small farmer

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Seeing Dafang leading the big fat pig into the mountains, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing,

This wonderful combination of one person and one pig also attracted everyone's attention and became the focus of the villagers' eyes.

"Yo! Dafang, you don't walk the dog today, but the pig instead?" Seeing Dafang holding a big sow, A Hong laughed and teased.

At the same time, the dog of Ah Hong's family barked when he saw the big sow, and if it hadn't been for the owner's pull, he would have jumped on it, scaring the second senior brother to dodge.

"Go, go, go!!! Take your dog away, don't scare my pigs away later!" Dafang waved his hand in a very depressed manner, really not interested in talking to this guy, A Hong, and pulled the old sow away. go forward.

"Hey, brother Zhu, don't run away, wait for me!" A Hong shouted at Da Fang's back while chasing him forward.

Seeing the villagers pointing and talking about him, although Dafang has a thick skin, his skin is also hot at this time.

"It's all the damn Dawang's fault. It's useless at all. Let's see if I don't kill him during the winter solstice!" Dafang saw that everyone was leading the dogs, so he pulled an old sow weighing several hundred catties by himself. At this time, he was really broken, and he hated the useless Dawang at home.

Seeing Dafang dragging the old sow into the mountain, the villagers laughed happily. It can be said that Dafang has completely become the butt of everyone's joke today, and it is estimated that he will inevitably be laughed at by everyone for a long time to come.


Two blooms, one for each

When everyone has hurried into the mountain

Zhang Feng was still eating breakfast slowly at home, a bowl of fragrant noodles with beef chili sauce inside, and shallots and coriander, the taste was indescribably delicious.

"Has Xiaofeng finished eating? Hurry up and leave!" After a while, Brother Qiang hurried in and urged Zhang Feng. Seeing that everyone had already entered the mountain, he was very anxious, wishing to grow a pair of wings and fly to the mountain immediately .

"Brother Qiang, what are you busy with? Anyway, the truffles have been in the forest all along, and they won't run away!" Seeing Brother Qiang's anxious look, Zhang Feng said amusedly.

"Hey, am I excited?" Brother Qiang rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly.

Huang Qiang was full of anticipation for this trip to the mountains. He never thought that he would go to the mountains to look for truffles in person. Thinking about it is exciting.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, finished the remaining noodles in two or three bites, took Huang Qiang and Yiyi, and walked unhurriedly into the mountain.

Dahei is also closely following everyone. It is the main force in finding truffles today. Only by relying on Dahei's super sense of smell can everyone find the truffles buried in the ground.

"See, that mountain is our destination!" Zhang Feng introduced to Huang Qiang and Yiyi, pointing to the hill not far away, because that is the forest of Zhang Feng's family.

The hill in front of me is called Yangjia Mountain. It used to be the property of the rich man Yang’s family. Now the flat land at the foot of the mountain is the cornfield of Zhang Feng’s family. The rest of the orchard, from the halfway up the mountain to the top of the mountain, is the forest of their family. Except for a small bamboo forest, the rest are evergreen pine forests.

Looking from a distance, the lush green area is still full of vitality, without the slightest color of autumn decay.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse. With Huang Qiang, a guy who rarely exercises, it usually only takes a few minutes, but today it took less than half an hour.

"Ah! It's finally here. I almost died of exhaustion!" Just after walking into the forest, Huang Qiang sat down on the stone by the roadside and said out of breath.

"Brother Qiang, your body is too weak, it seems that you need to exercise hard!" Zhang Feng said with a smile, the same as before, staying at home every day, lying in bed reading novels, lying in bed almost all day except eating On the bed, my health was frighteningly poor at that time, my waist was sore and my back ached when I climbed the stairs, and I was out of breath.

"Well, actually I used to be the captain of our school's basketball team, but I haven't exercised for a long time after graduation, otherwise my health wouldn't be so bad!" Brother Qiang shook his head and sighed.

"Hee hee, Brother Qiang, you were the head of the basketball team when you were in college?? Why didn't I know??" Liu Yiyi smiled and exposed Huang Qiang's lie.

"Um... Did I say it was... in college?" Huang Qiang said hesitantly.

"Hee hee, when was that?? Could it be a kindergarten??" Yiyi asked mischievously.

"How is it possible, is it in primary school???" Huang Qiang glared at Yiyi, and said angrily to his cousin who exposed him.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." While a few people were chatting and laughing, the conscientious Dahei had already started working, and had found a place where the truffles were. He yelled to warn everyone, his paws still on the ground He kept digging the soil.

"Ah, Dahei, hurry! Come on! Come on! Dahei found the truffle!" Yiyi immediately ran to Dahei in surprise, and Zhang Feng and Huang Qiang quickly followed.

"Hurry up Xiaofeng, take out the hoe and see if there are any truffles underneath." Huang forced to say to Zhang Feng impatiently.

There is also a lot of attention to digging truffles. You should not be reckless. You must carefully remove the pine needles on the ground, and then slowly dig up the soil layer by layer. The color of the soil is very similar. If you don’t pay attention, you may be dug by tools. It would be a pity, so you must be careful when digging truffles.

"Wow! Truffle, truffle, what a big truffle!" After Zhang Feng dug up a layer of soil, a truffle the size of a fist suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Huang Qiang exclaimed, and grabbed the truffle in his hands in surprise. He looked extremely excited, as if he had found a treasure.

"Ah, cousin, let me see!" Seeing the unearthed truffle for the first time, Yiyi was also very pleasantly surprised, and ran to Huang Qiang happily and said.

Seeing how excited the two were, Zhang Feng chuckled and continued digging on the ground. According to experience, there may be more than one truffle in the same place.
Sure enough, with the help of Dahei, Zhang Feng dug up two smaller truffles again, each as big as a duck egg. Although not as big as the first one, the harvest was already very good. Put the truffles into the basket, and then carefully refill the soil, otherwise the fungus pond here will be destroyed, and no more truffles will grow next year.

"Xiaofeng, let's try it..." After watching Zhang Feng dig a few times, Huang Qiang eagerly asked Da.

"Hehe, fine, but when you dig, be careful not to damage the fungus pond!" Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will be very careful!" Huang Qiang assured, patting his chest.

Digging truffles is actually not complicated. As long as you are careful and patient enough, you can dig truffles, especially if the three of you have Dahei's assistance, it is almost impossible to find the wrong place. trace.

(End of this chapter)

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