small farmer

Chapter 297 Delicious Nuomi

Chapter 297 Delicious Nuomi
"Ah, it's really cool, sister, you should try it too."

Liu Yiyi danced for a minute or two. Although she was panting from exhaustion, she looked very excited.

Seeing everyone dancing so lively, the eldest sister was also eager to try, so under the encouragement of Liu Yiyi, the eldest sister also participated in it. Not only did she experience the fun of the Miao bamboo pole dance, but she also completely relaxed her mood.

In the end, Zhang Yi couldn't bear everyone's encouragement, so he went up and danced for a while, but unfortunately this guy was clumsy, always got the rhythm wrong, and danced in a hurry. It was very joyful and received the warmest applause at the end.

"Hahaha, Zhang Yi, look at how well you dance. I'll post it in the group later, and I'm sure some beautiful women will fall in love with you." Zhang Feng handed the video he had just recorded to his cousin, and saw him The funny dancing pose makes me want to laugh.

"Of course, when I danced, the audience applauded and cheered more than you. I must be the best dancer. I am the dancing little prince of Moon Lake!" Wang Po Zhang Yi said with a boastful smile .

"You're so thick-skinned!" Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Everyone stood on the sidelines and watched the performances of other tourists. Although most of them made mistakes, the more people played like this, the more fun they had. Whenever they saw tourists jumping wrong, everyone would scream and cheer. At this time, everyone seems to have forgotten where they came from, and they seem to have merged together, playing games together like old friends, looking very close.

"Crazy, let me show you around!"

"Okay, we also want to visit other places..." Then Wang Xiaohu and Miao Yan left the square with Zhang Feng and others, and showed everyone along the cement road in the village, the unique scenery of the Miao village in the village.

The beautiful buildings on stilts, the simple wooden boards, the green tiles, and the pointed ox horn eaves, show the unique style of Miao architecture. There are also the towering towers, with beautiful bells hanging one by one, and a gust of autumn wind blows , jingling, just like a flying song of the Miao nationality, resounding high and passionately through the sky.

Everyone walked around and took pictures, wishing to put all the beautiful scenery in the village on their mobile phones.After a while, everyone came to a spacious field, and saw a lot of people gathered here. Everyone was doing mischief, and it seemed very lively, so Liu Yiyi asked curiously: "Crazy, what are they doing?"

"Hehe, they should be making glutinous rice cakes." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Is it the glutinous rice cake we ate yesterday?" Liu Yiyi asked again.

"That's right, it's the one we ate yesterday, and it was given by Xiaohu." Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

Ciba is a delicacy made by putting cooked glutinous rice in a stone trough and pounding it into mud with a wooden hammer. It is one of the special delicacies of Guizhou Province.

In some villages where ethnic minorities live together, it is a very common custom to make glutinous rice cakes by hand, and it is usually used to entertain guests when distinguished guests come to the door.

And every twelfth lunar month, every household soaks glutinous rice, and the small village is busy making glutinous rice cakes to welcome the arrival of the new year.

Today, in order to show the hospitality of the Miao people, the village also prepares to entertain everyone with glutinous rice cakes.

Glutinous rice cakes are made of glutinous rice, soaked and steamed in a steamer, then quickly placed in a stone scoop until soft and pliable, while hot, the rice paste is made into balls that can be large or small, and sesame seeds are fried and ground into powder. The white granulated sugar rolls on the plate, the taste is sweet, soft and delicious, and the local people love it very much.

After a while, a trough of white glutinous rice cakes was ready. Miao friends washed their hands, made the glutinous rice cakes into egg-sized balls, and then wrapped them in sesame and bean flour, which looked very attractive.

"Come on, everyone, come and taste it, the fresh glutinous rice cake tastes very good..." Wang Xiaohu waved to everyone with a smile.

"Can we eat it now?" Zhang Feng thought, don't we have to wait for everyone to come together?

"It's okay, the glutinous rice cakes taste good if they are made and eaten now, and they will carry them to the square to share with everyone." Wang Xiaohu knew Zhang Feng's thoughts at a glance, and explained with a smile.

Then everyone stopped being polite, and each took two delicious glutinous rice cakes and started to taste them.I have to say that the freshly baked glutinous rice cakes are delicious. Although they are a bit sticky, they are fragrant and delicious. Everyone eats them with gusto and is full of praise.

"Hey, hey... what's the matter... um... ok..." At this moment, Wang Xiaohu received a call.

"What's the matter, Xiaohu? If you have something to do, go and do it first, don't worry about us." Zhang Feng said to Wang Xiaohu with a relaxed smile.

"That's right, the fishing competition is about to start, do you want to go and see?" Wang Xiaohu said with a smile.

Since everyone was very interested in fishing, they followed Wang Xiaohu and walked towards the entrance of the village.When everyone came to the pond by the village, hundreds of villagers and tourists had gathered here, and many of them had already prepared their equipment and put on waterproof clothing, waiting for the start of the competition.

"Little Tiger, is there any reward for the competition?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is just a game, so there are not many rewards. No.1 can get a set of silver souvenirs in the village, which is worth two or 300 yuan. No.2 can get a pair of silver bracelets, and No.3 will get a pair of silver bracelets. Silver bracelet, and other participants will be rewarded with a piece of dried fish at the end." Wang Xiaohu smiled and introduced to everyone.

"Brother, I will leave the task to you after capturing No.1!" the cousin said to Zhang Feng winkingly.

"Don't worry, No.1 is uncertain, but it's still no problem to get a prize." Zhang Feng smiled confidently.

"Oh, the lunatic is very good at fishing?" Miao Yan asked in disbelief seeing that Zhang Feng looked like a frail scholar.

"Of course, my younger brother catches the most fish every time the reservoir is released, and can sell for thousands of dollars each time." Zhang Qin, the eldest sister, said proudly.

"Wow! I didn't expect you to be so good, lunatic." Miao Yan and Wang Xiaohu are no strangers to fishing in reservoirs. They have been there before, but it is good to catch three or five fish each time. They think they can sell for thousands of yuan. How many big fish do you have to catch?

"It's nothing, I'm just quick-eyed and quick-handed!" Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.


"Uncle Akang, I'll bring a few friends to sign up." Seeing that the fishing competition was about to start,
"Hehe, no problem, just register yourself." Akang Shu is an old man in his 60s and [-]s. He is dressed in bright black clothes of the Miao nationality and looks very energetic.

Zhang Feng saw that it was very simple to register. He just needed to write down his name and mobile phone number. Seventy to eighty people had signed up at this time, and it seemed that there were still quite a few tourists participating.

Zhang Feng and several people signed up, and then each received a waterproof jacket, and stood by the pond waiting for the arrival of the competition.

The pond in front of me is not very big, that is, two to three hundred square meters. Most of the water in the pond has been drained, and there is only a little shallow water left. Fish can still be vaguely seen in the water. They are free Wandering leisurely in the water, not knowing that the end is coming, it will become everyone's delicious dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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