small farmer

Chapter 298 Happy Fishing Competition

Chapter 298 Happy Fishing Competition (13)

"Hi everyone, everyone, welcome to our Miao village. I now announce that today's fish fishing competition has officially started..." Following the order from the village chief of Miao village, and the sound of a gong, the competition finally officially started.

The men of the Miao Village jumped into the pond first, and other tourists rushed to follow, as if the fish in the pond would disappear after a while.

"Come on, let's go in." Seeing everyone eager to try, Zhang Feng smiled and said.

"Let's go! Let's catch fish!" Zhang Yi jumped down excitedly, and immediately the water splashed and stirred up a puddle of muddy water.

Zhang Feng and the others also entered the water with smiles, each of them had a fish basket woven from cotton bamboo hanging on their waists, and the fish basket probably could only hold a few small fish weighing about one catty.

"Wow! Here's a..." As soon as she jumped into the water, Liu Yiyi was pleasantly surprised to find a carp about [-] centimeters in length. She immediately bent down and carefully stretched out her hands to catch the carp in the water. They are not only wild, but also have very keen senses. As soon as Liu Yiyi approached, the carp turned around and ran away.

"Oh, it ran away!" Seeing the cooked duck flying away, Liu Yiyi was a little annoyed.

"Don't worry, I'll catch it for you." Zhang Feng smiled, he had already been blocked on the only way for the carp to escape, when the carp ran in front of Zhang Feng, he moved his hands instantly like lightning Generally, it got into the water, and the next moment, the water splashed everywhere, and the carp finally fell into Zhang Feng's hands.

"Wow! Let me see the lunatic..." Liu Yiyi cheered excitedly, she was very happy when she saw that the escaped carp was caught.

"Don't worry, hold on tightly and don't let it run away again." There is a layer of mucus on the carp's body, and if you are not careful, it will slip away and escape, so Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"Understood, I'm sure I can't run away." Liu Yiyi happily caught the carp, held it tightly with both hands, and looked left and right excitedly, as if she had caught it herself.

Other tourists have also made discoveries one after another, and those who are lucky have already gained something like Zhang Feng.
"Ah! Big fish! There is a big fish here..." Suddenly, someone found the trace of the big fish, and a cry of exclamation immediately stirred up the whole pond. Everyone ran to that side quickly, feeling tourists from all directions surrounded him. , This big fish is like a headless fly scurrying around, attracting tourists to follow it non-stop.

It's a pity that the big fish was too fast in the water, and the tourists couldn't catch it all the time, but everyone was still very happy, and it was so lively that you chased after me.

"Ouch..." Suddenly, a buddy chased him too fast, staggered and fell into the water, and immediately turned into a mud monkey and a drowned rat.

The other tourists quickly pulled the man up, and when they saw him covered in mud, they laughed happily.

"Haha, buddy, are you okay?"

"Thank you! I'm fine..." The tourist wiped the sewage from his face, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hahaha... buddy, your 'five-body projection' is so domineering, it scared the big fish away!" Seeing that he was fine, the others all laughed.

Although he fell into a drowned chicken, the tourist still did not quit, and still chased and intercepted with everyone. It seemed that he would not let it go until he caught this big fish.

"Why don't you go catch the lunatic?" Seeing that everyone was chasing the big fish so lively, Liu Yiyi asked eagerly.

"Hehe, do you think everyone can still have so much fun after I go?" Zhang Feng smiled confidently. If he were to let him go up, he would probably catch the big fish in two or three strokes.

"It would be a pity if someone caught such a big fish. I don't care if you hurry up and catch it. Then we will fight for the first prize." Liu Yiyi liked the first prize very much. It is a beautiful set of Hmong silver jewelry which not only has earrings, bracelets but also a beautiful necklace.

"Hehe, don't worry, No.1 must be ours." Zhang Feng smiled and immediately chased after him.

Seeing that Zhang Feng was on the move, the cousin and elder sister followed immediately, ready to see how Zhang Feng would show off his skills and get the big fish in his pocket.

In the beginning, Zhang Feng followed everyone to chase the big fish calmly, but unfortunately other tourists were too excited and always preempted the big fish, making the big fish escape again and again.

Zhang Feng saw that this was not okay, these guys were just playing around, the buddy next to him was more than one meter away from the big fish friend, he immediately flew up, grabbed the big fish's dorsal fin with one hand, and was suddenly surprised Say "haha, I got it, I got it..."

It's a pity that Big Yu swung his tail with a dragon, and slapped him on the face. The buddy suddenly became extremely happy and sad, and the left side of his face suddenly swelled like a bun, and Big Yu slipped away again, leaving only this buddy squatting in place silently sad , Want to cry but have no tears.

"Be careful, this fish is very powerful, don't get hurt..." At this time, a villager kindly reminded.

Seeing that someone was injured, the chasing crowd gave a pause. Everyone didn't dare to chase so presumptuously, and began to become cautious. Everyone didn't want to be like the buddy just now, turning into a bun face.

Seeing that everyone was playing pretty much the same, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, thinking that it was finally time for him to make a move.

While everyone was cautiously hesitating, Zhang Feng boldly chased after him. The people next to him saw that he was so 'reckless', and quickly reminded him kindly, but Zhang Feng was so bold that he caught even bigger black fish than this. Will be hurt by this ten or twenty catty carp.

"Oh, this buddy is too..."

"Eh..." Before he finished speaking, everyone seemed to be strangled in an instant, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

It turned out that Zhang Feng's hands were already like iron tongs, holding the big fish tightly, no matter how the big fish struggled, Zhang Feng would not move.


Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd
"Wow! This buddy is really amazing..."

"Yeah, I thought I was another daredevil just now..."

"Hee hee, madman, you are really amazing!!" Liu Yiyi immediately ran over, grabbed Zhang Feng's arm, and said bouncing and jumping.

"Of course, if the lunatics go out and kill them all in seconds, No. 1 must be ours!" Zhang Feng boasted.

"Huh...huh" Zhang Feng's words caused a burst of boos from everyone.The tourists shook their heads one after another, thinking that this guy was too scary, and they planned to compete with Zhang Feng later to see who the No.1 winner would be.

Hearing everyone's booing and seeing the blazing fighting spirit in everyone's eyes, Zhang Feng smiled slightly and didn't care. As long as he wanted to, the No.1 reward would definitely be impossible to escape. This was not because of his arrogance, because I have such strength.

(End of this chapter)

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