small farmer

Chapter 382 The Beauty Arrives

Chapter 382 The Beauty Arrives (12)

“The view here is so beautiful!”

The calm lake surface is sparkling, even in the dark, it still cannot conceal its elegance. The village is full of green trees, tall banyan trees, standing on the small square at the entrance of the village, not far from the small bridge and the gurgling Tapang River. , across the three-hole stone bridge, slowly flowing eastward.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, everyone was overjoyed and full of expectations for this place, and fell in love with this beautiful mountain village scenery at a glance.

As soon as they entered the village, the girls fell in love with it completely. The beautiful night and the chirping insects are really a beautiful mountain village scenery, which makes people very happy.

A group of people came to the house, saw the tempting food on the long table, smelled the rich aroma, their eyes lit up, and they swallowed involuntarily.

"Haha, everyone is hungry, hurry up and eat!!" Everyone greeted each other for a while, and the old man said to everyone with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandpa Liu..." Everyone took their seats, sitting around the long table, gorging on the delicious food on the table, full of praise.

Seeing everyone eating so deliciously, the faces of the old man and Grandma Liu were also full of smiles, and they felt very happy and very happy.


"Sister Qiushui, look at the paintings on the wall, they are so beautiful..." After dinner, Yiyi took the girls to live in the house, and when she saw the Moon Lake landscape painting by Zhang Feng on the wall, Ding Xiang exclaimed, Can't help but scream.

Qiu Shui was packing his luggage, when he heard Ding Xiang's exclamation, he hurriedly turned his head to look, and was immediately stunned by the beautiful Chinese paintings on the wall.

Blue bricks, black tiles, blue sky, white clouds...

There are towering mountains in the distance, shrouded in clouds and mist, clear flowing water nearby, a calm lake surface, and small boats floating on the lake surface like the finishing touch. Although there are no complicated colors in the painting, it is so fascinating.

"Wow! It's really beautiful, it doesn't seem to be printed." Qiu Shui's real name is Li Muqiu, because everyone's online ID is Qiu Shui, so everyone is used to calling her that.

Seeing such a beautiful picture scroll, Qiu Shui couldn't help but come closer to watch it. After seeing the scenery above, he was surprised to see the seal and withdrawal at the bottom.

These rooms are hung with Zhang Feng's usual paintings, because there are too many accumulated, Zhang Feng gave a lot to Yiyi, and Yiyi hung these paintings at home, except for the most beautiful ink paintings in the hall, Everything else hangs in the room.

The dark mountains, verdant pine forests, light green lake water, pink lotus flowers, and beautiful ink paintings give the beauties staying here a lot of surprises.

Everyone packed up their things, walked out of the room, came to the yard, and breathed the fresh air. The most regrettable thing is that the sky is gray today, without the moon and stars, otherwise it would be perfect.

The girls were sitting in the yard, chattering about their schedule for the next two days. After a while, Zhang Feng came in with a few boys.

"Crazy monkeys, are you here? Where are we going to play at night?" The girls were a little excited when they first arrived here, wishing to see all the scenery of Moon Lake right away.

"I have two plans at night, one is to go to Moon Lake at night, and you can go boating in the lake, and the other is to go to the river beach to catch crabs. Recently, the crabs are the most plump..." Seeing everyone eager to try , Zhang Feng smiled lightly, and said the plan for the evening.

"Ah, I'm going to go boating on the lake..." The literary and artistic young woman replied immediately.

"I'm going to catch crabs..." The foodies raised their hands in embarrassment.

"Oh, damn it, I don't know where to go..." There are also some patients with difficulty in choosing, who can't help but have a headache.

"Hee hee, it's okay, why don't we go catch crabs today and go to Moon Lake at night tomorrow? The weather will be better tomorrow, and it's more suitable to be on a boat and enjoy the beautiful night sky..." Yiyi suggested to everyone with a smile.

Today's night sky is pitch black, you can't see anything, it's better to catch crabs, looking at the dark night, everyone thought about it, and finally agreed to Yiyi's proposal.

"Wow, what a beautiful fish basket, I want one..."

"Oh! I want it too, I want it too..."

After a while, the girls scrambled for all the fish baskets, and the boys looked at each other, staring blankly.

"Hahaha, although the fish basket is gone, we still have a new magic weapon!" Fortunately, there are a lot of small water buckets at home, and Zhang Feng prepared one for each of the boys with a smile.

"I'll go, this is the magic weapon you mentioned??" Looking at the red bucket in his hand, Leizi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Hey, it's fine if you can use it, you kid still want to pick and choose??" Zhang Feng smiled, and then said: "Let's go, let's go, let's follow quickly."

The girls had already walked out with their fish baskets on their backs, and Zhang Feng quickly chased after them with a few buddies.

Going west along the lake, the quiet sightseeing path stretches to the distance in a winding way. The weeping willows beside the road droop their heads in the dark night, shaking their heads in the breeze, as if reciting a beautiful poem by the lake. poetry.

The river is flowing slowly, and the river hits the pebbles, causing ripples. After thousands of years of scouring, the stones on the entire river beach have been washed smooth and round, revealing a different style, and even attracted many people. Less concern for strange stone lovers.

Speaking of which, Zhang Feng is also considered a half-amateur. When he was a child, he often picked up pebbles by the river. As long as he thought they were beautiful, he would pick them up and bring them home. The mother beat him up violently, and finally all Zhang Feng's babies were thrown out of the house, and there are still many in the yard now.

"Everyone, be careful not to get your shoes wet!" With the arrival of winter, the nights are also a little cold, so Zhang Feng reminded everyone.


"Don't worry, madman..."

Everyone excitedly searched for crabs on the bank of the river, answered Zhang Feng casually, and continued to struggle with their heads down.

"Oh, here's one! Here's one!" Ding Xiang was lucky, she was the first to find it, but the little girl was a little timid, looking at the crab's big pincers, she clenched her fist and didn't know what to do.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid to let me help you!" The monkey was still smart and ran over immediately.

"Hee hee! Thank you Brother Monkey!" When the monkey caught the crab and put it into Ding Xiang's fish basket, Ding Xiang thanked him with a happy smile.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands!" Monkey waved his hand indifferently and said.

Seeing that the monkey had hooked up with the beauty, the boys immediately regretted it, thinking to themselves that they were not the one who rushed over just now, or else they would be the one talking and laughing with the beauty now.

But a few people are not stupid, seeing the monkey hooked up with Sister Ding Xiang with a single trick, and followed suit one after another. Although the results were different, they gradually became familiar with the girls, which made them very excited, especially the wretched one. Leizi told a little joke from time to time, which made the beauty smile like a flower.

 One more chapter tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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