small farmer

Chapter 375 The Boiling Network

Chapter 375 The Boiling Network

Zhang Feng returned to the room, turned on the computer, and was about to go online.

However, he didn't know that today's dividend video was posted on the Internet by tourists. At this time, the news had swept through Moments and major WeChat public accounts, and even major domestic websites had reported it.

Zhang Feng never expected that the dividend distribution in the village would be such a big deal. The video of the dividend distribution was forwarded by countless people and shared with each other. In such a morning, the entire Huaxia Internet was boiling.
Seeing a remote village in the west, the monthly dividends of the villagers are equivalent to everyone's annual income. This makes the working dogs in the city feel very embarrassed, so everyone complains to each other, working hard, and there is no farmer farming. The monthly income is high.

In this way, Moon Lake's dividends have completely become popular on the Internet relying on everyone's complaints.


"This is real?"

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the villagers after getting the money in the video, everyone was shocked by this technology. There are more than [-] dividends in a month. This is really a poor rural area that everyone is familiar with. If it weren’t for the unique dialect in the video, There are still so many Grandpas Mao, everyone will definitely not believe it, but it is a pity that this is the case, everyone has to believe it.

"Of course it's true. Didn't you see the sign hanging in front of the house? - Villager Committee of Moon Lake Village, Chengguan Town, Qingshan County, it's true!"

"What you said above is good. Dude, I searched the Internet and finally found this legendary rich village. Everyone doesn't know, but this village is actually a remote village in the southwest of Guizhou Province,"


After a while, enthusiastic netizens picked up everything about Moon Lake, and even Moon Lake Vegetables and Yelang Restaurant became popular.

The efficiency of the local department is not slow at this time. Seeing that there is such a big news in the small village under his jurisdiction, and there are such great political achievements, of course, he must understand it immediately and publicize it. Otherwise, what will the superiors do? I know everyone's hard work, I know that everyone has built a new countryside so well, and the villagers have been so successful in getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

So, at noon that day, reporters from the county came to the village and immediately interviewed the village head and villagers.

However, this is just the beginning. Reporters from the city and the province are on their way. It can be said that Moon Lake's internet hit is a major breakthrough in poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province, and it is also an important step in the construction of a new countryside. A 'miniature'.

Of course, Zhang Feng simply ignored the bragging of the county and higher authorities. All this was handed over to the village elder. As long as his cooperative did not suffer any impact, Zhang Feng had no objections.


The news of Moon Lake's dividend that day spread throughout the country over time, and it caused a great sensation in the country, especially after it was broadcast on the news network, the impact was even greater.

News Feeds
"Good evening, viewers. Today is December [-], [-]. Welcome to the news broadcast. The main content of today's program is:…………"

"With the convening of the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the emergence of a new generation of leading collectives, our country has launched a battle for poverty alleviation. As the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is approaching, our CCTV reporters came to remote rural areas in Guizhou Province to interview The major achievements made in poverty alleviation......"

Then there was an interview screen of Moon Lake in the news. Moon Lake used to be a remote mountain village. It relied on farming and part-time jobs every year, and the average annual income of the family was no more than [-] to [-].

But this year, with the establishment of the vegetable planting cooperation, the income of the villagers has suddenly increased. Now each family can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month, especially the dividends this month, which surprised the villagers even more. The average income per household is as high as [-], which is really terrifying. Even in the most developed eastern region, there are not many such wealthy rural areas.

The broadcast of the news network made Moon Lake even more popular.

"Damn it? Why is this village so awesome? Could it be that the rural areas in China are going against the sky?" A young audience member was amazed in disbelief when he saw the news.

"One hundred thousand, one month's dividend is one hundred thousand!! Do all these villagers grow golden vegetables? Is it so valuable?" One of the out-of-town farmers saw the news and murmured to himself in disbelief.

"Moon Lake vegetables?? Is this vegetable very valuable? Isn't it another false advertisement?" Two college students were eating together, and they accidentally saw the news, and they said suspiciously.

"Damn!!! I said you are stupid, right? This is a news broadcast, okay? It's not an advertisement. Do you think it's still in the 90s and [-]s? What water-to-oil technology can bluff audiences all over the country? How do I feel? Being with you has lowered my IQ." Slapping his partner on the head, another student said in a dignified manner.

"Second boy!! You slapped me on the head again? I'm going to fight you hard!!" The buddy who was slapped covered his head and was stunned for a while before he realized it. He flung his teeth and claws at the other person.


"Moon Lake - A New Model of Contemporary Poverty Elimination and Prosperity" The title of the People's Daily on the second day;
"Remote mountain village - a different counterattack" the headline of the Southern Rì Daily tomorrow;

"Moon Lake - Amazing Road to Wealth" The next day all major official media newspapers reported on Moon Lake


When the Internet was boiling hotly, Zhang Feng was sitting in the yard, slowly sipping rough tea, quietly admiring the flowers in the yard,

At this time, the industrious bees and beautiful butterflies are dancing among the flowers, the blue sky is cloudless, and the birds are flying across the sky, depicting a beautiful autumn evening scene.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng..."

"What's the matter, uncle?" After a while, the uncle ran in panting, his face was full of joy, there should be some happy event.

"Hehe, you really know how to enjoy it..." Seeing Zhang Feng lying on the wicker chair, the uncle smiled and shook his head. I really don't know why this kid is so tired and has no youthful vigor at all.

"Hey, sit down uncle, I'll pour you tea..." Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly.

"That's right, when the leader came here today, he praised you very much, and the leader even said that he would nominate you to be the people's representative!" The uncle announced the good news to Zhang Feng with a smile. Being a people's representative is a matter of honor and glory Ah, even the uncle himself has never been a job, so he feels a little envious in his heart.

"People's representative???" Zhang Feng was taken aback. He never thought he would be a people's representative. He had no interest in politics, so he said to his uncle: "Forget it, I can't be a people's representative. I think Uncle, you are very suitable..."

"Oh, you are really..." Uncle was a little speechless, being a people's representative is a good thing that many people can't ask for, Zhang Feng would push it out, I really don't know what to say about this kid.

(End of this chapter)

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