small farmer

Chapter 40 Barbecue

Chapter 40 Barbecue
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"Hey, is Xiaoyi at home now?"

"Yes, what's the matter, brother?"

"We're going to have a picnic, come here quickly, we're about to set off."

"Okay, I'll be right there." Hearing his cousin saying that he was going to have a picnic, the playful Zhang Yi immediately rushed over.

"This is my cousin Zhang Yi..."

"This is my classmate Monkey, Liu Yiyi..." Zhang Feng introduced Zhang Yi and everyone.

"Hello, welcome to Moon Lake..."


Everyone greeted each other, and they were all young people who had a lot in common, so they quickly became acquainted.

With Zhang Yi following him, Zhang Feng was relieved a lot. After all, everyone didn't have much experience in outdoor activities, so it would be a lot easier to have someone order him around.


Everyone carried picnic stuff on their backs, and set out on the road in a relaxed and happy manner. They walked out of the house, walked along the tree-lined path around the lake, and walked towards the hillside opposite the lake while admiring the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake.

Everyone was in a happy mood and walked briskly, just like Tao Yuanming was as happy when he resigned from office and returned to hermitage.

After crossing the Moon Lake and arriving at the foot of the opposite mountain, Shi Lei showed his playful nature again, singing a mountain patrol song loudly, like a fairy.

"Your Majesty asked me to patrol the mountains..."

"After visiting Nanshan, I will visit Beishan..."

"Fuck me, Shitou, when did you become a little demon patrolling the mountains?"

"Ahem..., buddy, I'm happy to practice my voice, can't I?"

"Okay, why not, stone monster..."

"You black bear monster dare to scold me...Look at me..." Then Shitou and Daxiong jumped up and down the mountain road, very lively.

"Haha... What two treasures!"

Everyone smiled and watched the two play tricks, and felt very warm in their hearts. Only in front of good friends did they let go of the masks of the past, completely let go of themselves, and did whatever they wanted with ease.

Walking on the winding mountain path, everyone chatted and laughed, and soon reached the halfway up the mountain. Here is a grassland with a radius of hundreds of meters. The terrain is not steep and relatively flat, so the villagers often come here to relax ox.

Because of the gnawing and trampling of the cattle and sheep, the green grass on the ground is not high, just like the lawn in the park, and the grass is dotted with some wild flowers sporadically, which is eye-catching.

"Ah, what are these yellow and colored wild flowers Zhang Feng?" Liu Yiyi asked Zhang Feng in surprise when she saw the small flowers on the ground.

"These are actually the dandelions that everyone is most familiar with!" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Ah! Why do I feel like a wild chrysanthemum?" At this moment, the monkey came over and asked in surprise.

"Hehe, look, this is a wild chrysanthemum." Zhang Feng picked a wild chrysanthemum and handed it over, "You smell it, does it smell like a chrysanthemum?"

"Well, it really smells like chrysanthemums..." the monkey sniffed and said.

"Then, why do they look so similar..." Liu Yiyi also sniffed and looked at the two flowers, still puzzled,

"Hehe, in fact, in addition to smelling, you can also look at their petals. You can see that the petals of wild chrysanthemums are curved, but the petals of dandelions are not." Zhang Feng smiled slightly and continued to explain to everyone.

"Huh! It seems to be so!" After Zhang Feng's explanation, everyone finally understood the difference between dandelion and wild chrysanthemum.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's start work quickly, Zhang Yi, take the stones and the big bear to find a few stones, and make a stove later, Yiyi and Monkey, you two, use bamboo sticks to thread vegetables and meat." Zhang Feng clapped his hands to signal everyone's attention, and then arranged tasks for everyone.

"Crazy, what about you?" Monkey blinked at Zhang Feng and seemed to say that you don't want to be lazy.

"Brother, I don't want to make a stove, you guys are going to roast wool later..." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Hey..." Monkey scratched his head embarrassedly, and then began to string together with Liu Yiyi.

Soon Zhang Yi brought two helpers and picked up four or five big stones.

"Crazy, is this enough?" Shi Lei asked lazily.

"Not enough, at least five or six yuan is needed..."

"Well, it seems that I was born to pick up stones..."

"Haha, who asked you to be called Shi Lei?" Da Xiong couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Could it be my fault? It's all taken by my father..." Shitou said helplessly, and continued to pick up stones with the two of them.

"This guy..." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head. Shi Lei has a humorous personality and is easy to get along with, but he likes to play tricks, that is, cheating and cheating.


Zhang Feng made a survey, and quickly found the place to make the stove. After the three of them moved the stones, Zhang Feng made a simple stove in two or three steps.

Then Zhang Feng lit a fire in the clay stove, and then added charcoal brought from home, and soon the charcoal was ignited, and it burned more and more vigorously.

After igniting the charcoal, Zhang Feng quickly put the barbecue grill on, everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng.

"Monkey, Yiyi, how are you doing?" Zhang Feng turned around and saw that the two were still working hard.

"Brother Feng has too many ingredients, why don't you all come and help?" Monkey said bitterly.

"Okay, there are already so many, whoever wants to eat will skewer it himself..." Zhang Feng said, and brought the skewered skewers to the side of the clay stove.

"Haha, it would have been better if it had been like this, my monkey is finally liberated!" The monkey seemed to break free from the Five Fingers Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha, jumping and jumping excitedly on the grass.

"Amitabha! Wukong, my teacher asks you not to run around and jump around. What if you step on the flowers and plants on the ground?" Brother Lei put his palms together and said with a look of compassion.

"Dead monk, watch my old grandson stab you to death with a stick!" Said the monkey and ran over with a smile, using his six-veined sword to stab Leizi continuously.

"Oh, brother monkey, forgive me, brother monkey, I really don't dare..."

"Hehe, this monkey show is really good!" Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

Hearing Liu Yiyi's words, the two of them froze there as if they had been hit by acupuncture, and then saw the monkey walk over with a bitter face and said, "Yiyi, can we still have fun?"


While the few people were fighting and making noise, Zhang Feng, Da Xiong, and Xiaopang, who had been guarding the grill for a long time, had already started to eat. The roasted golden beef and mutton were charred on the outside and tender on the inside. , a mouth full of meat, full of fluid.

"Ah, you all ate it!"

"Damn, those are the skewers we wear..."

Smelling the aroma in the air, Liu Yiyi and the monkey finally came to their senses. They immediately started the [-]-meter race, ran to the barbecue grill quickly, grabbed a bunch of them, and began to eat with relish.

"Well, it's really delicious..." The monkey looked enjoying it.

"Almost bit off my tongue..." Shi Lei licked his lips full of praise.

"Oh, what if I get fat and can't get married?" Liu Yiyi couldn't stop after eating a bunch of barbecue, so she had to say helplessly.

"Hey, if you can't get married, marry us crazy!" Shi Lei said with a wretched smile.

"You're going to die, Shitou?" Liu Yiyi blinked her charming eyes and said angrily, but at this moment, she felt something inexplicably strange in her heart. She secretly took a look at Zhang Feng, and found that Zhang Feng's expression was as usual, so she breathed a sigh of relief .

"Yeah, Yiyi, look at the beautiful scenery here, just like a paradise, if you marry a lunatic, wouldn't it be just right?" Monkey also joked with a smile.

"Fuck off, why are you talking about me." Zhang Feng laughed and scolded, he didn't care at all. In Zhang Feng's eyes, Liu Yiyi was a female man, a good buddy of his own, and had no other thoughts.

While eating barbecue, everyone chatted and made noise. The atmosphere was extremely warm. Everyone seemed to have returned to the carefree boyhood. There was no pressure of life here. Everyone enjoyed the food, admired the beautiful scenery, and indulged in Between mountains and rivers, experience the beauty of nature.

(End of this chapter)

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