small farmer

Chapter 282 Digging Tree Roots

Chapter 282 Digging Tree Roots (23)

"Go and get your food bowls, I'll get you something to eat."

"Woooo... woooo..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the two puppies jumped up and down excitedly,
After a while, he ran towards Zhang Feng with a clean food bowl in his mouth, and then squatted obediently at the door, like a super cute child waiting for his parents to fill him with food.

Fortunately, there was a lot of leftovers at noon. Zhang Feng filled half a bowl of leftovers for the two little guys, mixed them with fish soup and added some spare ribs. This is the lunch for the two dogs today.

"Okay, dinner is ready!" Zhang Feng brought out the food with a smile, and placed it in front of Dahei Xiaohei.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." The two dogs barked excitedly, and then began today's gluttonous feast, which was incomparably sweet.

Seeing that the heads of the two puppies were about to fall into the food bowl, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile, they are really two playful and greedy little guys.


"Mom, I'll go for a walk by the lake." After feeding the two puppies, Zhang Feng walked out of the house and prepared to take a walk by the lake.

"It's okay, you can go!" Wang Guilan, Zhang's mother, set up a stall in front of her house as always, selling some local specialties, especially the crispy fish and dried mushrooms at home are the most popular among tourists, and many tourists came from the city specially. Just to buy these two things.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." The two puppies quickly chased after the meal.

Seeing the puppies following him, Zhang Feng smiled and waved, and suddenly Big Black and Little Black ran towards him happily.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, where have you been?" Walking to the pier and meeting Uncle Seven, Uncle Seven asked with a smile.

"I went to Shanghai to play for a few days." Zhang Feng walked up with a smile, and handed Uncle Qi a cigarette.

"Well, the cigarettes you smoke are good."

In fact, Zhang Feng doesn't smoke, but he still carries a pack of five 60 yuan good cigarettes with him, and packs one when he meets relatives and friends.

Little Seventh Uncle put the cigarette in front of his nose, sniffed it and said with a smile, "How about it, is it fun to go to the Devil's City?"

"Of course, it is the largest city in China, and there are many places to play..." Then the two began to chat, chatting about the beautiful Oriental Pearl Tower, the most prosperous commercial street Nanjing Road, and of course the vast sea, golden beach.

"You guys are so lucky!" When Liu Yiyi saw a pearl shell with a big pearl worth tens of thousands, Uncle Seven couldn't help sighing.

"Hehe, it's really luck." Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that he could pick up pearl oysters by the sea, and found that the pearls were indeed smoking from ancestral graves, because pearl oysters are generally born in the southeast coast, and are very rare in East China.


"Master, is your boat for rent?" The two chatted for a while and were interrupted by tourists who rushed over.

"Rent it, 50 yuan per person, and you can go swimming in the lake." When Uncle Qi saw the business coming, he immediately regained his spirits.

"Little Seventh Uncle, you should be busy first, and I'll leave now." Zhang Feng said his farewell with a smile.

"Okay, let's talk again when we have time!" Afterwards, Uncle Qi began to bargain with tourists,

Because the cruise management here is very easy, as long as it does not exceed the maximum price of 50 yuan per person stipulated by the Tourism Bureau and the Price Bureau, tourists will bargain with them. Since the business is not very good, Xiao Qishu will generally lower the price. , 30 yuan will allow tourists to swim around the lake.

After bidding farewell to Little Seventh Uncle, Zhang Feng continued to walk around with Dahei Xiaohei.

Along the path by the lake, we turned to the entrance of the village in a short while.

From a distance, Zhang Feng saw someone digging there, and when he got closer, it turned out that it was the village head and Uncle Dashan who were digging roots.

"Uncle, did you cut down this old willow tree?" Zhang Feng walked over and asked with a smile.

"Cut it down..." "This willow tree has been dead for more than ten years. After cutting it down, plant another one." The uncle replied with a nod and a smile.

Zhang Feng is also very familiar with the old willow tree at the entrance of the village. He remembers that it was around 2000. One day, it rained suddenly, and there was lightning and thunder in the sky, boom!Kacha~~ A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, almost splitting the willow tree in half. When the rain stopped, Zhang Feng and other kids ran to watch the fun, and finally followed the elder sister to pick up some branches and go home to use as firewood.

Ever since he saw what happened to this willow tree, Zhang Feng never dared to take shelter under the big tree from the rain, fearing that he would be burnt like a willow tree by lightning.

"Uncle, you don't want this old tree root?" Seeing that everyone moved the dry trunk and branches into the car, leaving an old tree root here, seeing the shape of the tree root, Zhang Feng suddenly felt moved, thinking that this is not Can it be made into a table?So Zhang Feng asked his uncle.

"What? Xiaofeng wants it? If you want it, you can dig it back yourself." The uncle said with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng's appearance.

"Hehe, that's good..." Zhang Feng smiled. Although he has learned carving, he hasn't tried root carving yet.

"Xiaofeng, why do you want this thing?" Uncle Dashan asked curiously.

"I'm going to get it back and make a root carving." Zhang Feng responded with a smile.

"You know this, kid?" Uncle Dashan asked in surprise.

"I haven't done it before, I'm going to try it." Zhang Feng said modestly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone felt that it was very unreliable. Root carving is hard work, and it is impossible to succeed without learning for a few years, so everyone laughed, and they were not optimistic about Zhang Feng's plan at all.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Feng also knew what they were thinking, and ignored them with a slight smile. Although Zhang Feng was not 100% sure that he would succeed, he was still [-] to [-]% sure, after all, his primary carving skills There is also a certain introduction to root carving.

"Uncle Dashan, lend me your hatchet and hoe." Zhang Feng's hands were empty. It was definitely impossible to pull up the willows like Lu Zhishen pulled up the weeping willows, and he needed tools to assist him.

"It's all there, take it yourself." Uncle Dashan smiled, and sat on the felled tree trunk to breathe and rest for a while. It took a lot of energy to cut down the tree for more than half an hour.

Zhang Feng's strength is unbelievable. In addition, there is a ditch under the root of the tree, and the soil inside is empty. The little kids often hide under the root of the tree, so the village chief thought of cutting it down. Drop, eliminate the potential safety hazard here.

So it only took Zhang Feng more than half an hour to dig up all the soil around the roots of the tree, and another half an hour to cut off every fibrous root. A hundred catties of tree roots were picked up.

"Xiaofeng's strength... is really abnormal!" Uncle Dashan couldn't find words to describe the shock in his heart.

"Yeah, if he was a strong general in ancient times, it's just a pity..." The village elder shook his head and sighed. With such terrifying strength, it is estimated that the ancient overlord is no more than that. Unfortunately, he was born at an untimely time. In the era of hot weapons, no matter how powerful you are, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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