small farmer

Chapter 36 The eel in the backyard

Chapter 36 The eel in the backyard (recommended for collection)
The second update is finally over, thank you for your support, thank you everyone.

Both mother and eldest sister have a taste
After eating a few bites, I went to watch TV.
The remaining three exchanged cups and chatted excitedly about the fun things about their childhood, which lasted until late at night.

After sending the two away, Zhang Feng took a shower, climbed upstairs and lay down on the bed, and soon fell into a deep sleep.


This sleep until dawn, the early rooster has already crowed countless times.

The mother and eldest sister have already picked the vegetables and sent away the vegetable truck.

Zhang Feng slowly opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was already 07:30.

"I didn't expect it to be 07:30!" Since getting the system, Zhang Feng has woken up around [-] o'clock every day. It may be that he drank some wine last night, so it was extra sweet, and he woke up naturally after sleeping.

Zhang Feng stretched his body, his joints crackled, and he felt his whole body was full of strength. Then Zhang Feng took a deep breath, feeling refreshed and radiant all over his body.

After washing up, Zhang Feng practiced gymnastics as usual. Zhang Feng obviously felt that he was improving every day. He had gradually become proficient in the first layer, and the effect of practice was getting better and better.

After practicing gymnastics, Zhang Feng began to jog along the path by the lake, admiring the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers while running.

"Hey! Young man, wait a minute...Young man, wait a minute...?" Zhang Feng was suddenly stopped while running. Zhang Feng turned around and saw that it was the first person who bought Zhang Feng an eel. elder.

"Hey, it's your old man, what's the matter with you?"

"That's right, it's me. I wonder if you still have rice field eels?" The old man came over and asked.

"Film eel? All the ones caught yesterday were sold out." Zhang Feng explained to the old man when he heard the old man ask the eel.

"Then are you going to catch him today?" the old man asked expectantly.

"Well, I'll go and see later, if I can catch some, I'll let you know if I catch them, what do you think?" Seeing the expectant look in the old man's eyes, Zhang Feng immediately agreed. Anyway, the rice field eels in the backyard are very good It doesn't take much effort to catch them.

"Thank you so much, young man..." The old man said gratefully, and then gave Zhang Feng his name and number, and asked Zhang Feng to call him when he caught the rice field eel.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Wang, Zhang Feng ran a lap along Moon Lake. After some activities, he felt more refreshed, as if his whole body was full of inexhaustible strength.

Back home, Zhang Feng took the bucket and net bag and walked to the backyard.
When he came to the backyard, Zhang Feng sprinkled the bait, and the eels in the ditch were still rushing towards the bait like moths to the flame, instantly breaking the calm in the ditch, the water was tumbling, and it was very lively.

Zhang Feng made a decisive decision, set a target and then attacked decisively. Every time a large rice field eel entered the net, just like this a dozen times, the large buckets that could hold [-] to [-] catties of water were all filled with rice field eels.

In the end, Zhang Feng threw the smaller eel back into the water, then fished two more nets, and refilled the bucket before Zhang Feng stopped.

"Xiaoqin, take out the big pot, Xiaofeng caught the eel again." Seeing her son carrying the eel, Wang Guilan shouted loudly to her eldest daughter who was watching TV.

"Hey! Okay, I'll take it out right away." The eldest sister put down the remote control and quickly took out the big basin.

"Oh, you caught so many again?" the eldest sister said in surprise.

"Hehe, I guess the water and soil in the backyard are good, and there is no pollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides, that's why there are so many eels." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Yeah! Pour it out quickly, and I'll sell it right away." The eldest sister was so happy that she couldn't wait. The tens of catties of rice field eels would earn another thousand yuan.


While his mother and eldest sister were busy preparing, Zhang Feng hurriedly called Mr. Wang and told him the good news of catching the rice field eel. The Mr. Wang ran over happily and bought eight catties at once. Buy some and put them in the fridge.

Seeing Zhang Feng put out the rice field eel, before Zhang Feng shouted, a large pot of rice field eel was snapped up by regular customers who came after hearing the news. A bunch of onlookers were dumbfounded, and those who didn’t know thought it was free. .

"Hey! Brother, are their rice field eels very cheap? Why are there so many people buying them?" One of the tourists finally couldn't help his curiosity, and grabbed a customer who bought rice field eels and asked.

"Cheap? It costs fifty oceans a catty!" the guest said with a blank look.

"How much?" The tourist asked again in disbelief.

"50 yuan? But his eel is indeed wild, and even tastes better than ordinary wild eels. Unfortunately, I came late today, so I only grabbed more than a catty..." The stopped guest finally said regretfully.

This kind of situation happened not only in one place, but many curious tourists asked the customers who bought it one after another. In this way, the name of Zhang Feng's wild eel became famous, and many tourists had desire to buy.

At the same time, regular customers also left phone calls one after another, hoping that Zhang Feng would notify them in time when the goods are available, because such delicious rice field eels are rare and rare.

After packing up the stall and returning home, Zhang Feng walked towards the backyard with a hoe on his shoulder.

"What is Xiaofeng doing in the backyard?" There was nothing to do in the backyard, and the mother asked curiously.

"There are too many eels in the ditch. I'm going to dig another ditch to give them a wider range of activities." Zhang Feng turned around and said with a smile.

"Can I help?" Then the mother asked again.

"No, mom, go and rest for a while, just watch TV, I can finish digging a ditch in a while." Zhang Feng waved his hand and walked to the backyard.

Looking at her son's back, Wang Guilan felt a warm current flow through her heart. Her son has really grown up, he knows how to care for himself, and he knows how to take on the burden of the family. In an instant, Wang Guilan felt the heavy burden on her shoulders, and her whole body became Take it easy.

Although the ditch in the backyard is not small, it becomes overcrowded instantly after living with hundreds of catties of rice field eels, so Zhang Feng plans to dig a few ditches in the open space to share the pressure of crowding and allow the rice field eels in the ditch to have more space .

After finding the location, Zhang Feng immediately started digging. In just a cup of tea, a ditch more than ten meters long and about [-] centimeters deep was completed.

Later, Zhang Feng installed several insect-attracting lamps along the side of the ditch. As long as the night comes, the bright lights will attract many small insects here, and many of them will definitely be drowned in the ditch In the process, these drowned insects will become the natural food of the eels.

After installing a few small lights, Zhang Feng grabbed a handful of feed soaked in Rihua auxin and threw it into the newly dug ditch. Soon, a large number of eels rushed in, and everyone scrambled for food. Not giving in to each other, the battle lasted for about ten minutes before it came to an end.

In the end, although most of the eels returned to their original caves, many eels stayed, as if they had taken a fancy to this new land of geomantic omen.

In this way, Zhang Feng successfully diverted the eels in the ditch, cleverly moved the eels to another place, and greatly alleviated the problem of too dense eels in the ditch.
It can be said that digging this ditch will reduce the density of eels in the ditch, increase their living space, and be more conducive to the growth of eels.

(End of this chapter)

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