small farmer

Chapter 302 The Miraculous Mo Mei

Chapter 302 The Miraculous Mo Mei

Although today's long table banquet is over,

But I believe that this wonderful trip to Miao Village will remain in everyone's hearts forever and become the most unforgettable memory in everyone's heart.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing Zhang Feng and the others walk into the yard, Dahei Xiaohei ran out excitedly, and immediately rushed forward when he saw Zhang Feng. Seeing the two enthusiastic dogs, Zhang Feng Also very happy.

"Xiaofeng, are you back?" My mother immediately came out when she heard the movement, and Grandpa and Grandma Liu also came out with a smile.

"We're back." Zhang Feng and the others said with a smile.


"Hehe, you are back, we should go home too."

After everyone chatted for a few words, Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu took Liu Yiyi and left.

Zhang Feng took a shower, closed the doors and windows and went upstairs to rest. Today he was excited after playing all day, and he felt mentally exhausted after relaxing.

Lying on the head of the bed, looking at the autumn night sky, the moon and stars are sparse, and the stars in the sky are like grass, withered and bleak by the autumn wind, gradually disappearing.

If the summer night is a lively beauty, then the autumn night is a quiet beauty.

Seeing such a beautiful night scene, Zhang Feng thought of a wonderful poem
The sky and night are as cool as water, lie down and watch Altair Vega

The sky has always been so beautiful, so yearning, and the boundless universe is so mysterious and vast, so this is why Cao Cao's trip to the sun and the moon is just out of it.The stars are brilliant, if they come out of them.

Looking at the ethereal night sky, Zhang Feng's heart also became more peaceful, and he gradually fell asleep.


The eastern sky just turned white

The crowing of roosters in the village is one after another. They seem to not only remind people to get up early, but also compete to show their wonderful singing.

"Hmm~" As the sky brightened, Zhang Feng woke up early according to his biological clock, and opened his eyes to see the haze outside the window.

The white mist once again enveloped the entire small mountain village. Being in the hazy white mist, take a breath and the white mist dances with the wind, dancing to make clear the shadows. It seems to be in the world. This small village seems to have become a misty fairy mountain pure land , picturesque, beautiful, and extremely yearning, addicted to it for a long time and do not want to wake up.

It's a pity that clouds, fog, wind and rain are all natural changes. When the sun slowly emerges, the bright sunlight shines on the earth, and the dense fog gradually dissipates. Moon Lake retreats from the fairyland again, and every plant and tree in the village becomes So clear, so pure.

In the wide yard, Zhang Feng is practicing gymnastics proficiently. All kinds of movements are like flowing water. It can be said that the first floor of gymnastics has been practiced by him to a very advanced level, and it is only half a step away from the second floor. .

After several months of persistent exercise, Zhang Feng's physical fitness has become too strong at this time. The worst attribute has reached more than 38, and the best strength has reached [-].

It can be said that Zhang Feng's physical fitness has far surpassed that of ordinary people. If Zhang Feng goes to participate in the Olympics now, he will definitely be able to easily break many track and field records
It's a pity that Zhang Feng doesn't want to expose himself to everyone, he just wants to be his own rural tyrant silently, watching over his family to live a normal and happy life.

"Xiaofeng, go and get a few catties of rice eels. Many tourists have made reservations yesterday, and they will come and get them later." Seeing her son finished exercising, Wang Guilan, Zhang's mother, ordered with a smile.

"Got it mom!"

Although Zhang Feng’s rice field eels are getting more and more expensive, the effect is super good, especially the old people who eat it often have fewer and fewer old problems. In a sentence, it is: the waist is no longer sore, the legs are no longer painful, and the spirit is more energetic. alright.

Therefore, regular customers will come to buy every few days, and once they buy it, they can eat three to five catties for a week. Because Zhang Feng’s rice field eel tastes very good, everyone will never get tired of eating it, and they have completely become Zhang’s family. Loyal fans of eels.


After finishing the work in the backyard, Zhang Feng began to water the flowers and plants in the yard.

Due to the frequent watering of the auxin, the wild flowers in the flower garden are already lush, and the colorful flowers are still so beautiful.

Golden chrysanthemums, white wild lilies, and red Bana flowers... clusters bloom wantonly in the autumn wind.

As the breeze blew gently, a strong fragrance of flowers rushed to his face. Zhang Feng took a deep breath and felt that such a small farmyard was his ideal place.

Then Zhang Feng walked to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The golden osmanthus is fragrant in golden autumn and October, and the golden flowers hang all over the treetops. There is a layer of golden carpet, which is extremely beautiful from a distance.

"Hey, Xiaofeng is admiring the flowers?" At this moment, the old man walked in with a smile.

"Yeah, is Yiyi up yet?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hehe, you were all tired from playing yesterday. Yiyi just woke up." The old man smiled and said, "By the way, Xiaofeng, can I pick some sweet-scented osmanthus for you?"

"It's okay, I'll pick it for you as much as you want..." Zhang Feng said straightforwardly.

"You don't need much, just a little bit. I'll make osmanthus cake for you later." The old man said with a smile, making cakes is also his best skill, and Grandma Liu learned about cakes under his influence production.

"Then thank you, old man. It seems that we have another good fortune today." Zhang Feng was also very happy. The cakes made by the old man are really delicious. If the younger sister is at home, I think she can eat on the plate all day.

"Hehe, as long as everyone likes it, I can make it for everyone in the future." The old man smiled very happily. He was also very happy that the things he made were loved by everyone.

"Okay... okay, so many Xiaofengs are enough..." After a while, the old man stopped Zhang Feng.

Then Zhang Feng followed the old man to their house, when Grandma Liu was watering the flowers and plants in the yard.

"Xiaofeng, come over and have a look, the plum seeds you gave have already germinated!" Grandma Liu shouted with a smile after seeing Zhang Feng.

"Already sprouted?" Zhang Feng was also very happy, striding over to have a look, and sure enough, five or six sprouts had emerged from the soil.

"Grandma Liu, you took good care of me. All six seeds have successfully germinated." Zhang Feng praised.

"Hehe, I actually didn't take care of it." Grandma Liu was modest, and then asked curiously: "By the way, Xiaofeng, are these really Momei?"

Because the ink plums we often say refer to the plum blossoms in the paintings. How can there be black plum blossoms in reality? This is the first time Grandma Liu has heard of them, so she is a little worried about gains and losses and can't believe it.

"That's right. This is a new variety that a friend of mine has just cultivated. It hasn't shown up yet. It is said that this kind of plum blossom grows very fast, and it will bloom in the year it is planted. We can see it as soon as winter arrives."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Grandma Liu was very happy. She was very excited when she thought of seeing the magical Mo Mei this winter.

(End of this chapter)

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