small farmer

Chapter 353 Contracting Mountains and Forests

Chapter 353 Contracting Mountains and Forests
"Xiaofeng, what are you doing tomorrow?"

Early in the morning, the village elder called Zhang Feng.

"It's okay, I'm free these few days, uncle, what's the matter?" Zhang Feng thought for a while, and he really had nothing to do these days, so he replied with a smile.

It turned out that the uncle had already contracted out the mountain forest behind the village, so he didn't plan to strike while the iron was hot, and quickly subcontracted them to the villagers, so Zhang Feng's assistance was needed.

"No problem, Uncle, just call me tomorrow! I promise to be on call!" Zhang Feng smiled. This has a lot to do with himself. In fact, helping everyone is helping himself. Allocate it one day earlier. Truffle's acquisition plan It can be opened a day earlier.

The discovery of truffles in the back mountains of Zhangjiawan caused a sensation in the whole village. Although some of them belonged to the village’s mountain forests, some of them did not belong to the village. In order to avoid future disputes, the village chief has fully contracted them.

A total of 5000 acres of woods, because these mountains and forests are useless, the contract price in the town is extremely low, almost equal to free gift. According to the requirements of the town, as long as the village pays attention to protecting the trees in the mountains and forests, and pays attention to fire prevention by the way. The 20-mu mountain forest was contracted to Moon Lake Village at a low price of [-] yuan per year, so the village head directly contracted it for [-] years.


"Notification! Notification!! Villagers who need to contract the truffle forest should sign up at the village committee. There is only one day today, no waiting for overdue, no waiting for overdue..."

"Notification! Notification!! Villagers who need to contract the truffle forest should sign up at the village committee, there is only one day today, no waiting for expiration, no waiting for expiration..."

"What did the village chief just announce?" At this time, most of the villagers were walking at the entrance of the village to harvest vegetables, and after hearing the loudspeaker in the village, they asked each other.

"Hahaha, good news, the village chief is telling everyone to sign up, and then contract the forest and pick truffles!" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

"What? Why do we need to contract? Don't we all have mountains and forests?" Aunt Guilian asked puzzledly, because every household in the village has their own mountains and forests, why do they need to contract? Doesn't contracting cost money? ?

"Hey, old sister-in-law, although there are truffles in our mountains and forests, who would think there are too many... I won't tell you, I'm going to sign up..." Uncle Dashan put down his burden and hurried to the village. The committee ran, this is a rare opportunity, as long as they can contract an additional piece of forest, they will make a fortune.

"Ah... ah! Why did you run away before you made it clear...?" Seeing Uncle Dashan leaving quickly, Aunt Guilian was caught off guard.

Hearing the notice from the village committee, the villagers who were waiting to buy vegetables at the entrance of the village ran to the village committee one after another. I have learned a lot about truffles, and know that this thing is very valuable. If I can contract another forest, I can make a lot of money.

In this year and month, who would have trouble with money, so the villagers rushed to the village committee eagerly, and other villagers who didn't understand, also ran to the village committee suspiciously, ready to inquire and see the situation, so Almost the village committee was soon full of people who wanted to sign up.

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, all go to the conference room, and I will introduce some to you first, and then start to sign up!" Seeing so many people, the village head immediately said to everyone with a loudspeaker.

"it is good!"

"Let's go! Hurry to the meeting room!"

Hearing the words of the village chief, everyone dispersed in a rush, no longer crowded in front of the office, and walked to the meeting room impatiently.

"It's like this. Everyone knows that some of the truffle forests are owned by the public, but they have been fully contracted by the village. Therefore, the village plans to subcontract to everyone. If you have the intention to contract, you can stay and sign up. If you don't want to contract You can leave now!" After everyone sat down, the village chief explained to the villagers.

"Wait! Village chief, do the truffles in our forest still belong to us?" At this moment, some villagers asked in confusion.

"Hahaha, of course, what we are contracting now is a new forest, which has nothing to do with the original mountain forest that everyone divided, so of course the truffles in our forest belong to you too." The village head explained to everyone with a hearty smile. .

After hearing the answer from the village chief, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. If our original forest needs to be contracted again, everyone will definitely not agree. At the same time, the villagers are full of interest in the new forest. In everyone's eyes, truffles are just a piece of RMB. Everyone wants to contract more and get more income.

"Hehe, do you have any questions?" The village head asked everyone with a smile after looking at the crowd in the stands.

"Yes!" The second uncle also became an active speaker, and immediately raised his hand.

"Oh! If you have any questions, second uncle, please tell me!" The uncle smiled and nodded.

"How many mountains and forests are contracted by the village committee, how to subcontract them to everyone, and how much is the contract fee per mu of forests?" The second uncle soon asked the questions that everyone cared about.

This is related to everyone's income, so the villagers calmed down one after another, wanting to hear the village chief's answer.

"Don't worry everyone, the subcontracting in the village is absolutely fair." The village chief smiled slightly, knowing what everyone was worried about, but he didn't explain too much, and continued: "The village has contracted a total of [-] acres of forests from the town. There are truffles."

The village head paused, and continued: "The [-] mu of mountains and forests will be distributed to everyone. As long as the number of contractors is counted, we will distribute these mountains and forests equally to everyone according to the number of contractors."

"Don't worry, the contracting price of these forests is not expensive. The contracting price for 5000 mu is only [-] yuan a year, so the average price per mu is less than ten yuan."

There was an uproar immediately below. Everyone didn't expect the contract price to be so cheap. It was like picking up for nothing. Even if the contract was 100 or [-] acres, it was only more than [-] yuan. Therefore, everyone was overjoyed, and their faces were full of joy.

"Ahem!" The village chief coughed and signaled everyone to be quiet, "Since everyone wants to contract, let's talk about the conditions of the contract!"

When everyone heard that there were still conditions for the contract, they immediately sat upright and began to listen seriously.

"If you want to contract the mountain forest, you must first be a member of our Moon Lake. If you want to transfer it, you need the consent of the village, and you can only transfer it to the villagers when you use it.
Secondly, everyone also needs to sign the "Mountain Forest and Truffle Protection Agreement". If you contract the mountain forest, you must take care of it carefully. According to the regulations, the village has the right to immediately terminate the agreement and take back the forests contracted to everyone. "

(End of this chapter)

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