small farmer

Chapter 311 Jian Gymnastics Breakthrough

Chapter 311 Jian Gymnastics Breakthrough

As soon as he woke up the next day, Zhang Feng felt a whim, and had a premonition that gymnastics would make a breakthrough in the next few days.

So Zhang Feng came to the yard excitedly, put on airs and started to practice immediately, every movement was practiced by Zhang Feng with a high degree of proficiency, just like flowing water, every movement is full of inexplicable power, it looks like a tiger.

The first action, the second action...  

After practicing the whole set of movements, Zhang Feng did not stop, and kept practicing, because Zhang Feng felt that he was close to the breakthrough, and he might be able to complete the breakthrough in the next moment, and enter the second floor of gymnastics. At that time, Zhang Feng's body will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and his life level will also be upgraded to a more advanced stage.

Click ~ click ~
When Zhang Feng practiced for the third time, the movements of the whole body suddenly stopped, and the muscles and bones of the body made a loud cracking sound, like tigers and leopards thundering, trembling non-stop, constantly absorbing external forces, strengthening the body Every cell, every part of the body.

Moreover, the surrounding environment has undergone subtle changes at this time, and there is also a whistling sound in the air. Countless energies of heaven and earth surge towards Zhang Feng, enter his body continuously along his pores, and strengthen his body. Musculoskeletal, strengthens all parts of his body.

Suddenly a loud noise came from Zhang Feng's body, and Zhang Feng's body seemed to explode.
At this moment, every cell seemed to want to be endowed with life, and opened the channel of the cell membrane, as if opening its mouth, absorbing the surrounding energy with great gulps.Under the baptism of countless heaven and earth energies, Zhang Feng's body finally undergoes a drastic transformation, and countless aging cells and tissues are eliminated, or rejuvenated;

Under the scouring of these heaven and earth energies, every cell in Zhang Feng's body is changing, and every cell becomes more vigorous. The toxins and impurities in the cells are also discharged from the body one after another, forming a layer of A dark, foul-smelling substance.

This breakthrough lasted about 5 minutes. Although it was only 5 minutes, Zhang Feng's body underwent a radical change. The skin all over his body was as smooth as jade, like icy muscles and bones, and full of strength.

"Huh..." Zhang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground. The transformation just now was shocking. Under the washing of the vitality of the world, every cell seemed to be torn apart. Zhang Feng felt the pain to the bone marrow. If it weren't for my strong will, I would probably have collapsed, but fortunately, I still gritted my teeth and persisted.

"Xiaofeng, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Zhang Feng sitting on the ground, the elder sister quickly put down the comb and ran over to help the younger brother up
"Sister, I'm fine, maybe I didn't sleep well last night..." Zhang Feng quickly stood up and said with a wave of his hand.

"It's true of you, don't stay up late to surf the Internet next time!" Seeing Zhang Feng's pale face, the elder sister shook her head and really thought it was because her younger brother didn't sleep well.

"Understood, sister!" Zhang Feng smiled, then said goodbye, and got into the bathroom, ready to wash the stains on his body, but before that, Zhang Feng had to replenish his energy.

Because the transformation of the body consumes too much, Zhang Feng quickly took a bottle of Yuehua growth hormone. I have to say that Yuehua growth hormone is a black technology. After taking it for less than ten seconds, the deficit in the body has been filled. Zhang Feng Feng immediately felt that his whole body was full of explosive power, and his energy became more abundant.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the random task - gymnastics upgrade, task rewards: (1) 2 points (3) a bottle of intermediate genetic fluid ([-]) three chances to draw prizes."

"I'm going, can't it be true?" Hearing the voice of the system again, Zhang Feng felt extremely pleasantly surprised. It was a huge surprise for Zhang Feng to come out and give such a generous reward.

"There are such generous rewards..." After opening the system, Zhang Feng was so excited that he almost fainted when he saw so many rewards. He didn't expect the system to be so generous this time.

"One thousand points is worth a hundred thousand dollars, mom! The system has finally produced something useful this time."

"Intermediate genetic fluid? Is it an upgraded version of the primary genetic fluid?" Zhang Feng clicked to check its introduction. As he expected, the intermediate genetic fluid was indeed an upgraded version of the primary, but the intermediate genetic fluid not only improved more, There are no side effects yet, and there will be no pain at all during the body transformation process.

"Hahaha, with the intermediate genetic fluid, my body will definitely be stronger." Thinking about when I took the primary genetic fluid, my physical fitness quickly increased three to five times, which is simply super black technology, but the primary Compared with the intermediate one, the difference is too far.

Because as long as you take the intermediate gene liquid, your body will be able to improve five or six times immediately, and you can continue to improve in the next month, until the energy of the intermediate gene liquid is exhausted, and your physical fitness will be the lowest at that time. It can be increased by ten times, and even the highest record in the universe has reached 35 times, how terrifying it is.

Think about it, if you take the intermediate gene liquid immediately, will you be able to transform into a superman in no time, with a single punch, you can get tens of tons of force, and you can kick a big truck into the sky with one kick, even if ordinary light weapons are useless Can't help himself, Zhang Feng trembled excitedly at the thought of this, what a horror, what a miracle...

The reward for completing this mission, in addition to [-] points and intermediate genetic liquid, there are three chances to draw a lottery. It has been a long time since there was a lottery draw. Zhang Feng felt a little itchy in his heart, but when he smelled the stench on his body, Zhang Feng immediately After calming down, he took off his clothes and turned on the nozzle to wash it.

After taking a shower, Zhang Feng went back to his room, ready to check the current situation of the system.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 45
Speed ​​42
Reaction 43
Stamina 46
Flexible 41
spirit 40
(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

"I didn't expect the physical attributes to improve so much this time!" After reading the personal attributes, Zhang Feng was overjoyed. He really didn't expect such a big improvement in gymnastics breaking through the first level.

Points: 50 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and one hundred points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of draws: 3
Skills: primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills, primary calligraphy and painting skills, primary wine-making skills, primary carving skills, primary driving skills.

Possessed items: Rihua Auxin 3, Yuehua Auxin 2.

Unfinished tasks: (become a millionaire)
The deadline for completing the task is one year. Completing the task will reward the host with [-] points and three chances to draw a lottery. If the task fails, the host will be deducted [-] points.

(End of this chapter)

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