small farmer

Chapter 30 The main task is completed

Chapter 30 The main task is completed (recommended for collection)

Ah, the chrysanthemums are all blown off, where are your favorites and recommendations?Renmao once again promises that it will finish the book. I would like to thank everyone for their support, and thank you for the big rewards from 'YunyanЖ' and 'Han Laixiang'. Thank you for your support.


The weather is getting hotter and hotter, even if Zhang Feng hides under the shade of a tree, he can't stop the roiling heat wave,
So Zhang Feng put away his things, took today's spoils - a fat pheasant, and looked around to see if there was anything missing.

"Oh! There are also Dabai and Xiaobai. If you forget about these two stupid, you will definitely be scolded by your mother when you get home." Zhang Feng slapped his head, and finally there was a sound of two cute pets grazing grass. Woolen cloth.

"Dabai, Xiaobai is back home... Dabai, Xiaobai..." So Zhang Feng shouted loudly.



The two little lambs, who were grazing, heard the voice of the owner, raised their little heads, and looked around with cute faces, as if they wanted to find the owner.

"Hurry up, let's go home." Finally saw Dabai and Xiaobai in the grass, and the two lambs also found their owner. When Zhang Feng waved, the two silly and cute, with their short legs, jumped up and down Then he ran towards Zhang Feng.

"Let's go, let's go home..." Zhang Feng walked in front with his things, followed by two silly and cute little goats, and a group of strange combinations walked home like this.

"Xiaofeng is back?" At this moment, Zhang Feng met an acquaintance, who was quite deep in his childhood memory, who was the one who blocked the door in the legend - the third wife.

"Yes, third wife, where are you going?" After all, the other party was an elder, Zhang Feng also asked with a smile.

"Me, I'm going to pick some vegetables at the top of Dongshan Mountain. By the way, Xiaofeng, the cucumbers at the top of Dongshan Mountain are big and sweet. When do you want to eat them, pick them yourself..." Before leaving, the third wife did not forget to say politely.

"Okay! Okay!" Zhang Feng suddenly felt chilly, and his whole body shivered, thinking 'who would dare to pick things from your house', it was really the shadow brought by the blocking incident in his childhood.

Thinking of the third wife, Zhang Feng felt very emotional. In the past, the two families almost never communicated with each other. Even if they met by chance on the road, they were strangers. He never expected that the third wife would take the initiative to greet him.

I think I should collect mushrooms with myself and master everyone's sales channels, so I want to improve the relationship with myself. After all, no one will be troubled by money.

Shaking his head, Zhang Feng took two short-legged cute pets and continued walking slowly towards the house.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the first phase of the main task: cure the lazy cancer within one month, and change everyone's view of the host. Completion reward: 100 points, three opportunities for lucky draw, (task completion rate 100/[-]) .”

"Hahaha, the main task of the first stage is finally completed?" Zhang Feng was very happy when the main task was completed, but he was not surprised.

Because 90.00% of the first phase of the task was completed a few days ago, only one percent of the last, Zhang Feng knew that this task was about to be completed,

However, I didn't expect to meet the third grandma today, and there was such a surprise. It was her who completed the final assist, allowing Zhang Feng to complete the main task of the first stage.

After completing the main task of the first stage, Zhang Feng was finally relieved, and finally got rid of the hat of "lazy scholar". Since then, Zhang Feng has become more confident and sunny.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for getting [-] points and three lucky draw opportunities. May I ask the host to claim it now?" The system's reminder interrupted Zhang Feng's thinking.

"Receive!" After completing this main task, Zhang Feng suddenly became radiant. The difficulties he faced were finally over, and his life will become more exciting from today onwards.

After receiving the rewards and storing them in the system, Zhang Feng carried the two silly lambs in high spirits, walking briskly, as if his whole body had lost tens of catties of weight. Walking on the road, he felt extremely comfortable, as if the scenery on both sides of the mountain road It also becomes more beautiful.

"Dabai Xiaobai, are you back?"

"Come in, your sister has prepared delicious cucumbers for you?" Zhang Feng said as soon as he entered the room with two cute pets, and his mother came out in surprise.

"Xiaoqin, prepare some food for Dabai and Xiaobai, look at how hard they are today." Mother pampered Dabai and Xiaobai's little head.

"Mom? I haven't eaten yet?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"You child, do you still need food at home?" The mother said with a smile,

Zhang Feng is also very happy to see that his mother's family has gradually increased recently. As long as his mother is happy, Zhang Feng hopes that his family can live a relaxed and happy life.

"Hey! Xiaofeng caught another pheasant." The eldest sister came out with a cucumber, and asked in surprise when she saw the pheasant in Zhang Feng's hand.

"Yeah, I made a trap today. I didn't expect this pheasant to be so stupid. It got into it just to eat one end." Zhang Feng chuckled, feeling a little complacent, thinking that the system's primary hunting skills are really useful.

"Xiaofeng, let's sell this pheasant. I have eaten two in the past few days." At this time, my mother Wang Guilan spoke.

"Yeah, let's eat these wild animals fresh, let's sell this one today." The eldest sister also chimed in and said that a pheasant can be sold for two to three hundred, and it is still a bit expensive for my family to eat it in one meal. luxury.

"Got it, mom (sister), I originally planned to sell this one, and I promised someone else." Knowing that his mother and eldest sister are used to living a frugal life, Zhang Feng explained with a slight smile.

I remember the last time Zhang Feng caught a pheasant. A tourist wanted to buy it, but Zhang Feng didn’t sell it. He promised to sell him the next time he caught a pheasant. Zhang Feng still had that person’s business card in his hand.

after lunch,

Zhang Feng took out his business card and took a look: Chairman of Qingshan Real Estate, member of Provincial Photographers Association - Zhang Heng, phone 138XXXXXXXXXX.

According to the number, Zhang Feng called the other party.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhang Heng?"

"I am Zhang Heng, may I ask who you are?" the other party replied.

"Didn't you want to buy my pheasant last time? Do you remember?" Zhang Feng reminded.

"Oh, so it's you, brother. Did you catch the pheasant again?" The other party thought for a while and finally wanted Zhang Feng, and then asked excitedly. He knew at a glance that this man was also a glutton for delicious food.

"Yeah, I caught another one today, about three catties."

"Okay, my brother must keep it for me, and I'll call someone over to pick it up right away."

"Okay, there is a big cypress tree in my yard, it's easy to find, just let him come over directly."


The two ended the conversation, and within ten minutes, the other party's "special agent" arrived at Zhang Feng's house and bought the pheasant for 300 yuan. Zhang Feng could only sigh, what a rich man.

Don't look at Zhang Feng's recent income of 20 million, but compared with those local tyrants, he is still poor, poor, and stupid. If he asked himself to spend 300 yuan to buy a pheasant, Zhang Feng would definitely be reluctant. Of course, he caught it except.

After seeing off the 'special commissioner' who sold chickens, Zhang Feng made a pot of tea and lay leisurely on the reclining chair in the yard, looking at the green mountains in the distance and the smooth surface of Moon Lake.

Such beautiful scenery made Zhang Feng think of a beautiful little poem: Looking at the green mountains and rivers of Dongting, there is a green snail in a silver plate.

Reading this poem at this time, Zhang Feng had a feeling of being there. The green hills in the distance were reflected in the clear water of the lake, and the Moon Lake under the sun was silvery white.

Appreciating the beautiful scenery of the simple mountain village and enjoying the fresh air, even if Zhang Feng is to marry Bai Fumei and become the CEO, Zhang Feng is unwilling to leave here and the beautiful mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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