small farmer

Chapter 274 Rapidly Developing Career

Chapter 274 Rapidly Developing Career
"Pfft..." Both the elder sister and the mother were amused by Xiao Ba, and they laughed and laughed, thinking that this bird has really become a spirit.

"What? You still want to buy a car, a house, and a wife? Oh! Oh! No! It's asking for a wife." Zhang Feng was also defeated by Xiao Ba's powerful reason.

"Of course, isn't that how it's always played on TV?" Xiao Ba rolled his eyes, then tilted his head and asked back.

"Hahaha, when you buy a house or a car, you say that you are a bird living in your bird's nest, just fan your wings. Buying a house or a car is our human business, okay?" Zhang Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Then, I want to marry a wife!" After thinking for a while, Xiaoba felt that it was the same. I really don't need to buy a car or a house, but breeding offspring is an eternal law in the biological world, so marrying a wife is definitely not an option. delay.

"You want to marry a wife before your hair grows? When you are one and a half years old, I'll help you find a beautiful wife!" Zhang Feng said with a helpless smile.


"Of course!"

"What about my money?"

Got it and came back again. Xiaoba was still worried about his money being confiscated for no reason. He was so angry that he ignored Wang Guilan all afternoon. In the end, Zhang Feng pleaded and asked his mother to leave him 83 yuan in change. The mood just got a little better.

In addition, Wang Guilan used her trump card to personally feed Xiao Ba a few pieces of his favorite crispy fish, and promised to give him five pieces every day in the future, so Xiao Ba forgave her.

So Wang Guilan pocketed the wife book that Xiao Ba worked so hard to prepare. Although Xiao Ba is very smart, he only has the intelligence of a five- or six-year-old child. How could he escape the old driver's tricks?

Without Wang Guilan's fooling around, Xiao Ba almost sold herself and signed many unequal treaties with her. In this way, Wang Guilan abducted this innocent bird and made it her own. Assistant Salesperson.


starry night sky

The bright moonlight shines into the room, the Big Dipper hangs high in the northern sky, and the small mountain village on the ground is lit up,

After dinner, some of the villagers sat leisurely in the yard and chatted, some watched TV in front of the main room, and some danced in the square at the entrance of the village. Although this kind of life is simple, it is also full of happiness. .


Suddenly Zhang Feng's phone rang twice, probably because of some message.

Zhang Feng turned on his phone and saw that it was a notification message from the bank. 280 million had been transferred to his card, which should be the income from vegetables and rice field eels this month.

Sure enough, the next moment Liu Yiyi called: "Hey, have you received all the madman's money? The 280 million is the money for selling vegetables and eels this month."

"Got it, thank you Yiyi!" Zhang Feng was also very happy, knowing that Liu Yiyi had paid a lot for himself, almost all of which was because she was busy with her own business.

"Hee hee, if you feel sorry, you can go on a business trip with me in two days!" Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem, where are we going?" Zhang Feng immediately agreed, and wanted to do something for his girlfriend.

"No. 15, Yelang Restaurant's flagship store in Shanghai is about to open, and our No. 13 is going to prepare." The only daughter of Liu Yiyi's family, so she also began to get in touch with the family business. Recently, her father It is not a small challenge for her to completely hand over the branch in Shanghai to her.

Since Liu Yiyi will return to Moon Lake in two days, the two of No.12 will start from Moon Lake, drive to the provincial capital first, and then fly to Shanghai.

After talking on the phone for more than an hour, the two reluctantly hung up the phone.

Lying on the bed on all fours, thinking about how a few months ago I was still a humble rice bug, but now I have a monthly income of 300 million. In a year, I can earn more than 3000 million just by selling eels and vegetables.

This is not all my income. Don't forget that there is also a "Fengyang Technology" with unlimited potential. Now the company's products have begun to be sold in the whole province. I believe that as long as the oranges are ripe, everyone will know the value of fruity fragrance. , At that time is the time for the company to take off rapidly and make a lot of money every day.

Thinking about it, Zhang Feng gradually fell asleep

In his dream, Zhang Feng dreamed that he became an urban white-collar worker, and finally became a CEO, married Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of his life.

After waking up the next day, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile. Last night's dream was also his dream when he just graduated. Unfortunately, after working outside for several years, his head was beaten and bloody. Finally, he returned to his hometown in despair and became a The well-known 'slacker'.

Now I no longer have such ambitions, everything goes with the flow, I only need to accompany my family and Yiyi every day, live my own life simply, do work and plant flowers, enjoy the mountains and rivers, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of my hometown. Life is very happy.

Of course, Zhang Feng will not reject the life outside. The city has its beauty, and the feasting and feasting of Vanity Fair have always been inescapable.


"How is the second uncle? Are these vegetables growing well?" After breakfast, Zhang Feng came to the field at the entrance of the village to see how the vegetables were grown.

"Hehe, very good, Xiaofeng, look at how tender these vegetable seedlings are, they are so pleasing to the eye." The second uncle was watering the vegetables, and stopped immediately when he heard Zhang Feng's words, and said with a happy smile.

"That's good, don't use the fertilizers and pesticides bought outside, just go to my place to get them if you don't have them." Zhang Feng couldn't help but reminded.

"Don't worry, old man, I will remember everything!" The second uncle is very concerned about these two acres of vegetables. This is a major matter related to making a fortune, and he must not be sloppy at all. If the monitoring is not good enough, it will be a waste of work.

"Then you are busy first, I will go to the front to take a look." Zhang Feng was very relieved when he saw the vegetables at the second uncle's house, obviously the old man took good care of them.

"It's okay, you go!" The second uncle smiled and continued to water his treasure. To him, these vegetables worth more than [-] yuan were his treasure and the hope of the whole family.

"Is Uncle Er Niu busy too?" After a while, Zhang Feng came to Uncle Er Niu's vegetable field and saw that he was also watering the vegetables. His family grew not only big white tea, but also lettuce and small cabbage, etc., far away. From a distance, it is all green, and the gains are very gratifying.

"Hey! The big boss came to inspect?" Uncle Er Niu laughed and joked when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Fuck you, how are you doing, are these vegetables growing well?" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Well, I have to say that your seeds are really good. Not only do they have a high germination rate, but the survival rate is also terrifying. Look at this litter, there are seven or eight seedlings, all of which are juicy and juicy. I don't even Have the heart to pull it out." As soon as he mentioned the vegetables in the field, Uncle Er Niu showed a smile on his face.

Seeing that everyone's vegetables are so good and everything goes so smoothly, Zhang Feng finally heaves a sigh of relief, because this is the first project he provides for the village, if something goes wrong, it will be difficult to carry out future work.

Then Zhang Feng inspected all the vegetable fields, and found no major problems. Only two vegetables had cabbage worms, but it was not a big deal, as long as they were sprayed with the pesticide provided by Zhang Feng.

After watching the vegetable field, Zhang Feng went to the farm again. At this time, Uncle Yu and the others were feeding the eels. Because of the auxin, the eels in the farm grew very fast, only two or three months By now, most of the eels are already about half a catty.

Now the eel in the farm has been on the market on a large scale. Although four to five hundred catties are supplied to the market every day, the supply is still in short supply. Seeing that the return on investment of the farm is so high and so fast, Zhang Feng increased his investment and bought a few more. Hundreds of net cages, and thousands of kilograms of eel seedlings.

I believe that in another two months, the farm will be able to supply thousands of catties of rice field eels to the market every day. These rice field eels alone can bring them an income of 300 yuan a day. You can earn two to three million a month.

And the scale of vegetables has also expanded. In the past, there were only [-] to [-] mu of top-level vegetables, but now [-] to [-] mu of high-grade vegetables have been added. Although the newly added vegetables do not use auxin, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products. The quality of these vegetables The taste will not differ too much, and it is still very good. I believe it will be welcomed by everyone after it is put into the market.

(End of this chapter)

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