small farmer

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Zhang Feng never thought that a big pumpkin could cause such trouble,
The reason for this is that the agricultural channel of CCTV is going to the city to shoot a program. The leaders of the city saw the news about the giant pumpkin not long ago, so they had a whim and planned to show the big pumpkin on the program. More specific display of local agricultural characteristics.

So the task of getting pumpkins was handed over to Section Chief Hou. Of course, he didn’t want to let go of such a fat man. He thought that he would be able to send Zhang Feng away with just one or two thousand yuan. Wan's purchase price, the difference will naturally go into his pocket, and after the event is completed, he can sell the pumpkin to Boss Wang, so that he not only earns money, but also achieves political achievements. Where can such a good thing be found.

It's a pity that he met Zhang Feng, and in the end he couldn't steal the chicken. Although he finally rented the Big Mac pumpkin through the director's uncle, he not only didn't get any benefits, but was severely criticized by the leader.


"It's really bad luck!" Zhang Feng shook his head, he really didn't expect to meet such two strange things today.

"Woo... woo..." Just halfway there, I saw Mao Ya crying on the side of the road, the little girl was crying so hard that she was very sad.

Zhang Feng walked over curiously and asked softly, "What's wrong with you, Mao Ya? Who bullied you."

Seeing Zhang Feng coming, Mao Ya felt even more wronged, and cried even more sadly. Tears fell like broken pearls, making Zhang Feng dumbfounded.

"Wow...Little Stone...Little Stone...he let my balloon go." Mao Ya pointed to the balloon hanging on the big tree by the roadside, and complained to Zhang Feng while crying.

"Little Shitou is really bad, let's ignore him, okay, don't cry, brother madman will help you take off the balloon!" Knowing the reason, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile, the naughty monkeys in the village are like this, they know how to be naughty in a day Trick or treat, specially bullying little girls.

"Yeah!" Mao Ya immediately smiled and nodded obediently.

"Hehe, stand up quickly, look at the dirt on your pants..." Zhang Feng pulled the little girl up, and then gently cleaned the dust off her body.

"You wait here obediently, I'll help you take down the balloon." Then, under the expectant eyes of the little girl, Zhang Feng grabbed the tree branch and climbed to the top of the tree with incomparably brisk movements.

Zhang Feng carefully unwound the balloon from the branch, and then slowly stepped on the branch and jumped off.

"Ah, madman brother, you are really amazing..." The little girl immediately smiled when she saw Zhang Feng plucked her favorite balloon from the big tree.

This is the panda's balloon that her mother bought for her. The little girl is very precious. Xiaoshitou wanted to borrow it to play with Maoya, but she was unwilling, so the angry little Shitou snatched her balloon away, and finally fought for it. The balloon flew up to the tree, so the little girl cried out sadly. Little Shitou saw that he had caused trouble, so he ran away immediately, and he didn't know where to hide at this time.

"Hehe, well, I have to take it well this time, and don't let the little stone snatch it away." Zhang Feng returned the panda balloon to Mao Ya, smiling and reminding him.

"Hee hee, I know Brother Crazy..." The little girl got the balloon again, and her face was full of smiles.


After saying goodbye to the little girl, Zhang Feng walked towards Liu Yiyi's house.

"Hehe Xiaofeng is here, and Yiyi is putting on makeup in the room." The old man was sitting in the yard drinking tea, and Grandma Liu was reading a book wearing presbyopic glasses. Seeing Zhang Feng walking in, Grandma Liu said with a smile.

"I see, Grandma Liu..." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and walked into the house.

"Crazy you are here, I'll be fine in a while." Liu Yiyi turned her head and said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Well." Then Zhang Feng looked around Yiyi's boudoir. Yiyi's room is not big, only more than ten square meters, the wooden floor is spotless, and there are several paintings of himself hanging on the surrounding walls, including one opposite the bed. Taking Yiyi as the model for the pictures of ladies, the beauties in the pictures have hands like catkins, skin like creamy fat, collars like grubs, and teeth like gourd rhinoceros.Moth eyebrows, clever smiles, and beautiful eyes.As beautiful as a sinking fish and a wild goose.

"Hee hee, how beautiful is it?" Seeing Zhang Feng staring straight at her portrait, Liu Yiyi asked happily.

"Beautiful, our Yiyi is the most beautiful woman in the world." Zhang Feng couldn't help hugging the beauty and kissed her, his hands were still wandering restlessly on Yiyi's body.

"Don't, grandpa and grandma are still outside." Liu Yiyi said shyly as she knocked off Zhang Feng's big hands that were overreaching.

"It's okay, they won't come in..."

"Bah! You big pervert!" Liu Yiyi pushed Zhang Feng away, spat and said coquettishly.

"Yiyi, you are so beautiful..." Liu Yiyi looked even more beautiful at this time.

"Of course……"


"Yiyi, close your eyes, I have a gift for you." The two of them got tired of each other for a while, and Zhang Feng suddenly thought of the jade earrings he had just made.


"Of course..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Liu Yiyi still closed her eyes in doubt, her eyelashes trembling slightly nervously.

"Is the madman alright?"

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, took out the prepared jadeite pendant from the system, and then opened the red heart-shaped jewelry box, a pair of green jadeite earrings appeared in front of Liu Yiyi's eyes the next moment.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Seeing this pair of green heart-shaped pendants, Liu Yiyi couldn't help exclaiming. Although the design is simple, the green emeralds are inlaid on the exquisite silver decoration, which looks extremely exquisite.

"Hey, I made this with my own hands!" Seeing that Yiyi liked it so much, Zhang Feng was also very happy.

"Really?" Liu Yiyi was even more pleasantly surprised when she heard that Zhang Feng made it himself.
"Of course!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Crazy, you are awesome!" Excited, Liu Yiyi immediately kissed Zhang Feng's face as a reward.

Then Zhang Feng personally put it on for Liu Yiyi, excited Yiyi kept looking at it in front of the mirror, "Crazy, do you think I look good in it?"

"It's beautiful, it's super beautiful!" Zhang Feng praised with a smile.

"Hee hee! I want to take a few photos and post them in the group..." After getting such a good gift, Liu Yiyi couldn't help but post it to the sister group to show off.

Ka Ka Ka Ka, after taking dozens of photos in a row, Liu Yiyi only found five or six of the most satisfactory ones and sent them to the group, and the sisters in the group immediately became excited.

"Wow! What a beautiful emerald earring!"

"It's so thoughtful! It's actually made by a lunatic himself."

"Hey, why are other people's boyfriends so nice?"

"Ah, Yiyi, you are giving out dog food again, what do you want single dogs like us to do?"

The sisters in the group were crazy when they saw such beautiful earrings. Everyone was not only envious of Yiyi's gift, but also envied the beautiful love between them.

(End of this chapter)

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