small farmer

Chapter 29 Walking the Sheep and Catch the Chicken

Chapter 29 Walking the sheep and catching the chicken (seek support for the second update)
The new book is urgently in need of collection and recommendation. I hope that this time, this book will not be a eunuch. Don't worry, everyone. Thank you for the reward from the book friend of 'Bangster One Shot', thank you everyone.

finish breakfast
Zhang Feng took the two cute pets, Dabai and Xiaobai, to the orchard in the back mountain.

"Hey! Where is Xiaofeng walking the sheep?" Uncle Er Niu, who was herding cattle on the mountain, immediately teased Zhang Feng when he saw two white lambs behind him.

"Yeah, take them around in the orchard..." Zhang Feng counterattacked indifferently: "Why does Uncle Erniu also come to walk the cattle on the mountain?"

"Walking you ghost, sir, I have this leisurely morning and night walking cow?" Uncle Er Niu immediately rolled his eyes and said quite speechlessly.

"What's the matter? There are people who walk toads and cabbages." Zhang Feng said with a smile, thinking of the anecdote he had read on the Internet.

"Then why don't you give me a try?" Er Niu Shu said with a smile.

Thinking of all the wonderful deeds of those people, Zhang Feng can only sigh that the people in the city really know how to play.


"Hehe, that's right! Where's your duckling?" Zhang Feng asked with a chuckle.

"He, I was still sound asleep when I went out, and I guess I haven't woken up yet." Er Niu Shu shook his head, for his own leather monkey was really a headache.

"If you want me to say, I might as well send him to kindergarten. Otherwise, my aunt has to go to work, and you have to work, so how can I have time to take care of him?" Zhang Feng knew how difficult it is to discipline that monkey, so he suggested.

"Kindergarten costs more than 3000 tuition fees for one semester. Your sister-in-law and I are going to let him go to preschool next semester. The tuition fees for preschool classes are only a few hundred yuan a semester." Uncle Erniu lamented that the current kindergarten is too expensive, and rural people simply Can't afford to hurt.

After discussing the education of the ducklings with Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng continued to walk to the orchard with two super weeding goats.

The orchard of Zhang Feng's family covers an area of ​​about [-] mu. Most of the orchards are peaches and plums, and there are some sporadic citrus, pears, loquats and other common fruits in the Southwest.

Soon Zhang Feng and the two cute pets arrived at their destination.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, do you want to run around? You can only wear this bag to know?" Zhang Feng said while gesticulating.

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..." The cute Dabai and Xiaobai tilted their little heads, watched the master gesture for a while, finally understood the master's meaning, each responded, and began to bury their heads in eating the grass on the ground.

After arranging the two cute pets, Zhang Feng continued to wander around the orchard, looking around carefully, as if he was looking for something.

"Well, it's here." After Zhang Feng's observation, he found that there were traces of pheasant activity here.
So Zhang Feng took out the simple trap he brought from home, which was actually a chicken cage made of bamboo strips. After Zhang Feng's simple modification, it was finally made into a trap for catching pheasants.

Find the place where the pheasants are often active, set up the cage, and then sprinkle some corn kernels soaked with auxin in the cage as bait.

"Okay! Everything is ready and it's only due to Dongfeng!" Zhang Feng clapped his hands proudly, seeing the first hunting trap he made was very fulfilling.

After making the trap, he looked at the two cute pets and found that they were all buried in eating the delicious green grass, so Zhang Feng left them alone and prepared to give the fruit tree a fruity fragrance potion.

Because there are thumb-sized fruits hanging on the fruit tree, it is the right time to use the fruity fragrance potion. Only after the fruity fragrance is used can the fruit grow big and good, and sell for a good price.

So Zhang Feng took out the spray, filled the pond with water, and finally dripped three or five drops of the medicine, and then the medicine was prepared, and he started to spray the peach trees.

The peach trees in Zhang Feng's house are about three acres, one to two hundred. Zhang Feng picked up the potion and started working quickly.

The weight of a bucket of water is not light, it weighs about [-] to [-] catties. It is not easy to carry such a heavy potion and work all the time, it requires good endurance;

If it was Zhang Feng before, it would be enough to carry such a bucket of water on his back, and he would not be able to hold on for 5 minutes even if he had to jump up and down on the mountain road.

However, after the system transformation, Zhang Feng's body has become extremely perverted. Even Er Niu Shu, who is the strongest in the village, may not be able to compare with him now.

Zhang Feng had experimented a few days ago, he could pick up the big millstone at home with one hand, it was a big millstone made of granite, at least it weighed two to three hundred catties, it was very scary to think about it.

In the past, Zhang Feng didn't quite understand the words "overlord carrying a tripod". He thought to himself, how could these people have such great strength after taking Dali pills?

Now that I have such great strength, it is easy to do farm work without feeling strenuous at all, so in just over an hour, Zhang Feng made four barrels of potion and sprayed all the peach trees on the three acres of land. .

"Ah, it's finally done!" Zhang Feng put down the sprayer, rubbed his slightly sore shoulders, and stretched.

"Dabai, where are you Xiaobai?" The grass and trees are really long in the road, and the two short-legged little fools graze with their heads down. If you don't pay attention, you can't find them at all.


"Baa baa..." Hearing the master's call, Dabai and Xiaobai immediately raised their heads and yelled in Zhang Feng's direction.

"Yo, so you are there, it's okay, you continue." Following the prestige, Zhang Feng found them, and waved his hand to let them continue to eat grass.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng looked at the place where he buried the trap and found that no pheasant was caught, but Zhang Feng was also disappointed because although there were many pheasants in the mountains, they were not so common that they could be seen everywhere, and it was his first trap hunting , It is normal to fail to catch pheasants.

Zhang Feng didn't stay for long, and left there quickly to avoid arousing surprise.

Then Zhang Feng found the shade of a tree, lay on a smooth big rock, looked at the blue sky and the flowing white clouds, took a deep breath, feeling refreshed, and suddenly felt that this kind of leisurely rural life is really fascinating .


Zhang Feng, who was in a drowsy sleep, was suddenly awakened by a cry, so Zhang Feng immediately got up and listened:

"Cuckoo...coccoo..." Zhang Feng found that the cry was near the trap he made.

"It seems that the pheasant is really here." Zhang Feng was overjoyed and smiled knowingly.

Zhang Feng did not rush over immediately, but continued to wait patiently. This is an essential quality for every veteran hunter. Zhang Feng learned the basic hunting skills. Although it was the first time to practice, he did not lack patience and experience.

Sure enough, in the end, the pheasant still couldn't resist the temptation of the food, especially the food that had been soaked in the auxin of Rihua, which made it even more delicious and attractive, so the pheasant walked into the trap specially prepared by Zhang Feng step by step, and finally The bird died for food, and this fat pheasant became Zhang Feng's prey.

Then Zhang Feng heard the sound of the pheasant flapping its wings desperately, so Zhang Feng made a decisive attack and ran over immediately. It would be a pity if the pheasant really broke free.

"Haha, I didn't expect my trap to be really useful."

Zhang Feng quickly caught the pheasant in the cage, and then tied its legs and wings with straw ropes, so the pheasant could not escape with its wings.

(End of this chapter)

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