small farmer

Chapter 378 Exclamation in the sister group

Chapter 378 Exclamation in the sister group

"Ah, it's so beautiful!"

“It's breathtakingly beautiful”

"No, no one can stop me this time, I must go to Moon Lake to see!" The female man announced her decision domineeringly!
"Hee hee, wait for me, girl! Sisters who are going on New Year's Day, hurry up and sign up!" The beauty whose ID is Qiushui said happily.

"I'm going too, I'm going too! Sister Qiushui remember to take me with you!!" Sister Ding Xiang hurriedly hugged Jin's thigh.

"Don't worry, sister Lilac will definitely take you with her when the time comes!"

"Hee hee, thank you sister Qiushui!!"

After a while, another five or six beauties signed up.

Seeing the beauty of Moon Lake in autumn, everyone was very excited, and their hearts were completely conquered by the beautiful scenery here. Everyone was chatting and discussing, looking forward to, and yearning for Moon Lake.


"Hee hee, Qianqian, you guys are so tragic, do you have to work overtime on New Year's Day?"

"Yeah, the baby is suffering!!" There were two crying emojis in the back.


"Yiyi, how about I call Monkey and Xu Yang?" My good buddies are still single now, and they are urged to marry by their parents almost every time they have time, especially Xu Yang who has become a blind date expert. As long as the weekend comes, his parents will let him go on a blind date, which makes this guy almost collapse.

"Hee hee, there should be no problem, my little sisters are still single!" Yiyi said with a smile.

"It's really great!" Zhang Feng was also very happy, this holiday will definitely be very interesting.

Yiyi's girlfriends are all beauties, and Zhang Feng's classmates are also in good condition. Zhang Feng hopes that everyone can play together and spark sparks, but all of this depends on fate in the end.

After confirming that Yiyi's best friend is going to travel here on New Year's Day, Zhang Feng immediately informed Monkey and Xu Yang of the good news.

"Hahaha, really??" the monkey shouted in surprise after getting the news.

"Of course, this can still lie to you! It's up to you!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, if you get it, you're guaranteed to get it. I was a love expert in school back then!" Monkey got excited, and said stinkingly, returning to his original appearance.

"You guys are talking about wars on paper, but this time it's real swords and guns. You want to go to the battlefield, okay?" Zhang Feng was speechless immediately, shaking his head, thinking that this time is an actual combat drill. If you are so awesome, why are you still fighting? Singles!
"Understood, this time I will definitely seize the opportunity. By the way, madman, do you have any information about some beauties? If there are paintings, please post some pictures first!" Monkey said wretchedly.

"Fuck you, I don't have any here. If you want it, you can ask Yiyi yourself!" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"Don't be crazy, this is related to the happiness of my brother and me in my life, so just treat me as a crazy man!" The monkey hurriedly begged Zhang Feng.

"Okay, let me ask for you, I'll send you a WeChat message later!" Seeing the monkey's stern face, Zhang Feng shook his head amusedly, and finally decided to help the brothers, otherwise these guys would definitely be behind his back Scold yourself for being dishonest.

Knowing that the monkey wants to inquire about the enemy's situation, it should not be friendship, Yiyi smiled and agreed, and soon sent them the beautiful photos of several girls.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also sent photos of the monkeys to Yiyi, and asked Yiyi to send them to the sister group under the pretext of traveling together on New Year's Day.

I believe that everyone knows it well, and with the mental preparation, it will be much easier when the time comes.

Of course, the most important thing for everyone is to come here for leisure travel, relax yourself, and see the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake. The blind date is just incidental. Zhang Feng and Yiyi will not give you such a big pressure.

If someone sees each other right, the two of them are of course happy to see the result, and they will push it secretly. If it is not interesting, Zhang Feng and the two will not mention it again.

With the coming of winter

The flowers and plants in the yard finally changed.

The morning glory in the east has completely withered, and the dry vines are still firmly climbing on the wall. When the breeze blows, the withered yellow leaves rustle.

Although the wild flowers in the yard are nourished by auxin, they can't resist the passage of time, especially the lily and amaryllis, which have long since withered, and the clover on the ground is also showing signs of withering and yellowing.

However, because of the mild climate here, the chrysanthemums in the yard are still blooming wantonly, and the petals are opening the flowers, showing their beauty to their heart's content.

The big cypress trees in the yard are still lush and evergreen all the year round, and there is still no change even when winter comes.

The gourd vines planted by the west courtyard wall have gradually withered and yellowed, and beautiful gourds are hanging on the vines.

Zhang Feng has been observing carefully these days, ready to pick these lovely gourds at any time. After drying, Zhang Feng is going to make them into craft gourds.

They can not only be carved into various beautiful handicrafts, but also can be painted with various exquisite pictures on the outside of the gourd. I believe that the crafted gourds will be very exquisite, and they can be given to relatives and friends. I believe everyone will like it very much.

Looking for scissors, based on the knowledge he learned from Mr. Wang a few days ago, Zhang Feng began to look for gourds that could be harvested, and with a click of the scissors, he picked off the ripe gourds one by one.

"Xiaofeng started picking gourds?" The elder sister came out and asked with a smile when she saw her brother busy under the gourd vines and several gourds on the ground.

"Yes, most of them are ready to be picked!" Zhang Feng turned his head and smiled. Most of the gourd skins on the gourd vines have turned white, and it's time to harvest.

"These gourds are so beautiful, if you carve them, they will look even better!" The eldest sister walked over, picked up a gourd, and said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm also planning to carve them into craft gourds. What kind of gourd do you like, big sister? I'll help you carve them then!" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Really?" The eldest sister was very surprised, and then asked excitedly: "Xiaofeng, can you carve the painting in my room on it?"

"Hehe, no problem! I'll carve the gourd for you when it's dry in the shade!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile while picking the gourd.

Zhang Feng is very familiar with the picture of the lady in the eldest sister's room, because it is the picture he drew for the eldest sister, and it is based on the appearance of the eldest sister. It is a picture of a lady in ancient costume. The eldest sister likes it very much and hangs it on her all the time. in the room.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng!!" The eldest sister was immediately overjoyed.

"Hehe, it's fine, and it won't take much time!" Zhang Feng waved his hand. Originally, he planned to make these gourds into handicrafts and give them to everyone. As long as everyone likes them, Zhang Feng will be very happy.

 I made some mistakes in the last chapter, maybe I was a little dizzy today, I didn’t expect that December is already winter, but the writing is not wrong, because the winter here in Renmao is similar to late autumn. 25 degrees and six degrees, everyone should treat it as winter to see the autumn scenery!I am very sorry, I hope everyone can forgive me, and I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and a prosperous Year of the Dog!
(End of this chapter)

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