe, yes, I didn't expect Xiaoba to earn so much!" Zhang Feng was also shocked before. Uncle is exhausted and earns about the same. I believe Uncle Er Niu will have a wonderful expression when he finds out.

Then the family sat in the main room and counted Xiaoba's private money. Each denomination was stored separately, and every ten pieces were stacked together separately, which was convenient for the final count.

Zhang Feng smiled and thought in his heart, "Hehe, I don't know if this counts as counting money and my hands cramp."

At this moment, Uncle Er Niu returned Zhang Feng's basket, "Xiaofeng, where do you put your basket?"

"Just put it in the yard!" Zhang Feng immediately stood up and responded.

"Ah! Sister-in-law, who are you?" As soon as Uncle Er Niu walked into the room, he suddenly saw piles of RMB in the main room, and was stunned in shock.

"Hehe, Er Niu, hurry up and sit in the house. These are Xiao Ba's pocket money." Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, said very proudly, and she loved Xiao Ba, a little money-making expert even more.

"What? These are all earned by Xiaoba... Xiaoba??" Uncle Er Niu stammered and couldn't believe it.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng's family laughed happily.

Seeing the reaction of Zhang Feng's family, Uncle Er Niu wanted to cry immediately, but couldn't help but lament in his heart: "Oh, heaven and earth, what happened to this world? Could it be that I am not as good as a bird? ?”

The curious Uncle Er Niu couldn't help but join the ranks of counting. The last four of them worked hard for half an hour to count all the money. The last count was actually 83 yuan.

"Hey, I won't help anyone from now on, so I'll serve Xiaoba!" After counting, Er Niu Shu couldn't help sighing as he sat in the yard drinking tea with Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, don't you look at who raised the bird??" Zhang Feng said proudly.

"I really don't know what kind of shit luck you have had!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head, envious of Zhang Feng's luck in the past six months.

This guy used to be an otaku who couldn't lift his shoulders and hands, but now?Not only is he powerful, but he is also blessed with good luck. In just half a year, he completed an astonishing counterattack and became the richest man in the village. He even surpassed everyone by far. It seems that Zhang Feng's fortune has come and gone, and he is the lucky one who is favored by the goddess of luck.

After drinking a cup of tea, Er Niu Shu, who was hit hard, left "lonely". Of course, this is just Zhang Feng's opinion.


"I've been thieves! I've been thieves!" In the afternoon, Xiao Ba came back from wandering around, and suddenly found that the money he had hidden was gone, and immediately flew to everyone's door and twittered and shouted, looking extremely flustered, "Master, my front is gone!"

"Why are you arguing? I'll take care of all your money for you. If you want to buy anything in the future, just ask me." Mom said to Xiaoba domineeringly.

"Ah, I won't live anymore, Master, I won't live anymore!" Xiao Ba exaggeratedly flew to Zhang Feng's head and yelled, knowing that once his money entered the old master's pocket, it would almost be gone, so Xiao Ba Hachi was devastated, feeling that his bird life was hopeless.

"Hehe..." Seeing Xiao Basheng's loveless appearance, Zhang Feng's family couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad, tell me what's the use of asking so much money for a bird?" Then Zhang Feng comforted him with a smile.

"Why is it useless? I still want to buy a car and a house, and earn money to beg for a wife!" Xiao Ba stopped howling, and replied solemnly.

"Pfft..." Both the elder sister and the mother were amused by Xiao Ba, and they laughed and laughed, thinking that this bird has really become a spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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