small farmer

Chapter 381

Chapter 381
Just like the Tapang River flowing eastward in front of the gate.

It's Friday, and the weekend is coming.

At five o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, Zhang Feng drove his car roaring towards the No. [-] Middle School. Today is the day when the little girl is on vacation. Zhang Feng promised her a few days ago and went to the school to pick her up in person.

Dudu Dudu! ! !
Since today is Friday, the next three days will be the long-awaited New Year's Day holiday, so the school gate is full of traffic and crowds. Students and parents walk out of the school gate with big bags and small bags.

Zhang Feng called the little girl and waited quietly at the gate, because the little girl didn't have much luggage, and a suitcase could handle it, so Zhang Feng didn't need to pick her up in the dormitory.

"Brother!" After a while, the little girl pushed the suitcase, walked out of the school gate, and shouted with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng far away.

"Here we come! We're here!" Zhang Feng ran over with a smile and helped his sister put the luggage in the trunk.

"How about it, did you fail the monthly exam?" Zhang Feng asked his sister with a smile after putting away his luggage and closing the trunk.

"Damn the exam?? How is it possible? The exam is super easy this time. If there are no accidents, the top three will definitely not escape!" The little girl raised her head and said confidently.

"Really?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile, thinking that this girl is not only confident but also proud, and I hope she doesn't get slapped in the face.

"Hee hee, of course, after the exam, I checked the answers with my classmates, and I haven't found anything wrong yet!" The little girl said with a smile, obviously very happy and very satisfied with this exam.

"That's good, get in the car and let's go home!" After the little girl got in the car, Zhang Feng drove the car along the smooth asphalt road and galloped east quickly.

Moon Lake is located in the east of the county, just on the edge of the provincial road. This road is the only way from the county to the provincial capital, so the road is in good condition. It takes four to five kilometers to return home in ten minutes.

"Mom! We're back!" Seeing the door of the house from a distance, the little girl cried out excitedly.

"Xiaoyue, you are back! Are you all right at school?" Hearing the little girl's voice, Zhang's mother stood up suddenly, walked over in three or two steps, and asked, holding her daughter's hand.

"Hee hee, it's okay..." Then the mother and daughter walked towards the house while talking, Zhang Feng smiled, and followed his sister into the house.

It's a pity that there are only three days off on New Year's Day, Zhang Lin can only stay at school and cannot go home, otherwise the family will be reunited again.


After a while, Yiyi, grandpa and grandma also walked in
Today is the day when Yiyi's best friend and the monkey Xu Yang are coming. The two families are going to get together and prepare a sumptuous dinner for the upcoming guests.

"Sister Yiyi, Grandpa Liu! Grandma Liu!" Seeing the three of them coming in, Xiaoyue immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Hehe, Xiaoyue is back! You haven't been home for half a month, right?" Grandma Liu said with a kind smile, she also loves Xiaoyue, a quirky little girl.

"Yes, Grandma Liu!" The little girl nodded and smiled obediently.

"Come back and have a good rest. I'll let Grandpa Liu cook you a table of delicious food later!" Grandma Liu said with a smile, holding the little girl's hand.

The old man nodded with a smile, looking at Zhang Yue like his own granddaughter, he obviously liked it very much.


"Yiyi, when will the monkeys arrive?" Zhang Feng asked Yiyi while killing the fish.

"The monkeys just called. They just got off work, and they probably won't arrive until around 07:30 in the evening!" Yiyi responded with a smile, still picking vegetables in her hands.

"By the way, where is Xu Yang, isn't he in the county seat?" Yiyi continued to ask.

"Isn't there a holiday on New Year's Day? He is still arranging various things on duty. It is estimated that he will not be able to get off work until all the workers have left." Since Xu Yang is the general manager of the company, he will definitely be busy today, so he has to do it in advance. Various arrangements during the festival to ensure the safety of the factory during the New Year's Day.

The beautiful pictures uploaded by Yiyi a few days ago, the girlfriends who saw them were fascinated, and they were all intoxicated by the beautiful autumn scenery of Moon Lake. The golden weeping willows were reflected in the water, and the entire lake surface became a golden country, resplendent and magnificent. People are extremely shocked.

The picturesque scenery of Moon Lake made everyone yearn for it very much. The first moment they saw the picture, everyone exclaimed, feeling that this is the ideal place for everyone to enjoy the mountains and rivers, and it is the paradise in everyone's dreams.

So everyone signed up one after another, hoping to go to Moon Lake on New Year's Day to enjoy the beautiful scenery here. Unfortunately, before the arrival, many girls were unable to make the trip because of work or family affairs, so only five girls were confirmed to come today.

In addition to monkeys, Leizi, Xiaopang, Huazi, Xu Yang and other high school and college classmates, there are ten people in total this time.


Although winter has come
But the night of Moon Lake still came relatively late.

As the sun sets, the red glow in the sky gradually dims, and the motorcade of Monkey and his team is speeding past at high speed, heading towards Moon Lake.

"Monkeys, are you coming soon?" At 07:30 in the evening, the sky outside the house was completely dark, the local chicken had been stewed thoroughly, exuding a strong meaty fragrance, and all kinds of vegetables were chopped, as soon as everyone arrived, they could cook. So Zhang Feng called the monkey and asked where everyone was.

"Hurry up! Hurry up, we just got off the highway, and we will arrive at the village in about ten minutes!!" Monkey replied happily.

"Okay, then I'll start cooking!!" Then Zhang Feng hung up the phone and started cooking. Don't cook for too long in advance, otherwise the vegetables will not be fresh, and the taste of the vegetables will be affected to a certain extent.

The old man also started his own work, and today he will show off his skills, making a grilled lamb chop and a charcoal-grilled truffle for everyone.

The golden lamb chops are oily and look very delicious, exuding a strong fragrance, which is mouth-watering.

"Crazy, we're here, you drive a three-wheeler and help us unload our luggage!" Zhang Feng received a call from Monkey just after cooking, and he didn't expect everyone to come so quickly.

Zhang Feng told everyone, and rode a tricycle with Yiyi to the entrance of the village.




"Autumn Water..."

The good friends hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were very excited to meet again. Everyone stood by the parking lot chatting for a long time, and then walked home under Zhang Feng's reminder.

"Ah, the scenery here is so beautiful!"

The calm lake surface is sparkling, even in the dark, it still cannot hide its beauty, the trees are shady, the tall banyan trees stand on the small square at the entrance of the village, the small bridge is not far away, and the gurgling Tapang River flows through the lake. After crossing the three-hole stone bridge, it flows eastward slowly.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, everyone was overjoyed and full of expectations for this place, and fell in love with this beautiful mountain village scenery at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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