small farmer

Chapter 39

Chapter 39
Chapter 38 Butterfly Flower Sea

I'm a bit busy today, and the second update may be a little late. Thank you for your support. Favorite book friends can help me bookmark and recommend it. Also, the previous two younger sisters will take the exam next week, and it will be changed to next month. Please forgive me for any inconvenience caused.

Bright moon in the sky
The bright moonlight shines on the whole earth,

It seems that the whole village is covered with a silver gauze, which is crystal clear and exudes pure light.

The whole small mountain village seems to be in the world of fairy tales. It is as fantastic and beautiful as the city of light, with bright stars, which makes people look forward to and yearn for.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Feng fell into a deep sleep under the starlight.


early morning
The eastern sky gradually brightened, and a round of red sun slowly turned over the mountain, finally showing a shy face.

The strong sunlight shone on Zhang Feng's body, his eyes moved and slowly opened, so Zhang Feng immediately got up and put on his clothes, walked to the window and quietly looked at the beautiful mountain village scenery outside the window.

I saw the clouds and mist in the distance like a long snake. It danced with the wind, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and its huge body was extremely shocking. Sometimes it was tightly coiled on the top of the mountain, and sometimes it rose into the sky, but it refused to leave. Too far, as if the green hills in the distance are its inviolable territory.

The nearby small mountain village also seemed to wake up with the dawn. Pedestrians and livestock shuttled on the quiet mountain trails, breaking the tranquility of the village.

Such a scene made Zhang Feng think of the simple rural scenery in the deep alley where the cock crows and the mulberry tree tops and the dog barks.

Taking a deep breath, he was immediately refreshed. Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Feng climbed downstairs to the yard and began to wash.

But when Zhang Feng came to the yard, he was completely fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Colorful butterflies are flying in the whole yard, the flowers are fragrant, and colorful butterflies shuttle among the flowers, gently picking the nectar in the stamens.

At this time, the small courtyard seems to have become a sea of ​​butterflies, a playground for colorful butterflies, and colorful butterflies are overwhelming. They jump in the flowers and fly freely to and fro.

As the ancient poet said, the butterfly dances from time to time, flying into the flowers and nowhere to be found. At this time, the colorful butterflies are like the elves of nature, decorating the beautiful rural courtyard with the flowers, and sending a beautiful picture. A natural rural picture scroll, a beautiful "Spring Scenery of Butterflies in Love with Flowers".

"Ah! It's so beautiful! There are so many butterflies..." Liu Yiyi just walked out of the main room after getting up, and was stunned by the scenery in front of her just like Zhang Feng, and she screamed in horror after a while.

"No! No! I want to take pictures of them..." Liu Yiyi hurriedly ran back to the room and quickly took out her own equipment, and began to shoot non-stop for "The Picture of Butterflies Playing Flowers" in the yard. I want to leave this magical and beautiful scene behind.

"Ah! It's so beautiful..."

"Why do I feel like I'm in a fairyland..."

"Oh! This butterfly is so beautiful..."

The female Liu Yiyi held the mobile phone, chasing the butterflies and taking pictures non-stop, but the butterflies danced and the flowers bloomed, forming an ever-changing beauty that made her overwhelmed.

Hearing Liu Yiyi's exclamation, the four boys also ran out quickly, seeing the wonderful scene in the yard, they were all shocked beyond measure.

"Ah, you two are really too much!"

"Eating alone, dare you call us!"

"Brother, Yiyi? Can we still have fun?"


Several boys were filled with righteous indignation, and attacked Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng one after another. Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng apologized repeatedly, but unfortunately the filming in their hands did not stop at all.

"No, I can't help it anymore!" Monkey saw the appearance of the two, and immediately reacted. He didn't care about the crusade against the two, and hurried into the room, took out his mobile phone, and started the shooting trip.

No matter how slow the others reacted, they finally understood, and they scrambled to take out their equipment, preparing to record this beautiful natural spectacle of butterflies playing flowers.

Seeing such a miraculous natural wonder, everyone cheered and shouted in surprise, feeling that the trip to Moon Lake was really not in vain, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Such a beautiful spectacle of butterflies naturally attracted many tourists, and everyone walked into the yard one after another to take pictures of this beautiful spring scene of butterfly flowers, and received the selfless gift of nature.

It's a pity that the beautiful scenery is always so short. As time goes by, the sea of ​​butterflies in the yard slowly dissipates, and finally disappears completely. go.

"Haha, hurry up and post it in the group, so that those who didn't come regret it..."

"Wait for me! I want to post too..."


Although the disappearance of the beautiful scenery of butterflies made everyone feel a little regretful, but everyone soon came to their senses. This is the good fortune of nature.

Afterwards, everyone uploaded the butterfly landscape they had just photographed to Moments, which immediately caused exclamations in the group. Many students who did not come in the end regretted it, and their intestines were green.

"Hee hee, you guys didn't want to come at the time, but now you finally know how to regret it."

"Oh! It's a pity that no one came to such a beautiful sea of ​​butterflies and flowers."

Seeing everyone's various shocks, envy, and jealousy, Liu Yiyi felt particularly refreshed, gloating about poking everyone's wounds in the group.

"Ah! God, I really regret it..."

"Oh, God, my guts are turning green..."

"Is it too late for me to rush over today?..."

"It's time, we'll save the video for you..." Several people replied with a sneer.


After playing around for a while, everyone began to eat breakfast.

"How about we go to the opposite mountain for a picnic today? There is a wide view, and you can see the whole Moon Lake." Zhang Feng suggested to everyone while eating.

"Okay! Okay! I like picnics the most." As soon as Xiaopang heard about eating, he immediately raised his hands and feet, revealing his true nature as a foodie.

“It's really nice to go up the mountain to barbecue..."

"Stand tall and see far away. Where do you want to see Moon Lake will be beautiful..."

The others agreed without any opinions, Xiaopang was very happy immediately, everyone also offered advice and suggestions, and the discussion started enthusiastically, as if everyone had returned to the spring outing in middle school, chatting and chatting happily.

"Tell me, what kind of barbecue do you want to eat?" Zhang Feng asked everyone with a smile after seeing everyone's enthusiasm.

"I want to eat grilled chicken wings..."

"I want baked potatoes..."

"I want to eat grilled chicken..."

"Is there any grilled fish? I want to eat grilled fish..."

"Yes, fortunately, I have already prepared! Beef and mutton are available, and you can eat whatever you want..." Zhang Feng knew that everyone was coming, so he made a big purchase yesterday morning.

"Wow, that would be great!"

"The vegetables from Madman's house are also delicious, how about we pick some cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce...?" Liu Yiyi has a soft spot for Zhang Feng's vegetables, and she has been thinking about them since eating yesterday.

"Okay, Yiyi and Xiaopang followed me to the backyard to pick vegetables, monkeys, you guys take out the meat from the refrigerator, wash it and cut it up..."

Then the six soldiers divided into two groups, preparing vegetables on the one side and meat on the other side. Since everyone was so excited, they quickly finished all the preparations for the barbecue in less than an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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