small farmer

Chapter 358 Amazing Income

Chapter 358 Amazing Income

"Hee hee, Dahei, help me find where there are truffles!" Yiyi patted Dahei happily, and instructed it with a smile.

"Woooo..." Dahei let out a happy cry, then lowered his head and kept searching on the ground. After about tens of seconds, Dahei turned his head and looked at Yiyi, barking happily, as if to remind everyone that truffles right here.

"Ah, Dahei, you are awesome!" Yiyi squatted down in surprise, and rubbed Dahei's head dotingly. She didn't expect Dahei to be so powerful, and found the truffle in such a short time.

"Dahei, how about you help me find it too?" Seeing Dahei's super high efficiency, Huang Qiang also smiled and asked Dahei for help.

Hearing Huang Qiang's request, Dahei yelled and looked at Zhang Feng and Yiyi, as if asking for their opinions.

Seeing Dahei's indifference to him, Brother Qiang wanted to cry immediately, so he had no choice but to ask Zhang Feng for help. Finally, under Zhang Feng's order, Dahei set off again, using his sensitive nose to help Brother Qiang Look for truffles in the ground.

"Madman, do you think I'm right?" Yiyi dug truffles by herself for the first time, and after digging for a while, she asked Zhang Feng nervously.

"That's right, slowly remove the soil layer by layer, so that it is not easy to miss the truffle!" Zhang Feng smiled at Yiyi, and nodded to cheer her up.

"Wow! Truffle, lunatic, look that I dug up a truffle!!" Yiyi peeled off a layer of soil, and suddenly a dark potato-like thing appeared. Yiyi grabbed the truffle and happily announced to Zhang Feng, the first time It was extremely exciting to dig out the truffles easily.

"Yiyi is really amazing, she dug up the truffle for the first time..." Zhang Feng praised with a slight smile.

"Hee hee..." After being praised, Yiyi's face was full of smiles.

Huang Qiang on the other side soon had a harvest, and also dug up a Big Mac, which was as big as a large bowl. Zhang Feng estimated that this truffle weighed about two catties. Such a large truffle was very rare, and it already belonged to Shanghai. Top grade, if you sell it, you can sell it for at least seven or eight thousand, and if you meet local tyrants, it is not impossible to sell it for ten or twenty thousand.

"Haha, this is the Big Mac I dug up. No, I have to take a few photos and send them to Moments for everyone to see. Hehe..." Huang Qiang was so excited to find such a big truffle, and quickly took it out. The phone kept snapping.

With the help of Dahei, the efficiency of Zhang Feng and the three was super fast. In less than half an hour, the two vegetable baskets were already full of truffles, and they couldn't hold any more.

"Yiyi, Brother Qiang, are you all right? We're going home!" Zhang Feng dug the last hole and saw that the basket was full, with a smile on his face.

"Ah, let's stop digging?" Huang Qiang asked reluctantly after three people dug a small area in such a large forest.

"The baskets are full, how about we come back tomorrow?" Zhang Feng looked at the two who were reluctant to leave, and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's alright." Huang Qiang hasn't finished the game yet, and feels that digging for truffles is like digging for treasure, which is irresistible.


After returning home
Zhang Feng was busy cleaning up the soil on the truffles. Only the cleaned truffles could be airlifted to Huang Qiang's restaurant.

Fresh truffles are generally not easy to preserve, but as long as they are wrapped in tin foil and placed in a cold storage, they can generally be preserved for about four months.

As time went by, almost all the villagers who entered the mountain returned with full rewards.

Only the Pig Walker... Da Fang frowned, probably because the second senior brother who was greedy stole a lot of truffles.

"Hey, Er Niu dug a lot?" Uncle Dashan asked with a smile when he saw Uncle Er Niu was carrying a basket on his back.

"Hey, it's not much, just half a basket!" Uncle Er Niu said modestly, but his face was full of smiles, and he was extremely happy in his heart.

"I'll go, the back basket is almost full, do you think it's too little?" Uncle Dashan shook his head speechlessly. There are so many truffles, at least twenty or thirty catties. Even if it costs 500 yuan per catty, it can earn more than 1 yuan.

"I'm lucky today, and I don't think there will be so many tomorrow!" Uncle Er Niu shook his head. No one is sure about the harvest of this truffle. It may be forty or fifty catties dug today, and it is also possible to dig two or three catties tomorrow. It depends on the sky for food, not as stable as growing crops.

Back in the village, everyone began to clean up the soil on the truffles, and then graded the truffles according to different specifications. The truffles with a diameter of less than five centimeters belonged to second-class products, those with a diameter of five centimeters to eight centimeters belonged to first-class products, and those larger than eight centimeters belonged to first-class products. Products, the price from low to high, respectively 500 yuan, 800 yuan and 1000 yuan per catty.

Every household in the villagers has graded molds. Everyone needs to clean up the soil on the truffles by themselves, and then grade and pack them. Only when they are done can they be taken to the village entrance and sold to cooperatives.

"Second uncle, two and a half catties of special grades, six catties of first-class products, and three catties of second-class products...Second uncle, please check if you are right!"

"Haha, yes yes yes!!" The second uncle signed, smiled and walked away, probably thinking about it, these truffles sold for 300 yuan today, how unhappy the second uncle was, his face was full Lots of smiles.

"Uncle Dashan, three catties of special grades, eight catties of first-class grades, five catties of second-class grades... If there is no problem, Uncle Dashan, come and sign!"

"Hehe, good..." Hearing that his special product weighs three catties, Uncle Dashan signed it with a smile, thinking that this truffle really deserves to be a black diamond, but it sold for tens of thousands of dollars.


By noon, more than 70 households in the village had finished buying truffles. They had collected nearly a ton of truffles. On the first day alone, they brought more than 100 million yuan in income to the village. Seven or eight thousand income.

The truffles in the mountains can still be dug for at least a month. According to this calculation, by the end of the truffle digging, almost every household will have an income of 30 to [-] yuan. This is undoubtedly a huge sum for the villagers , enough to make everyone excited.

Although I haven't been able to get it now, it will be distributed together with this month's vegetables at the beginning of the month, so everyone is very happy, with smiles on their faces, and as happy as eating honey in their hearts.

At the same time, everyone was extremely grateful to Zhang Feng. The village uncle nodded secretly when he saw Zhang Feng, smiled and walked home with his hands behind his back.

While Zhang Feng was busy buying truffles in the village, Sanjiazhai next door was also busy, and the buyers of the cooperative were also buying there.

When Zhang Feng told me that there were truffles in the mountains and forests in the village, the villagers in Sanjiazhai were very excited. Many people got drunk that day. Because of truffles, everyone has the hope of getting rid of poverty and getting rich, and life will be better. , happier.

(End of this chapter)

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