small farmer

Chapter 31 Harvest

Chapter 31 Harvest
The new book is in urgent need of everyone's support, and the favorite book friends can help to collect and recommend it.

"Hey, it seems boring to just lie down like this?"

After lying down for about half an hour, Zhang Feng got up immediately, ready to find something to do.

Suddenly Zhang Feng thought of the eels that were almost flooded in the backyard, so Zhang Feng planned to catch dozens of catties and sell them, otherwise the crowded eels would starve to death.

It has to be said that the effect of Rihua auxin is very powerful, but in just half a month, the number of eels in the ditch has increased by three to five times.

These increased eels are not only newly bred, but also attracted by the auxin, so in just half a month, the eels in the ditch were almost flooded. If Zhang Feng hadn't discovered it early, I installed a light to attract insects, and it is estimated that many of them were starved to death.

As for catching eels, Zhang Feng was already familiar with the road. He took a net bag and a bucket and came to the side of the ditch. Zhang Feng sprinkled the bait, and soon there was movement in the water. One... two... Countless eels were black and dense They got out and rushed towards the bait,

Dense eels filled the entire ditch. The scene was really scary. If it was enlarged, it would be as scary as the horror movie "The Plague of Pythons". Although Zhang Feng did not have intensive phobia, he still felt a little bit numb.

Soon, Zhang Feng thought, 'These are all pieces of RMB'. After thinking this way, Zhang Feng immediately became excited, and the copying net in his hand was constantly salvaged, and it was full in just five or six minutes. A big barrel, estimated to weigh thirty or forty catties.

"Xiaofeng caught so many rice eels again?" Wang Guilan asked in surprise as her son came from the backyard carrying a large bucket of rice eels.

"Yeah, I didn't take care of it for a few days, and the eels in the backyard are almost flooding. Why don't you just catch some and sell them?" Zhang Feng explained with a slight smile.

Zhang's mother hurried into the house and took out the big vegetable pot at home. Zhang Feng poured the rice field eel into the big pot inside, and then the mother and son carried the rice field eel out of the yard together to sell it to tourists outside.

Hearing that my younger brother wanted to sell eels, the elder sister also came out with a small stool, a plastic bag, and a steelyard. Sitting in the shade outside the yard, the family began to sell eels.

"Xiaofeng, will there be so many rice field eels that cannot be sold?" the eldest sister asked worriedly. After all, 50 yuan a catty is not cheap.

"No, there were more than this last time, and they were all bought in less than half an hour. Don't worry, sister." Zhang Feng smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"Really?" The elder sister looked suspicious.

"Of course, don't worry. If you can't sell it, I'll sell it to Brother Niu. Anyway, his restaurant also needs rice field eels." Zhang Feng smiled lightly, reassuring.

The reason why Zhang Feng didn't sell the rice field eel directly to Fatty Niu was also due to his own considerations. Zhang Feng planned to open a farmhouse, and now he was selling some local products to gradually attract popularity and prepare for the opening of the farmhouse.

Because it is not ready yet, so this time only rice field eels are sold. In the future, Zhang Feng will prepare more mountain products and aquatic products, and sell them to tourists in the city to promote his own brand.

"Selling eels, selling eels, just caught wild eels, 50 yuan a catty..."

Afterwards, Zhang Feng's yelling sounded from the edge of the Moon Lake. Hearing Zhang Feng's hawking, many tourists by the lake came to watch the fun, and many of them took out money to buy.

"Haha, it's you again, young man. Give me another five catties. After I bought it back last time, my anorexic little grandson ate three big bowls." The old man who bought five catties last time hurried away again. When I came over, I immediately bought five catties, dispelling everyone's worries.

"Brother, give me two catties..." At this time, an aunt shouted loudly. There was also a young ancestor who was anorexic in her family. Try, after all, 50 yuan a catty is not cheap.

With the beginning of the two old people, everyone rushed to buy, you three catties and I two catties, and soon a pot of rice field eels was snapped up.

Seeing everyone rushing to buy it, the elder sister was stunned. She didn't expect her rice field eels to be so popular. It seems that everyone's living standards have really improved now.

"Let's go, sister!" Seeing that the elder sister was still in a daze, Zhang Feng and his mother reminded with a smile after packing up the things.

"Ah, good!" The eldest sister was startled, and sighed while walking after waking up: "I didn't expect it to be sold out so soon. There are so many rich people now."


at night
After practicing the fitness super, Zhang Feng lay on the bed, looking at the bright starry sky outside the window, and occasionally shooting stars across the sky;
The crystal moonlight shines on the earth, and the mountains and trees outside the window seem to be covered with a layer of beautiful gauze, hazy and full of beauty.

"Ding dong! The system branch task is open: As a promising new farmer in the era, how can he not have his own business? The host is limited to open a farmhouse of his own within one month. Completing the task will reward 1000 points, and if the task fails, [-] points will be deducted .”

"Is buying mushrooms not my career?" Seeing the new task of the system, Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

"No, the host needs to have a long-term and stable career." The system mechanically replied.

oh!Zhang Feng immediately understood that the purchase of mushrooms was limited by seasons after all, and the system considered it not a long-term job, because after the rainy season, mushrooms in the forest would no longer grow, and Zhang Feng's second-hand dealer business would naturally end.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng happily accepted the new task, because even without this task, Zhang Feng still planned to open a farmhouse, which would not only make his mother more relaxed and stop doing heavy farm work, but also provide a stable income for the whole family source.

Then Zhang Feng opened his property panel:
The various physical attributes have not changed, they are still the same, and it is not so easy to increase them a little.

Skills Primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills.

Points 10450 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 4
Unfinished tasks:
Side quest——become a millionaire, the mission is for one year, 500 points will be rewarded for completing the mission, a chance to draw a lottery, and [-] points will be deducted if the mission fails.

"Sub-quest - open a farmhouse of your own, reward 1000 points for completing the task, and deduct [-] points for failing the task."

(Systematic evaluation: The host's combat power is low, and the lazy cancer has been successfully cured. I hope the host will continue to work hard. It will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer of the era as soon as possible.)
Seeing that he already had more than 1 points, Zhang Feng suddenly had the feeling of getting rich overnight, and there were still four lucky draw opportunities left in the system.
Zhang Feng has to sigh, the rewards of the main task are generous, and he is very much looking forward to the arrival of the second phase of the main task

(End of this chapter)

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