small farmer

Chapter 38 The Arrival of the Classmates

Chapter 38 The Arrival of the Classmates

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There is a huge banyan tree at the entrance of the village in Zhangjiawan
It is said that the tree is 600 years old. Its thick trunk requires two or three adults to embrace it. The huge banyan tree has become a famous scene in the village.

In summer, the banyan tree is luxuriant, with a huge canopy covering the sky and the sun, covering almost the entire square at the entrance of the village, covering a radius of hundreds of meters;

Every evening, under the big tree, many villagers will come here to rest and enjoy the shade. Everyone does their homework or exercises. It is very lively here every day.

Today is already Friday, which is the day that Zhang Feng and his classmates agreed upon. Everyone planned to leave the city or county after get off work, then meet up in the county, and finally went to Zhang Feng's home together.

The whole sky is dyed golden

It was as if a huge treasure with golden light had been opened.

Sitting under the big banyan tree, Zhang Feng stretched his gaze into the distance along the smooth asphalt road, watching the beautiful scenery in the sky, and quietly waiting for the arrival of the students.

As the sun set, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated, and finally a brown Changan Ford appeared on the road in the distance. I guess this was the car that Monkey had just bought.

Sure enough, the car went from far to near, and finally stopped in front of Zhang Feng, and a few very familiar faces walked out of the car, they were his best classmates and friends in high school.

"Haha, you monkeys are finally here!"

"Crazy, I haven't seen you in three years! I really miss me!"

"I miss you too..." the two old friends hugged each other excitedly.

"Little Fatty, Big Bear, Liu Yiyi, Shitou welcomes you..." Zhang Feng hugged his old classmates one by one. After not seeing them for a few years, everyone has changed a lot, and their temperament has become more calm and mature.

Xiaopang is heartless and fat, and his figure is still "plump". Big Bear's name is Xiong Bin, and he is sincere and honest. Although he is not thick-backed, everyone is used to calling him Big Bear;

Shi Lei's name is Shi Lei, and he wears four stones, so everyone calls him Shi Shi. He has a small humorous personality, loves to joke, and often shows a wretched smile.

As for the last girl, Liu Yiyi, despite her gentle and pleasant name, she is actually a crazy girl, a female man, usually careless, and walks in a hurry.

"Monkey, just park your car in the parking lot."


After saying something to the monkey, Zhang Feng helped the only female classmate carry the luggage, and led everyone towards the house.

"Come on, let's go back quickly, I've made a big table of delicious food waiting for you."

"Really? That's really great!" The gluttonous chubby was pleasantly surprised.

"You foodie! You can eat in a day." Big Bear scolded with a smile.

"I love to eat and I am proud, what do you want?" Xiaopang raised his head and said indifferently.

"You guy..."

Everyone chatted and walked to the village.


The beautiful scenery along the way completely attracted everyone's attention, and everyone kept exclaiming in admiration.

"Ah, it's so beautiful!"

"Crazy, is this Moon Lake? It's so beautiful." When she came to the edge of Moon Lake, Liu Yiyi exclaimed, completely attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her.

The night wind is blowing, the willows are swaying, the shimmering lake is emitting a little light, and a waning moon hangs high in the quiet night sky. The moon's shadow is reflected in the lake. I don't know which is the lake and which is the moon. It is full of mystery. color.

"Yeah, this is the beautiful Moon Lake, with the wind and the moon on the bank of the willows..." Zhang Feng was also fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of him. Although he can often enjoy such a beautiful scenery, he never tires of seeing it, and is fascinated by it every time. .

"Is this the legendary Peach Blossom Spring?"

"Hehe, this is the peach blossom garden in my heart!" Zhang Feng said with a light smile, with some jokes and a trace of sincerity in his heart.

It gets dark fast,
But the bright moonlight illuminates the whole small mountain village.

Bathed in the bright moonlight, the six reluctantly bid farewell to the beautiful scenery everywhere. It took them five or six minutes to reach Zhang Feng's house after a short distance of several hundred meters.

"This is my mother, this is my sister" The eldest sister and mother are waiting for everyone at the door.

"Hello Auntie! Hello Sister!"

"Good! Good! Good! Come on, let's go into the house quickly." The family hurriedly greeted the guests to enter the house.

After arranging everyone's rooms, the four boys lived in one room, and the remaining double room was arranged for Liu Yiyi.

Everyone put away their things and ready to eat.

"Ah! It's really rich!"

"Wow! Crazy, you are so kind, you actually prepared so much meat for me." Xiaopang said to Zhang Feng with a smile,
"Go, fat man, don't be so sentimental, okay? The lunatic prepares this for all of us. Where is your share, you'd better eat cucumber and lettuce obediently."

"That's right, fat man, you'd better eat some vegetables, just to lose weight..." Everyone teased Xiaopang one after another.

"How can this work? Dude, I can gain weight by drinking water, so I am going to fight fire with fire, and invented a new way to lose weight-meat-eating therapy." The fat man squinted his small eyes and talked nonsense seriously.

"Well, let's have a bowl of chicken soup first..." The eldest sister served everyone a bowl of chicken soup.

"Thank you sister"

"Thank you sister" everyone thanked.

"Huh? This soup is really fresh and delicious!"

"The taste of local chicken is delicious, unlike broiler chicken, which has a fishy smell."

A pot of delicious chicken and mushroom soup was quickly drunk by most of the people. Everyone loved it very much. Even Liu Yiyi couldn't help but drink a small bowl.

Everyone still ate at noon. After being hungry all afternoon, everyone threw themselves into this gluttonous feast. Although there were no delicacies from mountains and seas, it was just an ordinary farm dinner, but everyone still had a great time eating.

After dinner, everyone came to the yard, covered by the bright moonlight, sitting around the stone table, chatting, telling all kinds of interesting things in high school.

Back in the day, when I was a young classmate, we all had a heroic appearance and a common goal, which was to be admitted to a key university. We helped each other, encouraged each other, competed with each other, chased each other, and finally rushed to the gate of a key university.

Think back to the time when you were confident and active, longed for the scenery on the other side of the mountain, and envied the feasting and prosperity of the metropolis.

The man is determined to go out of the mountains, and he will not return his name if he fails.

There is no need for ancestral land to bury bones, and there are no green hills in life.

Zhang Feng resolutely entered the big city, but unfortunately, after college, he returned to his hometown in despair, to Moon Lake Village after a long absence,
If I hadn't encountered the system, I guess I would still be that humble rice bug, that well-known 'lazy scholar'.

Thinking of these Zhang Feng sighed, time is gone forever, seven or eight years have passed in a blink of an eye, the past self has become history, and today's self will live out his wonderful life here in this beautiful Moon Lake.

Everyone sat in the yard until late at night, chatting, and refused to go into the house to sleep for a long time.


"Everyone is tired, let's go to bed first, everyone will play around tomorrow." Seeing Xiaopang yawning, Zhang Feng said to everyone.

"Okay, bye!"

"good night!"

After arranging everyone, Zhang Feng also climbed upstairs, lay quietly on the bed, and looked at the bright and clean world outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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