small farmer

Chapter 283 Vegetable seedlings on the market

Chapter 283 Vegetable seedlings on the market (33)


Zhang Feng yelled, the muscles all over his body swelled, and before he could use all his strength, he picked up the old tree root and put it on the flat ground with a relaxed expression.

"I'll go, buddy, did you eat Popeye's spinach? Your strength is so abnormal?" Suddenly a tourist ran over and asked with a look of admiration on his face.

"Spinach? That stuff is useless, I'm taking Super Dali Wan!" Zhang Feng shook his head and joked seriously.

"Brother, you are really awesome..." This buddy couldn't help but give a thumbs up,

"Usually the third in the village..." Zhang Feng said pretendingly.

"What? There are more powerful ones in the village?" The tourist was taken aback. He is so powerful that he is not number one?Is it true that all the masters are among the people?
"Yes, the mountain gods and land gods in the village are stronger than me." Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"Mountain god, land?" The tourist was stunned, and it took him a long time to realize that he had been tricked.

But just like this, he felt that Zhang Feng was more interesting, so he forced Zhang Feng to take a photo with him. Originally, Zhang Feng didn't want his handsome photo to spread, but for the sake of the village's tourism plan, he had to sacrifice his "hue".
'well!It's all the fault of being handsome! ' Zhang Feng shook his head and thought narcissistically.

"Uncle, Uncle Dashan come to smoke a cigarette!" Zhang Feng was finally relieved to see off the overly enthusiastic tourists, so he sat on the trunk with everyone to rest for a while.

"You don't smoke, kid, why buy such expensive cigarettes?" Seeing the Zhonghua Zhang Feng handed over, the uncle shook his head persuadingly.

"Don't worry, brother, if there is no Xiaofeng, where can we smoke such good cigarettes?" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

"You don't want to smoke any more in the future. I bought these when I went to Shanghai, and there are only a few left." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"What? Just a few? Give them all to me, anyway, you don't smoke." Uncle Dashan took Zhang Feng's good cigarettes with a smile.

"Bring me from Dashan to see how many are left?" the uncle said with a smile.

"No, although I haven't read a book for a few days, I can still count one, two, three." Uncle Dashan saw through the village chief's tricks at a glance, so he wasn't fooled at all, but in the end Uncle Dashan still gave the village chief a share. root.

After we chatted for a while, the village head asked Zhang Feng: "Xiaofeng, the vegetables in the village will soon be on the shelves, I wonder if you are ready?"

"So fast?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"Hurry up? The vegetable seedlings can be sold long ago." The uncle shook his head and said.

"Vegetable seedlings are not acceptable. We charge at most one or two yuan per catty." The price of vegetable seedlings and mature vegetables must be different, Zhang Feng thought for a while and said.

"One or two yuan is fine. Although there are not many vegetable seedlings in each family, more than 20 households add up to a lot." The uncle looked at Zhang Feng expectantly and said, and Uncle Dashan also stared at Zhang Feng, hoping that he could The vegetable seedlings were also taken away.

Because it is impossible for each household to sow only one or two seeds when sowing seeds, seven or eight seeds or ten seeds in one sowing, so the extra ones are generally pulled out, so as to ensure the nutritional supply of vegetables.

"Okay, since everyone wants to sell it, we can pick it tomorrow and send it to the entrance of the village." Zhang Feng thought for a while and thought it would be good to test the water with these vegetable seedlings first, to see how the market responds.

"Really? I thank you for everyone." The uncle said excitedly.

Uncle Dashan was also very happy. Although everyone had great confidence in Zhang Feng, they were always worried about nights and dreams. If they could sell the extra seedlings tomorrow, everyone would be completely relieved.

"It's okay, but let's talk about it first. The price of vegetable seedlings is only two yuan a catty, so don't gossip." Zhang Feng gave everyone a vaccination first. Not every family in the village is so reasonable. Conflict.

"Whoever dares, whoever dares to gossip, see if I don't cut him!" The uncle finally showed the aura of the village chief, knowing that this is the key to everyone's fortune, and no one is allowed to destroy it. If Zhang Feng feels uncomfortable, he may think about it in the future. It will be difficult to let him lead everyone to make a fortune.


After chatting with the uncle and the others for a while, after confirming that the vegetable purchase would start tomorrow, Zhang Feng took Big Black and Little Black home to pick up the car, and then pulled the tree roots back home with three wheels.

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing with this tree root?" Wang Guilan asked curiously when she saw her son pulling a big tree root home.

"I'm going to make a root carving!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh! Do you want me to help?"

"No, I can do it alone." Then Zhang Feng held the big tree root with both hands, lifted it out of the car, and temporarily placed it in the yard, and waited for the water in the root to dry completely before carving.

Then Zhang Feng began to remove the soil and skin on the tree roots, and finally washed the roots with clean water quickly, leaving the rest to the weather.

In the afternoon, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi talked about purchasing vegetables, and Liu Yiyi also agreed with Zhang Feng's opinion, thinking that they could try the market reaction of new vegetables first.

And in order to get a better price, Zhang Feng went to the vegetable field to pick a handful of cabbage in the afternoon, and cooked a dish for dinner. Although the taste was not as good as the ones in his backyard, it was much better than ordinary vegetables, so Zhang Feng Feng finally felt relieved, thinking that the products produced by the system are really high-quality products, and it is not in vain to spend so many points.


"Xiaofeng is here!"

"Xiaofeng got up early, too?" The next morning at eight o'clock, when Zhang Feng came to the entrance of the village, the villagers had already picked vegetables and were already waiting here. As soon as they saw Zhang Feng, they immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Early... Everyone came early!" Zhang Feng also responded with a smile.

Then Zhang Feng moved the scales and began to weigh everyone's vegetables. In the past, the employees were responsible for this work, but today is the first day, so Zhang Feng did it by himself.

"Second uncle, yours is twenty catties, three yuan per catty, and the total will be 60 yuan." Zhang Feng was the first to weigh the second uncle's, and he paid the bill immediately after saying yes.

"That's not right, Xiaofeng! Didn't we agree on two yuan a catty yesterday?" The second uncle took the money for a moment, then asked.

"Hehe, I discussed it with Yiyi yesterday, and I think it's still the three yuan purchase according to the contract." After Zhang Feng went back yesterday, he felt that it was not good to lose such a piece. As long as the price stipulated in the contract was followed, everyone would have nothing to say. explain.

"How does this work..."

"That's right, Xiaofeng, the contract stipulates that ripe vegetables are not sprouts!"

"Yeah Xiaofeng, we can't let you suffer!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone felt embarrassed and felt that they had taken advantage of Zhang Feng, so they persuaded him one after another.

"Everyone listen to me, I know everyone's kindness, but it's just one yuan more..." After Zhang Feng's explanation, everyone finally calmed down.
Thinking about it carefully, everyone thinks what Zhang Feng said is also reasonable. As long as the retail price is raised slightly, there will be no loss, but the cost will be passed on to consumers.

 Thank you very much for the rewards from the book friends of 'Forget Me Not 1998', and thank you for your subscription and ticket support, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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