small farmer

Chapter 33

Chapter 33
The network cable has been remodeled recently, please forgive me if I can't update it on time.By the way, I would like to recommend the collection, thank you 'Pure Lorimas' for your reward.

At noon, Zhang Feng was still resting in the shade of a tree.

The two cute idiots were lying at his feet, slowly chewing the weeds on the ground.

The cicadas on the big cypress trees were also chirping non-stop, and the wild flowers in the yard also looked listless under the scorching sun.

Suddenly Zhang Feng's phone rang, "Beep...beep..."

"Hey, who is it?" Taking out his mobile phone, he saw that it was an unfamiliar call, and asked Zhang Feng a little unhappy about the guy who interrupted his sweet dreams.

"Uh! Is this Zhang Feng? I'm from XX Express. Your package has arrived. Come and pick it up at the entrance of the village." The person on the other side was also stunned, but the other party still said politely.

"Express delivery, I'll be right there!" Zhang Feng said as he rode a tricycle like a village entrance, presumably the framing tools and materials purchased online a few days ago had arrived.

When he arrived at the entrance of the village and saw his package, Zhang Feng immediately praised him for his cleverness. Fortunately, he drove three rounds to come here, otherwise how could he take the two big packages back by himself.

"It's your package, right?"

"Yes, I am Zhang Feng! Thanks buddy!"

"you are welcome!"

Zhang Feng and the courier brother carried the package onto the three-wheeler. Zhang Feng thanked the brother with a smile, and then drove home.

"Xiaofeng, what are these things you are carrying?" The eldest sister asked curiously when she saw Zhang Feng carrying two big bags into the room.

"These are some things I bought online, you will know later." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, put down the package and said.

Then Zhang Feng carefully opened the package and took out various mounting materials and tools inside. Although these things were not eye-catching, they still cost Zhang Feng several hundred oceans.

As the saying goes, "Three points of painting are seven points of mounting". Mounting is like putting clothes on calligraphy and painting. If the mounting is good, the painting and calligraphy will definitely add a lot of color.

Therefore, almost all the paintings and calligraphy we see on the market are framed, because it looks more beautiful and artistic, and can be sold at a better price.

Then Zhang Feng cleaned up the table at home, spread a flat tablecloth, and then took out the tools and materials for mounting, and began to slowly grope for mounting paintings and calligraphy based on the memory in his mind.

"Ah! Xiaofeng, these are your paintings? They are so beautiful!" The eldest sister was surprised when she saw Zhang Feng took out a few pieces of drawing paper and opened one of them, "Lotus Picture". After leaving the money, I was even more shocked.

"Yeah, I just painted it a few days ago. I saw that the walls at home were bare, so I just drew a few random ones." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"It's so beautiful! That's right! When did you learn to draw?" Looking at the delicate lotus in her hand, the eldest sister couldn't help but sighed and asked.

"When I was in college, I joined the school's calligraphy and painting association when I was a freshman, and studied with the teachers of the association for a period of time." Zhang Feng said nonsense.

In fact, although Zhang Feng joined the calligraphy association of the school, he has never been to the exchange class a few times. He can't remember what the teacher looks like, let alone what he learned. Everything is the elementary calligraphy and painting knowledge learned from the system.

"Whenever you have time, Xiaofeng, you must draw me such a "Lotus Picture", and then I will hang it in my room." The eldest sister said holding this "Lotus Picture" modeled after Mr. Zhang Daqian and said fondly.

"No problem, take it away when I finish framing it, and I will draw another one when I have time." Seeing that his sister liked it so much, Zhang Feng said indifferently.

"Really, then I will not be polite." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the elder sister was pleasantly surprised.

After everything was ready, Zhang Feng began to frame the painting carefully, while the elder sister was also watching intently. Every time he saw his younger brother made a small mistake, he would feel uneasy, worried that his younger brother would ruin such a beautiful painting.

But in the end, Zhang Feng successfully mounted the first painting without any risk. With the experience for the first time, there were fewer mistakes in the subsequent mounting, and the speed was much faster. Four paintings are framed.

The last one is "Boy Herding Cows" based on Yuan Mei's poem.

"Hey! Why does the child in this painting look like a little duck?" The eldest sister suddenly felt a little familiar when she saw the shepherd boy on it, and took a closer look. Isn't it just like the little duck in Uncle Erniu's house.

"Hehe, Elder Sister has good eyesight. This shepherd boy was drawn after the duckling." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, I think you can also draw a picture of our small courtyard." Then the elder sister suggested.

"Hey! That's a good idea. I'll draw one later." Thinking of his beautiful farmyard, Zhang Feng also thought that he could draw a picture to promote it.

With so many paintings to practice, Zhang Feng's mounting skills are relatively mature. He put the mounted paintings carefully on the cabinet, and Zhang Feng took out the rice paper and paintbrush again, and prepared to paint another "Lotus Picture" and a "Lotus Picture". "Shanshui Farmhouse Map".

I saw that Zhang Feng sometimes danced with his brush, sometimes crafted meticulously, sometimes filled in with pastels, and sometimes outlined with ink brushes. Soon a fresh and beautiful "Lotus Picture" was completed.

If "Lotus Picture" is as delicate and beautiful as peonies, then "Landscape and Farmhouse Picture" is like wild flowers on the side of the road. Although it is inconspicuous, it is fresh and elegant, giving people a simple rural beauty.

"Okay, it's finally done." After finishing the last stroke, Zhang Feng let out a sigh of relief. Painting doesn't seem to require as much energy as doing farm work, but it consumes a lot of energy. After mounting so many paintings in a row, it doesn't stop I drew two pictures, even Zhang Feng was a little tired.

However, seeing his framed paintings and calligraphy, Zhang Feng was also very satisfied, and he couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

When Zhang Feng packed up his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, the sun was already setting, and his mother led the two pets back home from the orchard.



As soon as the cute Dabai and Xiaobai saw Zhang Feng, they ran towards their master with cheerful steps, and then kept rubbing against Zhang Feng's thigh with their furry little heads.

"Oh, these two heartless people, it's useless for me to feed you so much delicious food every day, and you ignore me as soon as you see Xiaofeng." Mother Wang Guilan scolded with a smile.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly, then stroked Dabai and Xiaobai to appease them, and let them go out to play by themselves.

"You go to school today, are Xiaoyue and the others okay?" Then the mother asked seriously.

"Well, they don't look nervous at all, and the exam must be fine." Zhang Feng comforted his mother.

"That's good, that's good..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Wang Guilan smiled again.

With the upcoming college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, Wang Guilan has always been thinking about her two precious daughters, worrying that they will not do well in the stressful exam. I can only pray silently for my sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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