small farmer

Chapter 37 Preparations

Chapter 37 Preparations (recommended for collection)

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The cicada noise forest is more quiet, and the bird song mountain is even quieter.

After lunch, Zhang Feng lay leisurely in the yard under the shade of a big cypress tree, looking at the blue sky, which was cloudless.

At this time, Zhang Feng feels that the sky is so ethereal and lofty, and so clearly visible and within reach. This is the sky in the countryside, pure and beautiful, and people will never get tired of watching it.

"Squeak..." Suddenly the sound of cicadas on the tree stopped abruptly, interrupting Zhang Feng's thoughts.

At this moment, Zhang Feng thought that he still had two system tasks to complete. The first one was the task of becoming a millionaire. There was still a year to go.

The second task is to open a farmhouse of your own. This task needs to be completed within one month. You can get 1000 points for completing the task, and deduct [-] points for failing the task.

Zhang Feng felt that he had to hurry up, and quickly finished the preparations. Seeing his small courtyard, wild flowers were in full bloom, and the fragrance of flowers was overflowing. Zhang Feng nodded in satisfaction.

The next step is to carry out certain renovations on the interior, especially the toilet at home is still a common latrine in the countryside, which must be rebuilt.

Suddenly Zhang Feng thought, isn't Uncle Dashan just an architect?It should be no problem to build a toilet and bathroom, so Zhang Feng immediately called Uncle Dashan.

"Hello, Uncle Dashan?"

"It's me, Xiaofeng, what's the matter with you?" Uncle Dashan was a little surprised when he received Zhang Feng's call.

"That's it, I'm going to renovate the toilet at home..." Then Zhang Feng told Uncle Dashan about his request.

"It's simple. Isn't that just remodeling a bathroom? You wait for me to come over and take a look right away." Uncle Dashan said, patted his chest, just as he was free recently, hung up the phone and rushed to Zhang Feng's house immediately, preparing for the field trip After some investigation, we communicated with Zhang Feng face to face.

"Uncle Dashan is here" Soon Uncle Dashan rushed to Zhang Feng's house in a hurry.

"Well, take me to see where your bathroom needs to be repaired." Uncle Dashan immediately got to the point.

Zhang Feng led Uncle Dashan to the backyard and said, "Look, Uncle Dashan, I plan to build the bathroom here in the backyard, how do you feel?"

"Yes, there is no problem here. By the way, Xiaofeng, what do you plan to start?" Uncle Dashan nodded in agreement, and then asked again.

"Of course, the sooner the better, it's best to start work tomorrow." Then Zhang Feng negotiated the price with Uncle Dashan
Uncle Dashan, who had paid two thousand in advance for materials, left in a hurry again, planning to go to the city immediately to buy materials, and start work on time tomorrow.

After arranging the renovation of the bathroom, Zhang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. It is not so easy to open a farmhouse.

Later, Zhang Feng felt as if he had forgotten something important, "Oh! There are monkeys." Suddenly Zhang Feng thought that some high school classmates and friends were going to play at home this weekend.

I don’t have to worry about food at home, but there are not so many beds in the place where I live, so Zhang Feng plans to buy a few beds in the street immediately, and replace the old wooden beds at home. .

So Zhang Feng was going to take Zhang Yi, a free young man, and drive his small truck to pull things for himself.

Spring is not a day for reading, summer is scorching just for sleep,
There are mosquitoes in autumn and snow in winter, so pack up your books for the new year.

"Xiaoyi, what are you muttering about?" Zhang Feng was going to ask Zhang Yi to drive his family's pickup truck into the city to do some shopping. As soon as he walked to the yard, he heard this guy muttering doggerel.

"No, I didn't do anything, what does elder brother want me for?" Zhang Yi asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Come on, get in the truck, let's go to the county to do some shopping."

"Okay, wait for me to take down the key!"

After the two drove into the city, they went straight to the home furnishing mall and started a big purchase. After thinking about it, Zhang Feng bought two double beds and three single beds, two more than planned.

Because there are two spare rooms at home, Zhang Feng plans to arrange them into a double room and a triple room, so that five guests can be accommodated.
The remaining double bed is to replace the wooden bed my mother sleeps on. My mother has a bad back, so this one is prepared for my mother.

After buying the bed, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng continued to buy bedding. Fortunately, the merchant who bought the bed promised to deliver the goods, otherwise Zhang Yi's small truck would not be able to load it all.

After shopping, the two headed back home. Zhang Yi and Zhang Feng led the way in a pickup truck, and the bed deliverers followed closely behind.

In less than half an hour, the two finally arrived home.

"Hey! Uncle Er Niu came here to help." Zhang Feng was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Uncle Er Niu bragging with others by the lake.

"Huh! Xiaofeng bought so many beds?" Uncle Er Niu hurried over and asked.

"Yeah, I just changed all the wooden beds at home when some high school classmates were coming to play." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

Then the three of them, together with the delivery master, a total of four, hurriedly carried the new bed into the room.After working for about half an hour, it was finally done. The delivery master was sent away, and Zhang Feng and the three sat in the yard to rest.

"Xiaofeng, your yard is so beautiful, I think you might as well open a farmhouse." Uncle Er Niu looked at the yard in front of him, wild flowers everywhere, colorful butterflies flying around, and couldn't help being envious.

"Yeah, with your culinary skills, big brother, if you open a farmhouse, it will definitely be very popular." Zhang Yi also said.

"Hehe, it's true that the heroes see the same thing. I'm also preparing for the farmhouse." Zhang Feng said with an embarrassed smile.

"You kid is really mean. I just said why these days, your house is either repainted or bought a new bed. Even the yard is so beautifully decorated. It turned out to be premeditated." Uncle Er Niu shook his head and pointed Zhang Feng scolded with a smile.

"No, didn't you ask? Hehe." Zhang Feng said with a haha.


The three of them sat for a while, and then dispersed. Uncle Er Niu's cow was still on the mountain.

"Wait a minute, is your wasp still at my house?" Zhang Feng didn't think until the two of them reached the gate.

"I'll put mine here with you first, and I'll come and get it later, and I have to go up the mountain now." Uncle Er Niu said with a wave of his hand.

"Xiaoyi, hurry up and take it back, let the second uncle and second aunt taste it too!"

"Brother Haole!"

The hornet's nest that was burnt yesterday was very harvested. A total of ten catties of bee eggs were picked out, and each person divided about three catties, and the rest had already entered the bellies of the three people last night.

After sending the two away, Zhang Feng began to tidy up the room and made up the newly bought beds, ready to welcome Monkey and the others.

After tidying up the room prepared for Monkey and the others, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Feng couldn't help feeling that the busy days passed so quickly.

At this moment, only Zhang Feng was left in the family. His mother and elder sister took two silly and cute goats to the orchard to weed. After resting for a while and drinking a cup of tea, Zhang Feng began to prepare dinner.

Because my mother likes to eat light food, the dishes Zhang Feng prepares are mainly light dishes. One stir-fried cabbage, one sliced ​​cucumber, one shredded green pepper and potato, and the remaining one sliced ​​fungus meat, and one minced meat eggplant is Zhang Feng. And big sister's dishes.


The setting sun has gone to the west, and the mother and sister return from shepherding the sheep.

When Zhang Feng was cooking, he heard the bleating sound of the cute pet from a distance, and the mother and eldest sister returned home in the afterglow of the sunset.

In the dim light, the family is eating simple meals. Although this kind of life is dull, it is also full of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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