small farmer

Chapter 303 Preparing Gifts

Chapter 303 Preparing Gifts
The tree beside the inkstone pool in my house is blooming with light ink marks.

Don't let people praise the color, just leave the air full of vitality.

Zhang Feng has learned this poem by Wang Mian since he was a child. By the pond, a plum tree stands proudly. The plum tree is dotted with sporadic plum blossoms. There are still faint traces of pen and ink in the petals of each plum blossom. , bursts of breeze blowing, exuding a faint fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

Think about the coming of winter, the snowflakes are fluttering, and the yard is completely silent. There is only one black plum standing proudly, defying the snow, frost, bullying and cold, blooming, and sending a fragrance in the cold wind.

Thinking about how beautiful and yearning such a scene is, Zhang Feng looked at the seedlings in front of him, couldn't help but smile on his face, and endless expectations arose in his heart.

"Crazy, you are here, let's go to the entrance of the village..." After a while Liu Yiyi came out fully dressed, and immediately laughed when she saw Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded, took Yiyi's hand and walked towards the entrance of the village.

As long as they have time, the two will go to the entrance of the village almost every morning, arrange for workers to pick the vegetables in the vegetable field, fish out the eels in the farm, and wait for the buyers from the Yelang Group to arrive.

After sending off the vegetable truck, Liu Yiyi hugged Zhang Feng's arm, and the two walked along the beautiful Moon Lake intimately.

"Crazy, how about we go to the city later?" Liu Yiyi suddenly suggested to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, but why are you going to the city?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"It's not like grandpa and grandma's birthdays are coming soon, I'm going to the city to buy them birthday presents." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"What? The birthdays of the old man and Grandma Liu are coming soon?" Zhang Feng was also surprised, thinking about what gift he should give instead.

"Yes, their birthdays are in October of the lunar calendar. Grandpa's birthday is on the tenth day of October, and grandma's is on the fifteenth day. It's just a few days away. Every year on the tenth day of October, our family celebrates the birthdays of the two elders together. .” Liu Yiyi introduced with a smile.

"Then what are you going to buy for your grandparents?" Zhang Feng turned his head and asked.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet, so I'm going to go around the city to see if there are any suitable gifts." Liu Yiyi is also a little helpless, because many gifts have been given over the years, and now they are all I don't know what to give.

Afterwards, the two went home and said each other, and then drove towards Linxing City. Moon Lake is not very far from Linxing, only more than 100 kilometers away, and it only takes more than an hour to get there on the highway.

When they came to the city, Liu Yiyi took Zhang Feng to the commercial pedestrian street in the city center. Although Linxing was only a small third- and fourth-tier city, the commercial street in the center was also very lively, especially on weekends. When I was in school here, I would hang out with my classmates occasionally.

A burst of noise came from the intersection of the street, and the twittering at the intersection was obviously very lively.

Zhang Feng and the two walked over curiously, and seeing the stalls moving on both sides of the road, Liu Yiyi said curiously, "There are so many people, is there any activity today?"

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" Zhang Feng also has a talent for watching the excitement, so he dragged his girlfriend into the crowd.

"Why are they all rocks?" Liu Yiyi whispered disappointed when she got into the crowd and saw that the roadside stalls were full of rocks.

"This should be an exhibition of strange stones..." I saw all kinds of strange-shaped stones at the booth, including Dongpo meat, yellow wax stones, cobblestones, and even many beautiful stalactites. There are labels on each stone, Obviously this is a strange stone exhibition.

Linxing is known as the hometown of strange stones in China, so the strange stone culture here is very strong. There are several strange stone cultural festivals almost every year. I remember that Zhang Feng met him once in high school. It was very exciting, and I can't forget it until now.

"Hee hee, madman, I know what to give." Liu Yiyi's eyes lit up and she said in surprise.

"What to give?" Zhang Feng thought: You don't want to give some strange stones, do you?

"You'll know as soon as you come with me..." Liu Yiyi pretended to be unreasonable, and led Zhang Feng to move on.Zhang Feng was stunned for a while, he couldn't figure it out and no longer struggled, he shook his head and followed Liu Yiyi forward.

After a while, the two passed through the strange stone area and came to the other side of the exhibition. Seeing the things on these booths, Zhang Feng seemed to understand, because these booths were full of all kinds of jade, including jadeite and Hetian jade. , and other jades that Zhang Feng didn't know.

"Yiyi, are you going to give jade?" After seeing the jade displayed on the booth here, Zhang Feng asked guessingly.

"That's right, do we have any suitable jade articles now?" Liu Yiyi said happily, and then took Zhang Feng to browse the jades on various stalls with great interest.

It's a pity that Liu Yiyi's complexion fell down after a while, because the jade wares here were all too poor, almost all of them were street goods, and there were better ones, but none of them were very suitable, so Liu Yiyi had a headache again.

"Yiyi, why don't we buy two pieces of jade back, and we can carve whatever we want as gifts." Seeing Yiyi frowning, Zhang Feng suggested with a smile.

"Hey! Crazy, your suggestion is really good. I will design it and you will carve it... Hee hee, I believe grandparents will like it very much." Liu Yiyi immediately applauded, thinking that Zhang Feng's proposal is really a good idea. Gifts made by hand are more meaningful, and I believe the two elderly people like them more.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng and the two bought a few pieces of jade at the strange stone exhibition, two of which were egg-sized jadeite, the texture of the two pieces of jadeite was not particularly good, they were just ordinary pea green species, and after the two discussed it, they planned to carve it into a statue Avalokitesvara and a Buddha statue.

The remaining few pieces were completely leftovers, and I bought seven or eight pieces for [-] yuan. Zhang Feng was going to get it back and try his hand first, to exercise his jade carving skills, and then to carve gifts for the two elders.

"Yiyi, wait for me at the intersection first, I'll go to the toilet..." Zhang Feng's eyes moved suddenly, thinking that he hadn't bought any gifts for Liu Yiyi yet, so he smiled and said to Liu Yiyi.

After Liu Yiyi was dismissed, Zhang Feng immediately bought the best piece of dark green jadeite on the booth, and planned to secretly carve it into a pair of earrings after returning home, and give it to Yiyi when the time came, to give her a big surprise.

After buying the jade, Zhang Feng looked at Yiyi nervously, and felt relieved when he found that she was looking down at the phone. Then Zhang Feng immediately put the jade into the system space, so that it would not be discovered in advance.

"Yiyi, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Zhang Feng asked Yiyi with a smile when he saw that it was getting late after shopping.

"Forget it, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Liu Yiyi knew that Zhang Feng was not familiar with the city, so she drove Zhang Feng and left the city center.

 I am very grateful to the two book friends of 'Thinking and Right and Wrong' and 'The Lone Wolf Wandering in the End of the World' for their rewards, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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