small farmer

Chapter 374 Amazing Dividends

Chapter 374 Amazing Dividends

"Okay, old Wang Laoyang, let's go back!" Looking at the basket full of pears, the old man said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go home!" Boss Yang waved his hand, and the three walked towards the village.

Zhang Feng followed behind with a smile, looking at the three talking and laughing, he felt that such a day was not bad, although it was plain, as long as he liked it.


In the evening, the old man cooks himself

The red bacon fried side ear root, the whole room is filled with a strong fragrance, the smell is so familiar, Yang Lao and Wang Lao looked at each other and smiled, feeling like returning to the era of educated youth.

"Yeah, delicious, delicious!!"

"Well, Lao Liu did a good job, it really has the taste of the past."

"Hehe, that's right, you don't want to see who did it!" Mr. Liu said with a smile.

"Lao Liu didn't expect you to be so shameless!!"


In the afterglow of the setting sun, the three old people sat in the yard, eating delicious dishes and drinking wine, toasting each other, reminiscing about the interesting things in their youth, full of laughter, friendship and happiness.


In the blink of an eye, five or six days passed

Early today
The whole village is boiling

Almost all the men, women and children of the village gathered at the entrance of the village, waiting at the gate of the village committee early, waiting for the cooperative to distribute this month's income.

Today, the villagers are very excited. Everyone is red and smiling. Standing in the compound of the village committee, everyone is talking and laughing, just like celebrating the New Year.

Seeing that the adults are happy, the little kids in the village are also running around with their buttocks naked, chasing and beating each other in the crowd, having a great time,
It can be said that the first day of each month is everyone's holiday, because this day of each month is the time when the cooperative pays money. On this day, the cooperative will settle all accounts and transfer the villagers' vegetable money from the previous month to The money from selling truffles is settled to everyone.

"Hey, buddy, why is your village so lively today!" Seeing so many people crowded at the entrance of the village, a tourist asked curiously.

"Hehe, today is the day for the cooperative to distribute money, of course it is lively!" The villager who was stopped was also very happy, and explained to the tourists with a smile.


"Zhang Yi, how much does your family have this month?" On the other side, Uncle Er Niu and Zhang Yi were also chatting.

"Hehe, it's not much, only [-] to [-]!" Although Zhang Yi said so, his face was full of smiles, and he was so unhappy that he could have so much income in a month.

"Let me go, more than [-] is still too little for you, and my family only has [-] to [-]!" Uncle Er Niu rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Because of having truffles this month, my income will of course be more, but my truffles will probably not be dug for a few days, and there will definitely not be so many next month!" Zhang Yi explained with a smile.

"No way, my family can still dig for ten days. Why are you digging so hard these days?" Uncle Er Niu asked curiously, because the growth cycle of truffles is long, every December to December It can be mined in January, so there is no need to finish digging now.

"Hey! My brother's Xiaohei is so powerful. As soon as it enters the mountain, it can find a truffle every few tens of seconds. And for obsessive-compulsive patients like me, as long as they find a truffle, if they don't dig If you come out, you will feel uncomfortable all over your body!" Zhang Yi spread his hands and said with a wry smile, wondering if this is considered a trouble of happiness.

"Haha, I understand! I understand!!!" Uncle Er Niu smiled and patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder, looking a little gloating.


"Everyone give way, give way..." At nine o'clock in the morning, a cash transport truck came to the village with a cart full of money.

Seeing the cash transport vehicle, the villagers gave way one after another. After a while, the cash transport vehicle stopped in the yard of the village committee.

Millions of coins quickly moved to the table

"A lot of money!!" The villagers exclaimed excitedly.

"My God, this is the first time the old man has seen so much money in his 70s!!" The second uncle was also shocked. Seeing so much money with his own eyes was really shocking.

"Hee hee, send money! Send money!" The little kids in the village saw the pile of Grandpa Mao on the table, clapped their hands in surprise and shouted, jumping and jumping excitedly.


"Hey, folks, is this your village's dividend this year? It must be seventy-eight million!" Looking at the mountains of coins in front of the village committee, the tourists in the city were shocked, so they asked the villagers curiously.

"What, this is our village's dividend for last month, not for a year!" The arrested villager said proudly, feeling happy and indescribably excited.

Hearing that this was only a one-month dividend, the tourist's expression was extremely exaggerated, his eyes almost popped out, his mouth opened wide in horror, and he couldn't speak for a while.

"This... is this really your village's dividend this month???" the tourist asked again in disbelief.

"Of course, our village distributes dividends once a month." The villagers raised their heads and said proudly, speaking with incomparable rigidity.

One, two, and three tourists silently counted and roughly estimated that the cash in front of them was no less than 800 million. According to the introduction of the villagers just now, there are only 10 or [-] households in Moon Lake Village. On average, each family can Divided into nearly [-] yuan.

This is 10 yuan!

And it's still a month's income, which makes everyone from the city dumbfounded, too horrified to speak.

Seeing the scene here, the tourists have some doubts about their own lives. They wonder if this is still the familiar countryside. When will the countryside be so rich and rich!

"Second uncle, [-], please sign here first, and then take the note to the village chief to pay the bill..." Zhang Feng sat at the gate of the village committee and began to pay everyone.

"Thank you Xiaofeng..." The second uncle said with a smile.

"You're always welcome!" Zhang Feng smiled and said modestly.

"Third Grandfather, 11, do you think it is right? If yes, please sign first!" The villagers lined up one after another, and it was the third grandpa's turn next. Zhang Feng read out the total income that had been counted. .

"Yes, yes, yes!" Third Grandpa replied excitedly, holding the pen in his right hand excitedly, and signed the bill.

"You take the bill, and pay the bill at the head of the village!" Zhang Feng divided the bill into two, kept one copy, and handed the other to the third grandfather.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng..." The old man took the note excitedly, and walked to the side with a smile on his face.

On that day, the cooperative distributed a total of more than 830 million dividends, and a total of 75 households in the village participated in the dividends. Among them, the family with the least dividends had more than 6 yuan, and the largest one reached 15 yuan.

After getting the money, everyone was extremely happy. On this day, the whole village was full of festive atmosphere, as happy as Chinese New Year, even more exciting than Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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