small farmer

Chapter 280 Chapter Family

Chapter 280
"Madman, how about I make this pearl into a necklace?"

Sitting in the car, Liu Yiyi took out the big white pearl, and said to Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Okay, you must look beautiful in it!" Zhang Feng praised with a smile while turning his head to the side while driving.

"Hee hee, when I finish the design, I will find a jewelry company to make a necklace for me." Liu Yiyi said happily.

"You can also design jewelry?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"Hmph, at least I have studied jewelry design, okay?" Liu Yiyi pouted.

"Didn't you study hotel management in college?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise, because Liu Yiyi was the only child in the family, so his father asked her to study such a major so that she could inherit the family business in the future.

"I'm studying double degrees, can't I?" Liu Yiyi said with a coquettish smile.

Zhang Feng was speechless for a moment. He felt that being a top student was different. He almost failed to graduate with only one major, while others still had time to study double majors.

well!Zhang Feng could only sigh silently in his heart. He was slack when he was in college. If he hadn't miraculously obtained the golden finger, his future must be quite miserable.

when it's completely dark

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng finally returned to the hotel, took a casual shower, and headed towards the restaurant with the seafood they picked up from the sea.

When the two came to the restaurant, it was the busiest time for business, the lobby was already full, and there were still many people waiting in line in the rest area, which showed how good the business of Yelang Restaurant was.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also had to lament that there are so many local tyrants in Shanghai, and a casual meal here costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and the shop is almost overwhelmed.

"Mr. Liu Dong Zhang, you are back!" Seeing Liu Yiyi and Zhang Feng entering the restaurant, Manager Wang immediately stepped forward to greet them.

"Is Manager Wang okay today?" Liu Yiyi asked casually.

"Hehe, Dong Liu, rest assured that everything is going well..." Manager Wang reported to Liu Yiyi with a smile.

"Okay, Manager Wang, you are busy with your work, don't worry about us."

"Alright Mr. Liu, just call me if you have anything to do." Manager Wang bowed slightly and went about his own business.

Then Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi walked into the office carrying seafood.

"Yiyi, are you hungry, I'll go get some seafood right away."

"It's okay, I'll go with you." Afterwards, the two came to the kitchen and cleaned the harvest from the sea together.

About half an hour later, two large plates of delicious seafood finally came to the table. Because the lobby and boxes were full, the two had no choice but to have a meal in the office. However, with such delicious food, both of them ate with relish. .

"Ah, it's delicious. It's different when you eat the seafood you picked up." Liu Yiyi ate a piece of delicious clam meat and said with a satisfied face.

"Of course, it tastes more delicious when you put in labor and sweat." Zhang Feng smiled. People who often work know that as long as they work hard all day, they will feel extremely delicious if they eat casually. This is probably labor. one of its charms.

"Hmm! Mmm!" Liu Yiyi nodded and kept eating the delicious seafood. Obviously, she had exhausted a lot of energy after playing all day today, so she continued to supplement food.

Smelling the strong fragrance not far away, the little turtle shook its head in a humane manner, and quickly identified the source of the fragrance, so it crawled towards the seafood with its short legs.

"Hehe, little turtle, are you hungry too?" Liu Yiyi grabbed the little turtle and asked dotingly.

"Can crazy turtles eat seafood?" Liu Yiyi asked Zhang Feng worried that the little turtle would eat up his stomach.

"Of course, sea turtles usually eat small fish and shrimps. You can grab a piece and see if it eats it." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

So Yiyi took a small piece of fish and put it in front of the little turtle.

Sure enough, the little turtle sniffed it carefully first, as if instinctively told it that it was delicious, and immediately opened its small mouth to bite the delicious food on the side.

So the two of them ate while feeding the little turtle. The little turtle must have been very hungry, and it stopped after eating three pieces of fish in a row. Then it became a turtle with its limbs and head retracted into its shell Digest the food in the stomach.


In the blink of an eye, it has been a week since the two came to Shanghai

"Crazy, we're going back tomorrow, how about buying some gifts later?" Liu Yiyi suggested with a smile.


After breakfast, he threw the little turtle into his bag, and Zhang Feng and the two drove towards Nanjing Road.

"Madman, what do you think of this dress, Auntie?" Autumn is here, and Liu Yiyi is going to buy an autumn coat for Zhang's mother.

"No, my mother will definitely not wear such fashionable clothes, so you can just buy her something more plain." Zhang Feng shook his head and then suggested.

"Then what do you think of this one?" Then Liu Yiyi changed into a blue coat, which didn't have too many decorations, which was more in line with Zhang's mother's taste.

"Well, not bad, just buy this one." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Don't be too busy, we are looking at two more..." Liu Yiyi put down this dress and changed into another.

Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking, is it so troublesome for girls to buy things?Usually when you buy things by yourself, you will get them done right away, unlike girls, who are extremely excited when they go shopping on the street.

Afterwards, Liu Yiyi bought another piece of clothing for the elder sister and the two younger sisters. Of course, Zhang Feng was no exception. However, Zhang Feng felt that he seemed to be a model. He went to seven or eight shops in a row and changed seventeen or eight pieces of clothes After ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, I bought a piece of clothing.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but wryly smiled, thinking that the number of times he bought and changed clothes this time was more than he had in the past 20 years. In the past, when buying clothes at home, he almost always sold them according to estimates, and some clothes were considered good.

"Yiyi, why don't we just send back so many clothes?" Seeing seven or eight bags of clothes, Zhang Feng suggested with some headaches.

"Okay, anyway, we can get home tomorrow, so we don't have to worry about not receiving the package." Liu Yiyi nodded immediately.

Then the two found a courier and sent everything back except Zhang Lin's to her school.

"Madman, how about we buy some toys for Little Duck and Da Mao?" Liu Yiyi also liked the little kids in the village, and thought they were so cute.

"You can do whatever you want!" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that although these little kids are naughty, they are also very cute. He also likes to tease the little kids every day, seeing those innocent and cute little guys every day Zhang Feng feels that his mentality is much younger.

The two had been busy all morning, and finally bought everyone's presents. Zhang Feng also sold small gifts for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and bought some high-end ingredients such as sea cucumber and abalone for the old man; In exchange for a few black plum seeds, this is a unique variety in the world, I believe Grandma Liu will like it very much.

In the next few days, the Modu branch of Yelang Restaurant has been on the right track. As long as it continues to maintain, it will bring huge profits to the group every year.
Therefore, early the next morning, the two boarded the plane back to Linxing City, ending their busy trip to the magic city.

(End of this chapter)

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