small farmer

Chapter 359 Brother Qiang's First Experience

Chapter 359 Brother Qiang's First Experience
"Xiaofeng, these wild flowers in your house are so beautiful!"

Huang Qiang used to have no feelings for flowers at all, but since he came to Moon Lake and saw the wild flowers in Zhang Feng’s house, he realized that wild flowers can be so beautiful. The combination of beautiful wild flowers and the house with blue bricks and black tiles really has a unique feeling. A unique rural aesthetic.

"Such a beautiful yard is much more beautiful than those small farmyards in TV shows!"

As he said that, Huang Qiang kept taking pictures, and he felt that he became fresher.

"Brother Qiang, are you going to dig wild vegetables, climb mountains, or catch crabs in the river this afternoon?" Seeing Huang Qiang happily admiring the flowers, Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Catch crabs? Can you still catch crabs here??" Huang Qiang's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed. He really didn't expect that people could catch crabs here. It's very interesting to think about it.

"Of course, the crabs in the Tapang River taste good." The crabs in the Tapang River are Chinese mitten crabs. Although they are not as big as sea crabs and hairy crabs, they are concentrated in essence, rich in nutrition and better in taste. Especially the wild ones are more natural and delicious.

"Really? Then when are we leaving!" Brother Qiang put away his phone and asked impatiently.

"No hurry, let's wait for Yiyi for a while!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Then Zhang Feng called Yiyi and Zhang Yi again, and the four of them brought net pockets and buckets, and walked towards the river beach talking and laughing, especially Huang Qiang, who went down the river to catch crabs for the first time, and walked very excitedly Can't stop, Zhang Feng and the two who watched couldn't help shaking their heads.

"The three of you are snails, hurry up and leave!" Huang Qiang walked in the front, seeing the three people walking slowly, he couldn't help turning around and complaining.

"Hee hee, cousin, you are busy, you should go first!"

"Hey, don't I know the way?" Huang Qiang said with a wry smile, thinking that if I knew the way, I would definitely go first.


The meandering Tapang River flows from west to east and spreads for hundreds of miles.
When the river reaches Zhangjiawan, it gathers in a low-lying place, forming a crescent-shaped lake, which is the origin of Moon Lake.

The clear water of the Tapang River flows eastward slowly, surrounded by green hills on both sides, and the trees are shaded with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Under the sunshine, the Tapang River is like a blue ribbon, floating into the distance.

"Ah, the water in the river is so clear!"

Looking at the clear river meandering, passing through the wide river beach, flowing slowly from west to east, the clear river water is shimmering under the sunlight, and there are groups of cattle and sheep by the river. Drinking water slowly in the river looks very leisurely.

The river beach behind the village is covered with smooth pebbles, and river crabs usually live under the stones on the river bank.

"Ah, here comes the crab." Seeing the river beach, Brother Qiang opened his hands excitedly, as if embracing the earth, and screamed excitedly towards the Tapang River.

"It's here!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Let's go, Brother Qiang." Zhang Feng took out two small buckets from the car, handed one to Huang Qiang, and said.

"Um, good." Brother Qiang happily took the bucket and followed behind Zhang Feng.
As for Yiyi and Zhang Yi, they were old hands at catching crabs, so they picked up the bucket and net bag and walked quickly to the Tapang River without Zhang Feng calling.

"Brother Qiang, have you never caught crabs before?" Zhang Feng asked as he walked.

"Yeah, this is the first time." Brother Qiang rubbed his hands, looking a little impatient.

"Hehe, actually catching crabs is very simple. First of all, you need to know the living habits of crabs. Crabs usually live in caves by the river or under rocks, so as long as you look carefully, you will definitely find them."

"It's really that simple?" Brother Qiang asked in surprise.

"Of course, as long as you pay attention when catching crabs, hold the sides of the crab with your hands and avoid its big pincers, you won't be caught." Zhang Feng especially reminded that almost everyone who caught crabs was caught by crabs. It has been clamped by the big pliers, regardless of its size but its strength, as long as it is clamped, it must be a big red mark.

"Haha, I understand." Hearing this, Brother Qiang seemed to have obtained a book on catching crabs, and excitedly ran down the river beach, looking for the legendary river crab god on the Internet.

Seeing that everyone had left and began to look for crabs by the river seriously, Zhang Feng also shook his head with a smile, picked up the small bucket, and began to carefully search for crabs' nests by the river.

Wild crabs not only have a unique fragrance, but the process of catching crabs is also full of fun,

Therefore, there are tourists visiting here every day. On the river beach not far away, tourists in twos and threes are bending over and rummaging on the river bank, and screaming in surprise from time to time, apparently catching crabs again.

There are many ways to catch crabs.

Some use crab nets to catch crabs. The nets for crab fishing are similar to those for shrimp fishing. The difference is that the latter uses gauze, while the former is a net with holes woven with cotton yarn.

Some use frog meat to catch crabs. Crabs are not as fierce as shrimps. They have to wait for 10 to [-] minutes before they can lift the nets, one by one in order.The crab only cares about enjoying the food when it enters the net. When you lift the net, it has no time to escape. The eight crab claws are stuck in the mesh and cannot move.

Some use lights to lure crabs. Crabs like bright lights at night, and they will crawl along the ditch to meet the lights.Come one and catch one, come two and catch one pair.Catching crabs in this way is very rewarding.Crab lures are on guard at night and rest during the day.

Crabs according to the flashlight Crabs have entered autumn and gradually become fatter.The crab shell is hard, and the crab claws are also strong.Crabs in water or mud holes will crawl out to look for food at night.Just walk along the possible route of the crab and listen to it. Once you hear the sound of the crab spitting out bubbles, the beam of light shoots away, and you are sure to get a fat crab.

If it is during the day, digging holes to catch crabs is generally used.
The nests where crabs live are all on the shore away from the water, and the flat holes have dense paw prints. The size of the holes can often roughly determine the size of the crabs in the holes.

As long as you find a crab hole, use a small steel drill to pry the hole open, and you will be able to catch fat and big crabs inside.

"Hahaha! Could it be that Lady Luck thinks I'm handsome." After a while, Huang Qiang's surprised laughter was heard.

As soon as he turned over the first stone, Brother Qiang miraculously found a crab cave. From the outside, he could faintly see the crabs inside. Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that he was really lucky.

"Xiao Mian, let me see where you are going?" The crab inside was frightened, and desperately drilled into the depths of the cave, Huang Qiang immediately started to move.

Violently pushed open the cave and removed the stones outside the cave, a plump crab about five or six centimeters in length appeared in front of Huang Qiang's eyes.

Seeing such a fat crab, Huang Qiang's hands trembled in surprise, and he carefully stretched out his right hand, about to grab the big crab.

"Oh!" The crab seemed to feel the danger, and raised its pincers high, Huang Qiang immediately retracted his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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