small farmer

Chapter 42 Fishing and catching crabs

Chapter 42 Fishing and catching crabs (please recommend for collection)
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go home

Zhang Feng made a few side dishes with leftover ingredients from the barbecue
"Everyone, come and eat!" Zhang Feng brought out the dishes and shouted to everyone.

"Ah, the dishes cooked by the lunatic are delicious..."

The aroma of Zhang Feng's dishes was overflowing, and Xiaopang ran over immediately when he smelled the aroma.

"Madman's craftsmanship is really good, not far behind that of a star chef." Monkey also said in admiration,
Immediately, everyone praised Zhang Feng's cooking skills and praised him endlessly.

I ate a lot of barbecue, but faced with the delicious food made by Zhang Feng, everyone still couldn’t resist the temptation of delicious food. Even Liu Yiyi, a big beauty who wanted to lose weight, couldn’t help but eat half a bowl .

After lunch, we didn't go out again
Sitting under the big cypress tree in the yard, lying leisurely and chatting.

"Madman, do you have a fishing rod at home? How about we go fishing?" After a short rest, the monkey suggested.

"Yes, if anyone else of you wants to go fishing, please raise your hand..." Zhang Feng got up and asked everyone.

"I'll go, I...and me" Soon everyone raised their hands.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng's father often fished on Moon Lake, so there were a lot of fishing rods at home. There were probably four or five fishing rods. Let Zhang Yi go home and pick up the rest.

Seeing that everyone is gearing up and eager to try, those who don't know think they are all masters, but in fact these guys are almost all rookies.

"You guys prepare for a while, I'll dig some earthworms in the backyard..." Zhang Feng stood up and said to everyone, then picked up the hoe and walked to the backyard.

"Wait...let's go too..." Liu Yiyi, Houzi and Daxiong hurriedly followed, and the rest were those with relatively long tendons, still lying on the chair, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, and wandering away.

The soil in the backyard is very fertile. Zhang Feng dug it with a hoe, and when he turned over the soil, fat earthworms appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, they are all earthworms..." Liu Yiyi immediately squatted down to pick them up.

Then Zhang Feng kept digging the ground, and the three people behind were responsible for picking up the earthworms on the ground, but in just five or six minutes, a few people dug up more than a catty of earthworms, which shows how fertile the land in the backyard is. The effect is also really powerful.

"Okay, we've dug so much, let's go." Then Zhang Feng walked to the front yard with a few people.

Each person picked up a fishing rod and carried a bamboo basket on his back, and the fishing team headed for Moon Lake in a mighty way, which attracted the sideways glances of tourists by the lake.

"Let's go, let's go under the big willow tree over there. It's quieter and there are fewer people fishing..." Because it was the weekend, the lakeside was almost occupied by leisure or fishing people, so Zhang Feng had to take everyone to find a place to hide The place.

"Hmph, look at me, I must catch a big fish today..." As soon as he arrived at the place, Liu Yiyi excitedly took out the fishing rod, put on the bait and started fishing.

"Yiyi, you have to be patient when fishing. If you are impatient, you won't be able to catch big fish..." the wretched Lei Ziyu said earnestly.

"Hmph, stinky rock! Then let's compete to see who can catch the fish first..." Liu Yiyi challenged unwillingly.

"Bi, Bi, don't cry when you lose..."

"Cut! Do you think my mother is still a three-year-old child?"

"It's okay, you don't say a few words, and you will scare the fish away later..." At this time, the calm big bear said with a smile.

Everyone else smiled, and then began to put down their fishing rods, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

A breeze blew by, clear waves swayed on the lake, and the weeping willows on the shore fluttered with the wind. The green branches, like the blue silk of a beauty, fell down the lake water, and like a canopy, blocking the scorching sun in the sky.

Because the bait everyone uses is earthworms from the backyard, these earthworms are contaminated with a trace of auxin, so as soon as they are put into the water, they are targeted by fish with a keen sense of smell.

Soon Zhang Feng's fishing rod started to move, but Zhang Feng was not in a hurry, maybe the fish in the water were trying to test it. Sure enough, the float moved and became calm again. After a while, the float suddenly sank into the water.

Zhang Feng quickly grabbed the fishing rod and tightened the fishing line to prevent the fish from breaking free from the hook.

"Has the lunatic caught the fish?" Seeing Zhang Feng's movements, the monkey asked enviously.

"Yeah!" According to his experience, Zhang Feng felt that the fish was not big, so he lifted it hard, and a crucian carp weighing about one catty fell up.

"Oh, the lunatics have already caught fish. If we can't do it, let's hold on tight..." Everyone felt a sense of urgency and wanted to catch the fish quickly.

Soon, probably because the bait was too strong, everyone caught fish one after another, and one after another, almost one or two minutes apart, someone caught one. The other fishermen looked sideways, thinking that it was really a treasure of geomantic omen. .

"Crazy brother, are you fishing here?" At this moment, the tender voice of the little duck came from behind.

"Hey! Is it you, the little duck? Where are you going?" Zhang Feng turned around to see who it wasn't the little duck.

"Da Mao and I are going to catch crabs on the river beach."

"Then you have to pay attention to safety..." Zhang Feng urged.

"Understood, madman..." The duckling ran away in a hurry, and then agreed casually.


"Crazy, can you catch crabs here?" Liu Yiyi asked curiously after hearing the conversation between the two just now.

"Yes, there is a rocky beach next to the river beach, and there are a lot of crabs over there..." Zhang Feng replied with a slight smile.

"Madman, why don't we catch crabs too, I've never caught crabs before..."

"Yeah, look, our fish basket is almost full..." Several people raised their hands in agreement, catching crabs is more fresh for everyone, and finally, after everyone agreed, they decided to go to the river beach and start the final decisive battle with the river crab master .

Then everyone put their things back home, and rushed to the river beach with empty fish baskets.

The Tapang River is the mother river of Qingshan. When it flows through Zhangjiawan, the river water converges in the low-lying places to form the Moon Lake. This is the origin of the Moon Lake, so it can be said that the Moon Lake is also a part of the Tapang River.

The river beach everyone is going to is in the upper reaches of Moon Lake. It is an open flat land. The river is very shallow, only [-] to [-] centimeters, and the deepest part is less than half a meter. The pebbles by the river are very suitable for crabs to grow, so children in the village often Come here to play, even tourists in the city will come here to experience the fun of crabbing.

Today is the weekend, so there are quite a lot of people on the river beach. When everyone came to the river beach, there were already four or five waves of people active here.

"Everyone, be careful not to rummage around. Crabs usually live in caves by the river or under pebbles." Zhang Feng saw that everyone seemed to be excitedly rummaging over pebbles on the river beach. Zhang Feng said dumbfounded.

"Oh! Madman, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Zhang Feng thought to himself, is there any need to talk about it.

Sure enough, according to Zhang Feng's method, everyone gradually gained something. Among them, the female man Liu Yiyi was the luckiest, and she caught a big crab of seven or eight centimeters. Such crabs are very rare, usually only four or five centimeters about.

Immediately, everyone was very excited, as if they had been pumped with chicken blood, and they searched for crabs on the river beach with great interest, as if they were playing a game of finding treasure when they were young. Although not every time they were rewarded, everyone still enjoyed it.

Everyone was very excited and playful, and they didn't feel the passage of time at all, and they lingered until the sun set and their vision was blurred, and everyone had to return home in the afterglow of the setting sun.

(End of this chapter)

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