small farmer

Chapter 32 Crispy Fried Fish

Chapter 32 Crispy Fried Fish (Please recommend for collection)

The new book urgently needs everyone's collection and recommendation. This book is guaranteed to be completed. Thank you for the rewards of the two book friends 'Lao Xie' and 'Shui Mo Xiaoxiang'.

After nightfall

It's raining lightly outside the window

As the poet Du Fu described: good rain knows the season, when spring happens, sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.

The drizzle in the sky silently moistened the mountains and rivers, and the mushrooms in the mountains and forests also sprung up like mushrooms, and densely covered the entire mountains and forests. I think tomorrow will be another harvest day.

However, although the spring rains come quietly, they still cannot escape the perception of the farmers. Listening to the dripping of the rain on the eaves, everyone naturally knows that this is another rainy night that is expected.

Even though the night was deep, everyone was still so excited that they couldn't sleep. Even the old people who were less sleepy simply got up, ready their baskets, and were ready to go at any time, wanting to seize the opportunity.

Chun Yu seemed to know everyone's urgency, and gradually subsided in the middle of the night.

As summer approaches, the dawn gets earlier and earlier. Just after five o’clock, the sky has gradually brightened up, and the village has gradually become lively. Every house has lights up, and the mountain roads have become more and more lively. Everyone packed their bags and rushed to the mountains and forests.

Everyone wants to seize the opportunity and get more gains, because it is not easy to make money in the countryside, and almost every penny represents a drop of sweat.

However, picking mushrooms is not as hard as farming. Although you have to go into the mountains before dawn, as long as it rains, you can earn three to five hundred yuan a day. After a rainy season, you can earn ten to twenty thousand at least. The income from farming for two years has been reduced, so everyone went into the forest before dawn.

Zhang Feng's family also got up early, waiting for everyone to return home with a full load.

"Uncle Dashan, 38 catties of red mushrooms... a total of 570 yuan..." But after seven o'clock, Uncle Dashan was the first to return.

"Second uncle, 35 catties...a total of 520 count it..." Zhang Feng reminded.

"It's okay, can't I still trust you Xiaofeng?" The second uncle took so much money, his beams were full of smiles, he waved his hands and walked home with a basket on his back.

It seems that Zhang Feng has really changed everyone's views and gained everyone's trust. While Zhang Feng's acquisition of mushrooms provided everyone with new income, it also enabled Zhang Feng to establish a good reputation in the village.

As the dawn was getting earlier and earlier, everyone entered the mountain after five o'clock, so at nine o'clock in the morning, all the people who entered the mountain came out, so the business of buying mushrooms was basically over today.

According to statistics, today is another bumper harvest, with more than 500 catties of mushrooms harvested, mainly red mushrooms and boletes.

Zhang Feng did a rough calculation, and today he has an income of at least 2 yuan, but in just over half a month, just buying mushrooms has brought him an income of [-] yuan, and the family has finally got rid of the original situation. Dilemma.


After seeing off the restaurant's cart carrying vegetables and mushrooms, Zhang Feng wandered along the path by the lake.When Zhang Feng came to the river, he saw the little ducklings and Da Mao, who were fishing with small nets.

Zhang Feng took a closer look, hey!The harvest is not small, and the patience of a few monkeys is not small. They have already caught more than half of the bucket of small fish, and the fish are not big, only the size of a finger.

"Ahem! Ducklings, what are you doing here!" Zhang Feng asked intentionally.

"Hey! Crazy brother, we are fishing." The little duck turned around and said.

"Yeah, do you think we've all caught a bucket?" Da Mao pointed to the bucket next to him, raised his head, and said quite proudly.

"Really, you guys are really good!" Zhang Fengmo patted Da Mao's head.

"Hee hee..." Hearing Zhang Feng's praise, the little guys laughed happily.

"By the way, why are you catching so many small fish?" Everyone is not rare about such small fish. Only children can catch and play with them, but it is rare to catch so many at one time.

"Hee hee, let's catch the duckling and feed it..." Da Mao looked at the duckling and said with a smile.

"Bah, bah, bah!! It's not me, it's my little yellow duck..." The little duck argued hastily.

"Isn't a little yellow duck just a little duck?"

"Not at all…………"

So the two little monkeys fought fiercely, and Zhang Feng couldn't help smiling when he heard their immature words.

"Haha, okay, stop arguing, little duck, how about selling these small fish of yours to me?" Seeing so many small fish, it would be a pity to let the ducks eat them. Zhang Feng was going to make crispy fried fish for his little sister. At noon Send them to school.

"Then how much will you give us?" The little guy's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this little fish that no one wanted could be sold for money. The little guy suddenly asked.

"How about giving you five yuan?" Zhang Feng asked tentatively.

Finally, after some bargaining, Zhang Feng bought half a bucket of small fish for six yuan, drained the water inside, and the small fish weighed about one or two catties.

After the deal was reached, a few kids were carrying buckets and followed Zhang Feng shangfen, chatting and laughing, obviously very happy.

"Brother Crazy, do you want any more fish tomorrow?" The little duck asked expectantly after he arrived at Zhang Feng's yard and poured out the fish in the bucket.

"Aren't you going to graze the cows tomorrow?"

"Let it go, but isn't it possible to catch fish while grazing cattle? Do you still want it?" The little duck asked anxiously, obviously the little guy had tasted the sweetness of making money again.

"Okay, you can sell any small fish you catch tomorrow to me. I'll give you six yuan a bucket, but you have to be careful and don't go to deep water." Dried small fish is also a good specialty, Zhang Feng I plan to buy more sun-dried fish. When I open a farmhouse, I can make delicious crispy fried fish. I believe everyone will like it very much.

"Really?" The duckling asked in surprise.

"Of course! If you don't believe me, let's pull the hook." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"The pull hook goes up and down, and it must not be changed for 100 years!"


After seeing off a few happy monkeys, Zhang Feng started to make crispy fried fish,

Clean the small fish, then wrap the small fish with flour, and finally put the small fish into the hot oil pan. The sound of frying and the smell of the room made Zhang Feng swallow his saliva.

After the crispy fried fish was ready, Zhang Feng immediately called the younger sister.

"Hey! Little girl, have you finished class yet?"

"It's down, are you going to send us delicious food? That's right! Remember to send more cucumbers and lettuce from home, everyone likes it very much."

"Understood, you are the only girl who asks for more!" Zhang Feng said dotingly with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng picked five or six catties of cucumbers, as well as washed lettuce, took the freshly prepared crispy fried fish, told his mother and eldest sister, and drove towards the county seat.

"Let them study with peace of mind, don't be too nervous..." Before leaving, the mother and sister did not forget to remind them, because the younger sister and the others will go through a cruel exam next month, and they will not go home recently.

"Understood!" Zhang Feng responded from a distance.


About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Feng finally arrived at the gate of No. [-] County Middle School. The younger sister and Zhang Lin had already been waiting here.

"Brother, are we here?" Seeing Zhang Feng's figure, the little girl ran over quickly, excitedly holding her favorite crispy fried fish in her arms.

"You girl, I thought you were so happy because you saw me, but I didn't expect that the fish was cooked for me." Zhang Feng said with a smile and shook his head.

"Hee hee..." The little girl stuck out her tongue, and picked up the vegetables on the cart by herself.

"Brother! You're here." At this time, the quiet Zhang Lin also came over.

"Well, although the exam is coming soon, don't be nervous, just let it be." Finally Zhang Feng told the two younger sisters to come.

"Understood bro!"

"Okay then, go in quickly, don't delay your lunch break." Zhang Feng waved to his sister.

"Goodbye brother!"


(End of this chapter)

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