small farmer

Chapter 360 Truffle Hot Pot

Chapter 360 Truffle Hot Pot
"Brother Qiang, do you want me to help?" Zhang Feng said jokingly

"Hehe, no need, I can do it myself!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Brother Qiang blushed, thinking that this was embarrassing and embarrassing, but he was actually frightened by a crab.

So Brother Qiang gritted his teeth and attacked decisively. Suddenly he caught the crab who was trying to escape, and then danced happily, grinning non-stop.

"Hee hee, cousin, did you catch the crab?" Hearing Huang Qiang's laughter, Yiyi also walked over and asked with a smile.

"Hey, I'm lucky today." Brother Qiang nodded with a smile on his face, thinking that catching crabs is really interesting.

Seeing her cousin so happy, Yiyi also laughed, thinking that she was also very excited when she caught a crab for the first time, and she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Seeing that Huang Qiang had already learned how to catch crabs, Zhang Feng nodded, and started his own big business of catching crabs, carefully searching for every stone and every possible hole.

Soon Zhang Feng's carefulness brought him another discovery, an inconspicuous small cave, hidden under the aquatic plants, faintly visible, if not for Zhang Feng's sharp eyes, he might have overlooked it.

Unfortunately, although the crab's cave is hidden, Zhang Feng still found its hiding place according to the clues of the cave crab's activities. It can only be said that it is really unfortunate to meet Zhang Feng

"Hey, no matter how well you hide it, you can't escape my sharp eyes." Zhang Feng thought happily when he found this crab so well concealed.

He violently pushed the crab away, grabbed the crab out of the cave forcefully, and quickly threw it into his bucket. The series of movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, extremely skillful,
Thinking about the deliciousness of crabs, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, have you run out of luck?" Zhang Feng rummaged to himself while rummaging through dozens of stones, but he couldn't find a single crab.

Zhang Feng looked at the others, everyone was very busy, everyone had a lot of harvest in their buckets or net pockets, but in his own bucket, there were only three or five, which was much worse than what everyone thought. , which made Zhang Feng very depressed.

"Haha, big brother, how many of these did you catch?" Zhang Yi walked behind Zhang Feng at some point, saw a few crooked melons and split dates in Zhang Feng's bucket, and laughed happily.

"Fuck off, brother, I don't catch too many, and you still laugh so happily." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, very speechless.

"Hey, who told you to catch more fish and scorpions than I do? It looks like I'm going to turn around today." Zhang Yi said with a wretched smile, seeing that his elder brother caught less than himself, and said gloatingly.

"You kid, don't be complacent. When my brother and I get angry later, you will cry." Zhang Feng said through gritted teeth.

"Brother, why don't we compete to see who can catch more, and if we lose, we will be fined three bottles of wine at night, how about that?" Zhang Yi suggested to Zhang Feng with a smile, as if he had decided Zhang Feng.

"Okay, let's compare who is afraid of who." Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing secretly, thinking that when you cry at night, with a powerful cheating device, you can imagine that you must be the one who wins in the end. Think about your cousin at night Zhang Feng found it very interesting to raise his hands in surrender.

"Hey, big brother, then you have to work hard." As he said that, the cousin raised the bucket in his hand, showing off his harvest to Zhang Feng.

Seeing the triumphant look of my cousin, as if he had won the game, beating himself seemed easy.

"Hehe, those who are truly ignorant have no fear." Zhang Feng looked at his cousin and shook his head amusedly. If he knew that he had a powerful cheating device, he probably wouldn't even have the confidence to challenge himself.

"How about Brother Qiang, why don't we compare together!" Zhang Feng smiled and invited Huang Qiang.

"Haha, okay, brother, I'm lucky today, and I'm sure I'll blow you away later!"

"Brother Qiang, be careful of being slapped in the face later!!" Zhang Yi also smiled.

"You kid has the ability to let the horse come over..."


Seeing that the two of them were confident, Zhang Feng smiled. He had a system cheat, so it would be a ghost if he couldn't win against them.

"Eggy, help me find the trace of the crab!"

"Haha master, you finally thought of me, don't worry Dandan's super scanner will scan you soon!"

After a while, Eggy passed the scanned image to Zhang Feng. Seeing the images flashing through his mind, as his gaze moved, the scanned image also moved, as if he had a see-through eye. Zhang Feng could Clearly see all the crabs hidden in the ground.

"Haha, I caught one!!"

"This is the second one!"

With Dandan's help, Zhang Feng was like a fish in water, and he caught several of them in a short while, which made Zhang Yi frown endlessly.

Ha, I caught another big crab, Xiaoyi, take a look. " Zhang Feng held up the huge river crab in his hand and showed it off to his cousin.

"Hmph! Big brother, don't be complacent, I'm still five or six ahead of you." Although the cousin was tough, he no longer had the confidence he had just now, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart, knowing that he might lose again today .

"Hey, if you admit defeat now, the penalty will be reduced by half tonight!" Zhang Feng said with a smile when he saw his cousin's appearance.

"Hmph, whoever loses may win!" Zhang Yi was lucky enough to feel that he might not be the loser.


"I'll go, no more, no more, you must be on the hook!" After about a stick of incense, Brother Qiang was the first to raise his hands to surrender, seeing the densely packed crabs in Zhang Feng's bucket, he couldn't do without surrendering.

"Hey, how is Xiaoyi? Do you want to admit defeat?"

"Hey, big brother, can't you let me win once??" The cousin looked at Zhang Feng and said bitterly, wanting to cry without tears.

"Hey!!" Seeing his cousin's tragic appearance, Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly, wondering who made you so awesome just now.


at night
In the courtyard of Zhang Feng's house

Everyone gathered around the steaming hot pot, eating in full swing.

On the table, there are not only cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, parsley... and other vegetables, but also sliced ​​meat such as eel, mutton, and pork.

The old man also made charcoal-grilled truffles. The golden truffles exude this rich aroma and look full of appetite.

The happy Grandma Liu also showed her skills and made a pot of truffle chicken soup. The golden soup was oily and delicious.

In addition, there are spicy crabs and steamed crabs made by Zhang Feng. The spicy crabs are the favorite of young people, and the old people prefer the steamed crabs in the list. It is not only easy to digest, but also does not hurt the stomach.

Of course, today’s main course is crab, which is truffle hot pot. Pieces of truffles like black marble are put into the tumbling hot pot, and they are taken out after a while. They are sweet and delicious. It is really a rare delicacy. Loved by many people.

(End of this chapter)

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