small farmer

Chapter 41 The Rainbow After the Rain

Chapter 41 The Rainbow After the Rain
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The sky is cloudless, the sky is blue,
Although the sun was shining brightly on the grass, there was a continuous breeze blowing, so everyone felt refreshed.

Everyone sat under the shade of the tree, bathed in the cool breeze, and enjoyed the barbecue. Only Zhang Feng and the monkey were left busy by the barbecue grill.

"Hey, we have enough food and clothing by ourselves, we grilled ourselves..." Zhang Feng looked at the people with a smile, grabbed the meat skewers he grilled, and walked slowly to the shade of the tree while eating.

"That's right, you're not masters..." Monkey also said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm a novice, what should I do if I haven't baked before?" Xiaopang immediately asked anxiously.

"Newbie? Your hand just grew?" Leizi said jokingly.

"I'll go, you old driver, I can't tell you anyway." In the end, Xiao Pang couldn't bear the temptation of delicious food and got up, and went to the fire to learn how to cook barbecue awkwardly.

Afterwards, everyone started to work on their own, and the fire suddenly became very hot. Although the fire was very hot, the hard-won food was even more delicious, and everyone ate happily.

Bathing in the cool breeze, admiring the mountains and rivers, facing the blue sky and white clouds, and eating authentic delicacies, everyone feels very comfortable and feels unprecedentedly relaxed. I feel that this barbecue trip is really worthwhile.
The beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, and the authentic rural cuisine made everyone linger, and they still refused to leave until noon.

However, there are unexpected winds and rains in the sky, and the sky in the mountains changes as it says.

I saw a group of dark clouds suddenly appearing in the distant sky, the strong wind began to howl, and the trees on the mountain were rustled.

The clouds moved with the wind, and the dark clouds in the distance crossed the mountains, like steel warriors dressed in black. The black clouds overwhelmed the city and soon approached the city. The air was a little stagnant, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Although everyone was reluctant to give up, they didn't want to be drowned, and the thunderstorm weather was very dangerous on the mountain, so everyone hurriedly put away their things and ran down the mountain quickly.

When everyone just walked down the mountain, big raindrops fell from the sky and slapped on the ground, a downpour was coming.

"Everyone get on the boat, hurry up..." Xiao Qishu's boat was just on the shore, Zhang Feng pulled Liu Yiyi up and jumped on it, and then shouted to his companions behind.

Everyone was about to be drenched in water, but unexpectedly they encountered a small boat, and everyone immediately jumped on it happily as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Uncle Seventh really wants to thank you, otherwise we would all be ruined..." Zhang Feng gratefully thanked Uncle Seventh.

"Hehe, what are the folks in the big hometown talking about..." Little Seventh Uncle waved his hands and said indifferently.

After everyone got on the boat, Xiao Qishu started the boat and slowly drove to the other side of the lake.

At this moment, dense raindrops fell from the sky like thousands of arrows. Countless raindrops slapped on the lake surface, causing countless splashes. The lake surface, which was smooth as a mirror a moment ago, instantly became bumpy.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, heavy rain was pouring, and the sight in front was blocked by the rain, making it blurry. The whole world seemed to be in chaos, returning to the time when Pangu opened the sky.

Suddenly, a bolt from the blue pierced the sky, and the dazzling thunder broke through the chaotic world. Unfortunately, the crack dissipated quickly, and the world became blurred again.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, the wind and rain were mixed, and there were waves of wind and waves in the lake. The boats everyone was riding on were also swaying. Uncle Qi stared at the front seriously and adjusted the course constantly. Everyone held their breath and hoped for a safe journey.

The torrential rain raged for about a quarter of an hour, and the thick black clouds in the sky finally dissipated slowly, leaving only a thin layer floating with the wind.

The sky is getting brighter and the front is getting clearer and clearer. Looking at the raindrops that are gradually thinning out, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and their faces became more relaxed.

"Ah, it's finally landed..." As soon as the boat docked, everyone was completely relieved and overjoyed.

Since the rain has not stopped, everyone still stays on the boat, rest assured that everyone began to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the rain, and the atmosphere on the boat gradually became warmer.

The breeze is blowing, the water is calm, and the lotus on the shore has become more delicate and beautiful after the baptism of wind and rain, fresh and refined.

Soon, the dark clouds over everyone's heads gradually dissipated, and beams of sunlight pierced through the clouds like sharp swords. The sun shone on the earth again, and the sky cleared up again.

"Ah, rainbow, look at the rainbow..." Suddenly Liu Yiyi shouted excitedly pointing at the sky.

"Ah, it's really a rainbow..." Everyone looked in the direction of Liu Yiyi's finger, and a beautiful rainbow traversed the sky, like a sky bridge, across Moon Lake and through the two banks.

Seeing such a beautiful rainbow, everyone was shocked. Because of the deterioration of the environment, the smog in the city was so severe that the sky could not be seen clearly, let alone such a beautiful rainbow.

Therefore, when everyone saw the rainbow at such a close distance, they were immediately surprised and yelled, and then they took pictures of this beautiful rainbow with their mobile phones. Friends and colleagues who want to come to the city must be envious.

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, whoever holds the colorful practice dances in the air..."

Looking at this rainbow spanning the sky and the earth, Zhang Feng was also shocked, and suddenly thought of this poem by Grandpa Mao, which really described such a spectacle as a rainbow after the rain with vivid images, giving people infinite reverie.

The seven-color rainbow in the sky is like a colorful drape, waving in the sky with the graceful dance of the fairy, making people feel like they are in a fairyland, feeling like they are in a fairyland.

Everyone stared at the rainbow in the sky for a long time, and has been indulging in this beautiful spectacle after the rain. Unfortunately, the beauty is always short-lived. The rainbow in the sky slowly dissipates with the passage of time, like a fairy dancing a song. Sleeve away.

Looking at the empty sky, everyone felt a little regretful, but then everyone became excited again, because it is extremely lucky to encounter such a beautiful rainbow, and we can't be too demanding.

After the rain, the sky cleared and the rainbow dissipated. We bid farewell to Uncle Qi, and everyone followed Zhang Feng to the house.

Little duck, quack quack...

It's raining, don't go home...

Being drenched in rain...


Walking to the door of the house, a pair of little furkids were surrounding the drenched duckling, laughing loudly.

"Humph!! Don't blame me, it's not all Da Mao, he dragged me under the big tree to hide from the rain..." The little duck said angrily, the two children thought that the big tree could shelter from the rain, but unfortunately today The rain was too heavy, and it was still like this in the end.

"Hehe, this kid is so cute..." Liu Yiyi said with a smile on her face as she looked at the duckling's swollen look.

"Little duck, go home and change quickly, you will catch a cold later, your father won't take care of you."

"Oh! Crazy brother, don't tell my dad..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell your father, that's right! Next time it rains, don't hide under the big tree, you know?" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Why?" the little duck asked puzzled.

"Because the Thunder God loves to chop children hiding under trees..."

"Oh...oh" the little duck rubbed his head and walked home with some doubts.

After admonishing these hairy children, Zhang Feng returned home with a few people.

(End of this chapter)

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