small farmer

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Engraving a picture on a gourd
Zhang Feng seems to be very simple, although he has never done it before, but sculpture and painting are both connected, there is a lot of connection between the two,
And this is his most proficient skill, as long as he uses a little bit of care, there will be no problems, so Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and promised the eldest sister to carve her portrait in ancient costume on the gourd.

Originally, Zhang Feng didn't know what to carve with these gourds. Under the influence of his elder sister, Zhang Feng planned to carve the portraits of his mother and two younger sisters. I believe they would like them very much.

"Wow! There are so many gourds!!" After a while, a few little guys broke into the house and screamed happily when they saw so many gourds in the yard.

"What a big gourd..."

"What a cute gourd!" Seeing the big and small gourds on the ground, the little ones immediately rushed up, grabbed a gourd with one hand excitedly, looked left and then, their eyes were full of surprises, as if it was very interesting The toys are average, and I am very happy.

"You little fellows, don't break my gourd!" Seeing the smiling faces of the little fellows hugging the gourd, Zhang Feng warned with a smile.

"Understood, crazy brother!"

"Crazy brother, we will definitely not break it!" The little guys replied with a smile.

Shaking his head and ignoring these little things, Zhang Feng continued to pick the gourds on the shelf. After about five or six minutes, he finally picked all the ripe gourds.

"Big Mao! Look at how big my gourd is!" The duckling picked up an oversized gourd, picked it up with great effort, and said while walking staggeringly.

"What's yours? Look at me, I'm big!" Xiao Shitou said triumphantly while touching the biggest one in the pile of gourds.

"You are just a stupid big guy, not as good-looking as me!"

"Anyway, I'm the biggest..."

A few mischievous boys were chattering and arguing endlessly, and Mao Ya was holding her favorite little gourd with a smile, while watching the fun, touching the gourd in her bosom with her little hand, showing a happy smile.

"Little duck, put my big gourd away, don't let me break it!" Seeing the big gourd that the little duck is holding, it's like holding a fat baby, and he can't even walk steadily, Zhang Feng hurriedly Stop it, it would be a pity to break such a big gourd.

"Hee hee, got it, madman brother!"

"Slow down!" Seeing the little guy struggling and wobbling, Zhang Feng urged again.

"En!" The little guy pouted his buttocks, squatted down slowly, then bent down, carefully placed the big gourd on the ground, and then let out a big breath. After seeing the success, a smile finally appeared on his little face.

"It's so heavy! Crazy brother, can you give me this big gourd?" The little guy looked at Zhang Feng expectantly and said.

"Why do you want this big gourd?" Zhang Feng didn't say whether to give it or not, and asked the little guy with a smile.

"Hee hee, I'll take it back and use it as a wine gourd!"

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, do you need such a big wine gourd?
But Zhang Feng still said with a smile: "Okay, you can help me count these gourds, as long as the number is correct, I will give it to you."

"Really?" The duckling asked in surprise.

"Of course, when did the lunatic brother lie to you!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"Hee hee, madman brother, I'm starting to count!" Then the little guy started counting seriously.

One, two, three……… Ten……… Twenty…………56
"Hee hee, there are 56 lunatics, right?" The little guy looked at Zhang Feng and asked with a smile.

Zhang Feng was a little relieved, thinking that this guy had learned something this semester. Although he was very naughty, he was called and complained by the teacher every few days, but he also learned some basic things, at least counting is not bad.

Seeing that the little duck had counted to a big gourd, Da Mao immediately quit and clamored to count, hoping that Zhang Feng would give him a gourd.

Zhang Feng agreed with a smile. The little guy was very happy when he got the chance. Learn neatly.

What should I do about this, the two little guys immediately became anxious, scratching their heads, not knowing how to get a gourd.

"Brother Crazy, I've counted, right?" Da Mao asked Zhang Feng with a happy smile after finishing the count.

"Hehe, yes! Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and he followed the count secretly just now. The two little guys counted very correctly, and this preschool class was finally worth it.

"Da Mao, little duck, you choose a gourd yourself!" Zhang Feng said with a smile, this will be their reward.

"Hee hee, thank you crazy brother!" The two little guys jumped up happily, excited, and then scrambled to pick from the pile of gourds.

"Brother madman...Brother madman!" Seeing that the little duck and big Mao both got their favorite gourds, Maoya tugged at Zhang Feng's sleeve, and shouted timidly.

"What's the matter, Maoya?" Zhang Feng asked pretending not to know.

"Crazy brother, I also want a gourd." The little girl said shyly.

"Brother Madman still has me, and me!" Xiao Shitou also hurriedly said, for fear that Brother Madman would forget himself.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and no longer made it difficult for the two little guys who didn't go to school. He only asked Mao Ya to count from one to ten. Because Xiao Shitou was one year older than Mao Ya, he counted to thirty.

Although they got the number wrong several times, they finally completed the task under the guidance of the two 'mentors', Da Mao and Duck.

Finally got the chance to pick a gourd, the two little ones were very happy, and picked from the pile of gourds with great interest.

Each of the four little guys was given a gourd, and there were five or four left in the yard. After sending away the monkeys, Zhang Feng began to peel the gourd.

Because the outer skin of gourd has a lot of water content, it is easy to mold and rot, which is not conducive to preservation, so this layer of skin needs to be removed.

The tool for peeling is also very simple, just take a small piece of bamboo, just scrape gently with the edge of the bamboo slice, and the green skin on the gourd can be removed.

"Oh! It's too deep!" Zhang Feng accidentally scratched the xylem of the gourd with too much force, leaving a big hole in it. Such a gourd is useless, but it can still be used for practicing hands .

Zhang Feng shook his head, he never thought that he would waste a gourd inadvertently, it seems that peeling should not be too careless, the simpler the job, the more careful and patient it will be tested.

(End of this chapter)

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