small farmer

Chapter 35 Burning Hornet

Chapter 35 Burning Hornet (recommended for collection)
In the past two days, the network has been disconnected due to the line renovation. I apologize again for not being able to update Renmao on time. Thank you for your support as always. Renmao can’t thank you enough. Hurry up and write the next chapter, and write Chapter 2 as soon as possible.

In the evening, the fiery red clouds illuminate the whole sky
Bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, the peaceful Moon Lake is crystal clear, like a piece of golden silk jade, extremely dazzling and beautiful.

As the sun sinks, the birds return to their nests,
It is like a beautiful picture scroll of sunset clouds and solitary ducks flying together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky, which is really lingering.

Such a beautiful scenery is really fascinating. Countless tourists stopped involuntarily, picked up their mobile phones one after another, and took pictures of this rare sunset.

After dinner, the bored Zhang Feng was about to go for a walk by the lake. When Zhang Feng came to the lake, he saw a couple of young couples holding hands or embracing each other. As a single dog, Zhang Feng had to hide his face and walk away.

"Oh, couples holding hands, singles are so mad!" Zhang Feng shook his head and smiled wryly.

Some people say that brothers are like siblings and wives are like clothes. If you say the same thing, hasn't he already been married for more than 20 years?Thinking of this, Zhang Feng could only shake his head and smile wryly.

"Brother, I was just looking for you. I didn't expect to meet you here." Zhang Feng was walking home when he happened to meet Zhang Yi at the door.

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hey, how about we burn the hornets at night?" Zhang Yi approached and asked in a low voice.

"Where did you find the hornet's nest?"

"Hehe, when I went into the mountains to pick mushrooms today, I found a large honeycomb in the green hill forest, which weighed twenty or thirty catties." Zhang Yi smiled triumphantly and said.

"So big?" Such a large beehive is rare, and Zhang Feng was also very pleasantly surprised.

"Let's go! Call Uncle Er Niu, and then we'll set off."

Although Zhang Feng was excited, he had to prepare well. Burning the hornet was not an easy task, but it was very dangerous.

Therefore, the three of them had to be carefully prepared, fully armed, and there should be no nakedness on the whole body, otherwise they would be stung by a hornet accidentally, and even if they couldn't die, their skin would peel off.

Putting on the special one-piece equipment and helmets on their heads, the three of them couldn't wait to get into the mountain forest.

"What a big hornet's nest!"

Although Zhang Feng was mentally prepared, he was still taken aback when he came to the large beehive on the Qinggang tree. The beehive was like a giant egg, with a diameter of about forty to fifty centimeters. Zhang Feng estimated that the entire beehive might have three It weighs more than ten kilograms, such a large honeycomb is really rare.

"Hey! It seems that we are really lucky today!" Uncle Er Niu also exclaimed in surprise.

"How is it? Are you coming or am I?" Uncle Er Niu glanced at Zhang Feng and asked.

"This tree is too tall, so you should come here. I'll watch the wind for you from below." Among the three, Uncle Er Niu had the best tree-climbing skills, so today's work of burning beehives was given to him as a matter of course.

"Okay, stay away, I'm coming!" Uncle Er Niu warned, spit and rubbed his hands, and quickly crawled towards the hornet's nest on the tree.

Zhang Feng and the two immediately stayed away from the big tree, because when the hornet's nest was burned, the hornets would rush down and fall, and the falling hornets were also very dangerous. miserable.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and the two stood far away, 30 meters away from the big tree.
Then the two of them stared at Uncle Er Niu closely, watching him climb higher and higher. Zhang Feng felt a little nervous down there, but he didn't see Uncle Er Niu's speed slowing down at all. He looks like just delicious food.

Finally, when he was about to reach the end point, Uncle Er Niu began to approach the hive slowly, because once the hornets were frightened, they would fly out of the hive and attack the nearby humans and animals madly, which was quite crazy.

When Uncle Er Niu was about one meter away from the hive, he stopped cautiously, looked around and under the trees, and found that Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng were far away, so he made an OK gesture.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng both nodded, knowing immediately that Uncle Er Niu was about to strike. They saw Uncle Er Niu took out a torch soaked in kerosene from his back and lit it with a lighter.

There was a bang in an instant, the fire splashed sparks, and the raging flames burned up, illuminating the entire treetop.

At this moment, the wasps on the tree finally noticed the abnormality, and flew out with buzzing wings, but they found it too late, Er Niushu's torch had already been stretched under the hive, and the wasps that just flew out were burned to death one after another, crackling fall down.

The wasps in the hive desperately wanted to rush out of the sea of ​​flames, but it was too late, and almost all the wasps that rushed out were wiped out.

Occasionally, some fish who slipped through the net wanted to attack Uncle Er Niu, but it was a pity that there was no way to attack Uncle Er Niu who was fully armed.
After about two or three minutes like this, the wasps finally disappeared from the hive and rushed out again. This nest of thousands of wasps died like this, and it was about to become a delicacy for the three of them.

Seeing that all the wasps in the hive were burned to death, Uncle Er Niu took out a snakeskin bag and put it on the honeycomb, pinched the opening immediately, and then twisted off the branch where the wasps were. In this way, the hornet's nest finally entered Uncle Er Niu's pocket.

In the end, Uncle Er Niu threw the bag down, and Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi hurried over to pick it up, and then began to pick up the carcasses of wasps on the ground. Although these wasps were burnt to death, they were still a rare delicacy.

"Uncle Er Niu's skill in burning hornets is really amazing!" Zhang Yi praised Er Niu Uncle with a thumbs up when he got off the tree.

"That's right, I'm not boasting, there's no one who burns hornets better than me in Qingshan County yet!" Uncle Er Niu Niu Pi coaxed.

"Uncle Er Niu! I'll give you 99 points for your pretense, and the remaining one point is because you are too proud." Zhang Feng patted Uncle Er Niu on the shoulder and said.

"Really, my Er Niu never brags, the biggest advantage is that I like to tell the truth." Uncle Er Niu said nonsense seriously.

"Hey, Zhang Yi, do you know why Uncle Er Niu is called Er Niu?"


"Because the cowhide is thick!" Zhang Feng ran away as soon as he said that.

"Stinky boy! Just wait for me." After Uncle Er Niu realized it, he immediately chased after Zhang Feng.

Zhang Yi saw the dark lights in the forest, and hurriedly chased after him, "Oh, wait for me!"

The three of them chased and beat them, joking around, and soon returned to Zhang Feng's house in addition to the forest.


About two hours later, a large bowl of delicious, fried golden hornet was on the table.

"Ah! It smells so good!" Zhang Yi sniffed, looking intoxicated.

"Well, it's delicious! This hornet is fried crispy, delicious, and the chicken tastes crunchy! Everyone, try it soon..." Uncle Er Niu couldn't wait, and took the lead.

"That's right, this fried bee egg is also very good. It's full of tenacity when chewed, and it's full of fragrance." Zhang Feng couldn't help admiring.

"Everyone wait, there is still beer in the refrigerator!" Zhang Feng said after taking another sip.

"What do you say when you have cold beer? Hurry up!" Fried hornets are the best appetizers. While eating delicious hornets, drinking cold beer, ah, that feeling is really exciting.

"Come on, let's have a toast!" After pouring the wine, Zhang Feng raised his glass.



The three happily drank wine and ate delicious wasps, recalling all the naughty things they did when they were young, climbing trees to catch birds, going down rivers to fish, playing truant from school, herding cattle and stealing melons.

The three of them have done almost every kind of mischievous thing. Recalling what happened at that time, everyone couldn't help laughing,
Life in the countryside is so simple, and living habits have been passed down from generation to generation. Seeing ducklings and big hairs, Zhang Feng is like seeing himself when he was a child. The imprint of the countryside is so unforgettable, and it has been integrated into his blood.

(End of this chapter)

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