small farmer

Chapter 281 The Unleashable Dog

Chapter 281 The Unleashable Dog (13)

Just got off the plane,
Zhang Feng drove straight to the village with his girlfriend.

"Yo, Xiaofeng, Yiyi, are you back?"

The two got off the car and walked towards the village with their luggage. The second uncle who was playing chess at the entrance of the village saw it and asked with a smile.

"Second uncle is still playing chess, haven't you come home for dinner yet?" It was almost past lunch time, and the two old men were still fighting under the big tree, fighting fiercely, and there were a few people watching The melon-eating crowd leaned against the big tree and watched the two quarrel with laughter. Although there were not many people, the scene was very lively.

"Hehe, as long as they have chess to play, do they still eat? If they are hungry, they will be full if they eat two wooden biscuits." The villagers watching the excitement teased the two of them.

"You know a ball? Is this spiritual food?" The second uncle glared at the man and shouted loudly.

"Okay! Okay! I don't understand. I only know how to eat. I've never seen any spiritual food..." The villager who spoke just now shook his head with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm not going to play anymore, go back to eat!" The second uncle pretended to be angry, and threw away the chess in his hand to run away, because this game of chess was about to lose, and if he continued to play, he would definitely lose.

"Second Zhang!!! Do you still want to be shameless??" Master Paoshan was furious immediately, seeing that the opponent he had killed threw away his helmet and armor, he wanted to go straight to Huanglong to eat the opponent's boss, and then win the whole game of chess. Knowing that this shameless old man was playing tricks again, he dropped his pawn and ran away.

"No, I have face, why do I need yours?" The second uncle said with a smile and walked towards the house. He successfully lost a game, and the second uncle seemed to have won the victory, feeling extremely comfortable. Humming a ditty while walking, walking briskly towards home.

As for Pao Shan Ye, his face was full of anger, like a volcano about to erupt, he finally sighed, and silently cleaned up the mess, preparing to get back to the scene in the afternoon.


"Hee hee, the second uncle and the others are so fun!" Seeing the two old men acting like children, Liu Yiyi couldn't help chuckling.

"The two of them have always been like this. Although they are noisy every day, their relationship has always been very good." Zhang Feng has long been used to the daily jokes of the two elders.

"Yeah, it's rare to have a confidant in life, and it's really enviable to be like them." Liu Yiyi said quite emotionally.

"It's okay, I will be with you forever." Zhang Feng said softly with a smile.

"Hee hee..." Liu Yiyi had a happy smile on her face.

Because they knew that Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng would be home at noon, and the two families were going to have lunch together, the old man and grandma Liu were also at Zhang Feng's house.

"Xiaofeng (Yiyi), you are back." The two families were sitting in the yard chatting at this moment, when they saw Zhang Feng and the two walking in with big bags and small bags, they immediately shouted in surprise.

"Grandpa, grandma (mother, eldest sister) we are back." Liu Yiyi and Zhang Feng were also very happy, especially Zhang Feng felt very cordial and natural when he came home.

"Hehe, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Grandma Liu said with a smile when she saw her granddaughter.

"Are you hungry? Put your things away and let's have dinner together." Mother Zhang smiled happily, and then said to the elder sister: "Xiaoqin quickly set the table and prepare for dinner!"

"Got it mom!"

After a while, everyone worked together, and a table of delicious dishes was set up. In the end, he ate three bowls of rice and a bowl of sweet red mushroom soup. Zhang Feng had to feel that the food at home is delicious.


After eating and clearing away the dishes, everyone dispersed.

Liu Yiyi soon went home to rest, she was also very tired after a busy week, but not everyone was as good as Zhang Feng, with surprisingly strong physical fitness.

Zhang Feng was very excited when he got home, as if he had been away for a long time, he walked around the yard, and suddenly found two little guys, sneakily peeping into the yard, as if they wanted to sneak home quietly, seeing them ghostly With a sneaky look, Zhang Feng knew that the two little guys must have slipped out to play again.

"Xiaohei, do you miss me?" Zhang Feng shouted happily when he saw the two cute little guys.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." As soon as the two puppies saw him, they rushed towards him immediately, ready to pounce on him in excitement.

"Okay, okay, you two want to print plum blossoms for me again!" Zhang Feng quickly pushed away their enthusiastic dog paws, and patted its head with a smile.

The two puppies whined and shook their heads excitedly beside Zhang Feng. Obviously, they missed him very much after not seeing him for a few days.

"The two of you sneaked out to play again these days, right?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.


"Wang Wang..."

Seeing Dahei nodding and Xiaohe shaking his head, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, "Have you two sneaked out?"

"Wang Wang..."


The two puppies glanced at each other, this time Xiao Hei nodded, and Da Hei shook his head. It seemed that the two little guys did not make a confession.

Seeing the lame performance of the two puppies, the eldest sister laughed amusedly.

"Hehe, these two go out every day, and they can hardly see their shadows until it gets dark. Today, they probably sneaked back to look for food because they were very hungry." The eldest sister couldn't help complaining to Zhang Feng.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom the two puppies secretly looked at Zhang Feng. .

"You didn't tie them up?" Zhang Feng asked the elder sister curiously.

"Do you think the dog chains at home can keep them on?" The eldest sister gave Zhang Feng a white look, and then explained: "These two little things are smart, the second day after you just left, we tied them in the house Here, I didn't know that if I didn't pay attention, these two little bastards would untie the chain and run away!"

Knowing the operation of the two puppies, Zhang Feng was also stunned. The two little guys could no longer look at the eyes of dogs, and then Zhang Feng was relieved. Intelligence, and even become smarter with continuous learning.Therefore, it is impossible to tie them with chains.

"You two guys, last time you were almost stolen by dog ​​thieves, and you ran out all day, this time I will spare you for the time being, and if there is another time, I won't let you eat!" Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that as long as he didn't At home, the eldest sister and mother have no time to care about them.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing that their master had forgiven them, the two puppies stood up with a hoot, and shook their heads around Zhang Feng again, looking very excited.

"You two little bastards..." Zhang Feng shook his head and stroked their hair dotingly, and then said, "Go and get your food bowls, I'll get you something to eat."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the two puppies jumped up and down excitedly, and ran towards zhang feng with a clean food bowl in their mouths, then squatted obediently at the door, as if waiting for his family Changshengfan is as cute as a child.

(End of this chapter)

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