small farmer

Chapter 354 Assignment

Chapter 354 Assignment
"Have you heard these contract conditions clearly?"

After the village chief finished speaking, he read the "Mountain Forest and Truffle Protection Agreement" to everyone, and then asked everyone.

"Listen clearly, village chief, can we sign up?"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!!"

"Sign up, sign up..."

When some villagers clamored, everyone stood up, and some excitedly slapped the table. They couldn't wait to contract the forest.

"Don't make noise, what are you guys busy with? Sit down quickly!" Seeing that everyone was in such a hurry, the village chief shouted into the microphone.

"I~~" The young people sat down again giggling.

"Okay, everyone agrees with the contracting conditions just now." Seeing everyone nodded, the village head said again: "If you want to contract the mountain forest, you must be from our Moon Lake. The right to take back, if the forest is severely damaged, you will be punished by the village, so everyone should not think that the contract is yours, and I can do whatever I want, it will definitely not work..."

"Okay, I've said so much, everyone should understand, a few people will help me register the form, and the others will sit down first..."

Hearing the words of the village chief, the literate people in the village went to the stage one after another. With the assistance of several people, everyone signed up within half an hour.


After everyone dispersed, the village chief immediately began counting the number of applicants. He never expected that everyone would be so enthusiastic. There are a total of 78 households in the village, and 75 households have registered. The remaining three households, except Zhang Feng's family In addition, the other two households have moved to the city and settled down completely in the city.

It can be said that all the villagers in the village have joined in and joined Zhang Feng's truffle plan. It can be seen that everyone is full of confidence in the plan to develop truffles. Because of Zhang Feng and the cooperative, everyone is full of confidence, because he never let everyone Disappointed.

Because every time Zhang Feng recommends items, everyone makes a lot of money. In summer, just selling mushrooms, each household earns [-] to [-] yuan. A few days ago, selling citrus, everyone made another [-] to [-] yuan.
But the most profitable among them is the vegetables sold to the cooperative. Now with the large number of vegetables on the market, everyone's income has also increased sharply. It can easily reach tens of thousands a month, and the most can be as high as [-] to [-]. Therefore, everyone is very grateful to Zhang Feng Convinced, but also extremely grateful,

It is because of Zhang Feng that everyone's life has undergone such a big change. Although the Moon Lake in the past was not too poor, but at that time everyone's annual income was only [-] to [-], and every family was reluctant to eat and wear clothes. There are very few families with refrigerators and computers, but this month, almost every household in the village has sold computers and used the Internet. According to everyone, this is to keep up with the development of the times. Even the second uncle has learned In addition to playing chess on the Internet, every night before going to bed, I play no more than two games, and I can't fall asleep.

It can be said that the current Moon Lake has been completely reborn. In addition to the material changes, everyone has become more confident, more motivated, and more willing to try.

In Zhang Feng's view, the changes in everyone's hearts make him the happiest. As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Only by changing everyone's thinking, making everyone more confident, and daring to try boldly, can everyone find The most suitable development path for oneself can make a fortune and lead a better life.

"Xiaofeng, are you okay now? If you have nothing to do, come to the village committee!" The uncle immediately called Zhang Feng over after finishing the statistics.

When Zhang Feng came to the village committee, he saw his uncle frowning and puffing out smoke rings, as if he was in some trouble.

"Xiaofeng, you're here!" Seeing Zhang Feng coming, the uncle relaxed his frown and nodded towards Zhang Feng.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Zhang Feng knew that the uncle must have encountered some difficult things.

"That's it. Now everyone has signed up. Except for your family and the two families that moved away, everyone has signed up. But how should the [-] acres of forest be allocated? It's not easy to divide!"

Due to the large forest and complex terrain, the uncle felt that it would be very difficult to give everyone an average distribution. If the distribution was not good, conflicts would easily arise. The uncle shook his head and felt a headache.

"It turned out to be this matter. Uncle, don't worry, I've been prepared." Zhang Feng chuckled. Fortunately, Dandan recorded the map when he was investigating.

"Really?" The uncle was overjoyed and asked Zhang Feng in surprise.

"Of course, uncle, let's find a computer to have a look. I have downloaded the map of the mountains and forests!" Zhang Feng said with a confident smile.

"Okay! Let's go to the office!" There is an old-fashioned computer in the office of the village committee. Although it is very old, it is barely usable.

Turn on the computer, plug in the USB flash drive, and click on the 'Truffle Map' folder. In the next moment, a clear three-dimensional digital map will appear on the computer.

"This, how is this possible???" Seeing the map suddenly, the uncle was stunned, his eyes wide open,

I can't believe that there is such a good map in the world. Such a realistic three-dimensional map is just like the real thing. Even the plants and trees on the map are lifelike, just like the scene.

"Ahem..." Zhang Feng wondered if he was self-defeating and shouldn't have produced such an advanced map, so Zhang Feng quickly changed the subject: "Uncle, how about we mark the contracted forest first?"

"Oh! Great!!" The uncle was shocked for a while, and finally realized after being reminded by Zhang Feng.

"However, although it is much more convenient to mark the small peaks like this, it is not easy to distribute!" Although with this map, everyone does not need to go into the mountains, but it is not so easy to divide them into roughly equal 75 shares. Seeing Zhang Feng Looking confident, the uncle was very curious, wondering if Zhang Feng had a better distribution method.

"Hehe, don't worry, uncle, as long as the scope of the contract is circled, I'll be able to finish the assignment soon with computer software!" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that if he had Dandan, would there be any problems in assigning it to the mountains?
"There is such a software?" The uncle was very surprised.

"Of course, with the computer software, I can arrange it in one afternoon." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

In the end, the uncle had to lament that it is better to go to college and understand everything. If the distribution is done manually, it will probably take less than ten days and a half a month. Don't even think about dividing it well. This is the power of knowledge.

Because the uncle knows the mountains and forests in the village very well, he is very familiar with the boundaries of each household, and because he participated in almost the whole process of allocating the mountains and forests, the speed of the two is very fast. In less than half an hour, the contracted mountains and forests and the villagers Our mountains and forests are separated.

After returning home, Zhang Feng immediately asked Dandan to start the distribution. The efficiency of Dandan was beyond imagination, but within three to two minutes, the distribution was completed. Zhang Feng read it several times and felt that it was impeccable, and finally finalized it.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, as long as the forest is allocated tomorrow, Zhang Feng's truffle plan will start.

(End of this chapter)

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