small farmer

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

In an instant

it's the end of december

Although winter has come, Moon Lake is still a scene of late autumn.

The yellow weeds on the ground, the flowers withered, and the decaying leaves fluttered with the wind. The wind blows up the leaves and falls, quietly falling to the ground, turning into soil.

Moon Lake is still full of autumn colors.

Since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely, and I say that autumn is better than spring.In the clear sky, when cranes line up on the clouds, the poetry will be drawn to the blue sky.

Perhaps in the eyes of most of the four, autumn is sad and depressed.

But Zhang Feng, like Liu Yuxi, feels that Moon Lake in late autumn is deeper and more beautiful. Spring is like rice wine out of the pot, with a light taste, while autumn is like fine wine in a cellar, with a long-lasting fragrance and more charm.

Moon Lake in autumn is beautiful and cool.Strolling along the shore of the lake, the hanging willows radiate golden light in the sun. The willows are like blonde beauties, washing their long hair by the beautiful Moon Lake.

A gust of autumn wind blows, and the yellow willow leaves flutter down like butterflies. Looking up, there is such a picture of willow leaves flying, which is really shocking and unforgettable.

"It's so beautiful, I didn't expect the willow trees in autumn to be so beautiful!" Yiyi held Zhang Feng's arm, looked at the golden weeping willows on the lake bank, her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't help admiring.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, the autumn here is really beautiful, it is a natural beauty, exquisite beauty, the two of them can't breathe in beauty, just like a landscape painting carefully drawn by a master.

The mountains in autumn, the water in autumn, everything in autumn seems to be extremely high and ethereal, the air is fresh, and the blue sky is like washing, just like a piece of polished jade, the bright light shines into everyone's heart.

"Hee hee, I want to take a picture of the beautiful scenery here and upload it to the group later. I believe everyone will like it very much." Yiyi smiled and let go of Zhang Feng's hand, took out her phone with a smile, turned on the camera function, and looked at The beautiful Moon Lake, Kaka photo.

Seeing that Yiyi is so devoted, she seems to have completely integrated into the beautiful scenery of autumn, and wants to catch all the beautiful scenery here.

Seeing Yiyi's back, Zhang Feng smiled and thought of a beautiful modern poem.

You stand on the bridge watching the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs.The bright moon adorns your windows, and you adorn other people's dreams.

In Zhang Feng's eyes, Yiyi is the most beautiful scenery. In the past, I went to Yiyi with willows; now I come to think about it, it is raining and snowing.In my heart, she is so beautiful.

"Madman, the scenery here is so beautiful, how about we draw it down?" Yiyi said after taking the photo.

"Hey, that's a good idea!" Zhang Feng's eyes lit up. Isn't such a rare scenery the best material.

"Yiyi, wait for me here for a while, I'll go back and get the painting tools!" Zhang Feng said to Yiyi, and hurried back home.

After setting up the easel, laying out the drawing paper, and adjusting the paints, Zhang Feng, under Yiyi's gaze, waved his paintbrush, preparing to leave this beautiful autumn scenery by the lake.

The gray distant mountains, the golden willows, and the lake water dyed golden by the willows, Zhang Feng has already made up his mind. Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, his pen is flying, and a beautiful "Autumn Scenery of Moon Lake" is finished in a short while.

"Crazy Brother Yiyi, what are you doing??" Today was just the weekend, and the little kids in the village woke up early to play by the lake, and ran over happily after seeing Zhang Feng and Yiyi.

"We are drawing, how do you see my painting?" Seeing the little ducklings and big hair again, Zhang Feng smiled, feeling extremely kind.

"Oh, let me see..." The little ones scrambled to squeeze over, put their heads together and stretched their necks, watching Zhang Feng's "Moon Lake Autumn Scenery".

"Brother Madman's drawing is good, but it doesn't look like it here!" Little Shitou said, pointing to a scene in the picture.

"Oh, Xiao Shitou, you are so stupid! Crazy brother, this is painting, not taking pictures, okay? Why do you have to be exactly the same?"

"Yes, if you have the ability to draw exactly the same, you can draw it..."

"I...I...Why don't I just talk about it?" Seeing the little duck and Da Mao scolding him, Xiao Shi stammered and said a little aggrieved.

Seeing a few little guys quarreling, Yiyi smiled, and quickly stopped: "Okay, okay!! Don't quarrel, you can draw as long as you think it looks good, and you can do whatever you want!"

"Look, Big Mao, Brother Crazy has even drawn a boat!" Suddenly the duckling exclaimed in surprise.

"I've seen it a long time ago. Look at this willow tree and there is a nest of swallows..." Da Mao smiled triumphantly, pointing to the bird's nest on the big tree in the painting.

"Hey! Really! Look, there is really a bird's nest over there!" The little duck was very clever, and immediately found the bird's nest on the big willow opposite the picture, and was pleasantly surprised.

"Da Mao! How about we poke the bird's nest later??" The duckling leaned close to Da Mao's ear and whispered to Da Mao.

Although the little guys spoke in a low voice, Yiyi still heard the second middle school.

"Swallows are good birds, do you know we can't catch them?" Yiyi patted the heads of the little ones and taught them gently.

"Understood, Sister Yiyi!" The little guys pouted and nodded reluctantly.

"Hey, if you want to go arrest it, go ahead, it will be strange if the police uncle doesn't come to your door!" Zhang Feng threatened with a smile, because he knew that these little guys are very courageous, if they don't say that, they will definitely wait. After the two left, they moved quietly.

"Ah, swallows can't be caught either!" the little guys asked with some fear,

"Of course!"


What the little guys do is a 3-minute passion. After watching Zhang Feng draw for a while, he bounced away and chased each other by the Moon Lake, having a great time.

"Ah, the painting is finally done, how is it? Isn't Yiyi beautiful?" Looking at the fruits of his labor, Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly, and then asked.

"Hee hee, the painting is really good, why don't you give me the painting of the lunatic?" Looking at this beautiful "Autumn Landscape of Moon Lake", Yiyi was very happy and asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Okay, I'll help you frame it when I get back!" Seeing that Yiyi liked his paintings so much, Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, feeling instantly filled with a sense of accomplishment.

At this time, Yiyi's circle of friends exploded again,

Seeing the pictures uploaded by Yiyi, the pictures are dreamlike, beautiful and intoxicating. Unexpectedly, Moon Lake in autumn is also so beautiful, and the beauty is beyond everyone's imagination.

Comparing the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake and the unchanging street scene in the city, everyone was crying, and a strong envy welled up in everyone's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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