small farmer

Chapter 275 Reaching the Magic City

Chapter 275 Reaching the Magic City
Thanks to the use of high-quality vegetables provided by Zhang Feng
The Yelang restaurant of Liu Yiyi's family has also developed rapidly, from the original seven or eight branches to more than 20 now, and even the restaurant has even rushed out of Guizhou Province and expanded to the entire Southwest. Yelang Restaurant has become the top gourmet restaurant group in the entire southwest region.

With the precious ingredients provided by Zhang Feng, and with such inherent advantages, Yelang Restaurant will certainly not be in a corner. Not only has it established a firm foothold in the Southwest, it is immediately ready to open up the market in East China, because East China is the essence of China. Only in this place can Yelang Restaurant have a greater development.

On the afternoon of October 12th, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng prepared to leave with their luggage. Because they had to catch the plane tomorrow morning, they had to go to the city to rest for a night, and then took the city plane to fly directly to Shanghai the next day.

"Are you seated yet?" Zhang Feng came to the driving seat and sat down. Everything was ready and smiled to Liu Yiyi.

"Okay, let's go." Since seeing Zhang Feng's driving skills in the mountain city last time, Liu Yiyi was very relieved of Zhang Feng's driving, so this time Zhang Feng drove his SUV to the city.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhang Feng smiled and started the car. The car got faster and faster and finally disappeared slowly at the end of the road.

Moon Lake is not far from the city, only about [-] kilometers away, and it only takes more than an hour to drive. Soon Zhang Feng and the two came to the city.

"Yiyi, where is your home, let me navigate." Zhang Feng is not very familiar with the urban area. Although he studied here for three years in high school, at that time he almost lived in three points and one line, and rarely wandered in the urban area. .

"Just keep driving along this road. We don't live in a house in the urban area, and we will live in a villa next to the airport tonight." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

Because her parents are often on business trips, for the convenience of flying, her family bought a villa directly next to the airport as a place to rest and transit.

"Wow, your family is really rich, how come there are houses everywhere!" Zhang Feng shook his head and sighed, thinking that he had graduated for so many years, if he hadn't had the system, he would probably still be living at home and waiting to die, the gap is really too big.

"Didn't housing prices rise rapidly these years? Buying a house is also considered an investment. Besides, my parents often travel on business, and sometimes staying in a hotel is not very convenient, so I bought houses in several big cities nearby." Liu Yiyi smiled. explained.


The two chatted and soon arrived at the villa in the suburbs

This is a large group of villas, and almost all the dignitaries in the city live in it. The villa of Liu Yiyi's family is a two-story duplex villa. The house alone occupies an area of ​​three to four hundred square meters.
In front of the villa is a huge lawn of two to three hundred square meters, the grass on it is neatly trimmed, and there are all kinds of beautiful green trees, which are obviously often taken care of by people.
There is also a small swimming pool at the back of the villa. If you can take a dip in it in summer, it must be very cool.

"Yiyi's villa shouldn't be cheap, right?" Zhang Feng walked into such a luxurious villa for the first time.

"Hehe, how expensive can it be? This is only a third- and fourth-tier city. When I bought it, it was only three or four million yuan, but the decoration cost a lot of money." Liu Yiyi smiled and arranged for Zhang Feng to live in a guest room.

"Crazy, you will be staying here tonight. You can order dinner, or you can go to a nearby supermarket to buy vegetables and we will cook." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables after a short rest." I'm used to the delicious food at home, but Zhang Feng is still a little reluctant to let himself eat takeaway. Besides, if there is any delicious food near the airport, it's better to cook two small dishes by yourself .


"Hello, dear passengers, hello, dear passengers, Modu Airport is coming, please pack your luggage and get ready to get off the plane..." At noon the next day, the plane finally reached its destination.

"Yiyi let me come!" Zhang Feng didn't bring much with him every time he went out, only a few changes of clothes, and put the rest in the system space.

But Liu Yiyi is different, everyone knows that girls go out like moving house, they want to bring almost everything, clothes, cosmetics, even furry toys.

Therefore, Liu Yiyi brought two large boxes of items by herself. If Zhang Feng hadn't asked her to bring less, she might have packed one box.

Carrying three suitcases, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi had just left the terminal when they met people from the Yelang Group who came to greet them.

"Hi Dong Liu, I'm Wang Chang, the manager of Magic City Restaurant, welcome to come..." Wang Chang obviously knew Liu Yiyi, as soon as he saw the two of them coming out of the station, he immediately greeted them and said hello.

"Hello, Manager Wang, this is my boyfriend Zhang Feng, who is also the supplier of our restaurant's rare ingredients." Liu Yiyi smiled and nodded, explaining Zhang Feng's arrival to Manager Wang.

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Zhang, I have admired you for a long time. Thank you for improving such good ingredients for our restaurant..." Manager Wang was surprised when he knew that Zhang Feng was the supplier of rare ingredients for Yelang Restaurant.

You must know that the reason why the group has achieved such rapid development is almost all thanks to these mysterious ingredients, and he himself has been promoted to be the person in charge of the Yelang Shifu Modu branch, so after learning of Zhang Feng's identity, The way he looked at Zhang Feng was different, with a little more solemnity and respect.

"Where is there, we are mutually beneficial and win-win..." The two shook hands, and Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, Manager Wang, let's go back to the hotel first."

"Alright Mr. Liu, let's go this way!" Wang Chang helped push the luggage and walked towards the parking lot.

So Zhang Feng and the two got on the Audi prepared by the group, quickly left the airport, and drove away thinking about Pudong, the most prosperous city in Shanghai.

Pudong is the most prosperous district in Shanghai, and it can also be said that this is one of the most prosperous areas in China. Not only is the financial industry developed here, but also tourism resources are extremely rich. Therefore, the Shanghai branch of Yelang Restaurant opened in here.

After driving for about half an hour by car, several people arrived at the Shangri-La Hotel, where Zhang Feng and the others lived these days, and the branch of Yelang Restaurant was not far from here, and it was only a 6-[-]-minute walk away.

"Liu Dong, you guys rest for a while, I will send a car to pick you up for dinner later." After sending Zhang Feng and the two into the room, Manager Wang was about to say goodbye and leave.

"Well, please excuse me, Manager Wang. We'll call you when we're ready." Liu Yiyi was also a little tired from the flight for several hours, so she planned to take a shower first and then rest for a while.

"No trouble! No trouble!" Manager Wang waved his hands again and again. Did he know that this is the eldest lady of the group, and she is still the vice president of the group, and she will definitely inherit everything in the group in the future, so he dare not neglect Liu Yiyi in the slightest. He said his farewell respectfully and left.

(End of this chapter)

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